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The Defense Thread


Well-Known Member
Through three games, the Jazz have the 10th best offense and the worst defense in the league by a mile. Last year the Jazz were 10th in offense and 23rd in defense. Given that 90% of the discussion will still be about our offense and how that is the problem, this thread is dedicated to discussing how the Jazz will eventually get to the point where they do not suck at defense.

So what's the problem here? Talent? Scheme? Schedule?
My thoughts:

1. We still have not upgraded our perimeter defense from the Don/Rudy era and has arguably gotten worse.
2. To compensate we have done some gimmicky things like the zone, which has been awful.
3. Kessler has not been impactful and is playing less minutes to begin with. Got a long way to be what Rudy was for us.
Too many players that play garbage defense. Seems schematic to me though as if they are still wanting players to penetrate into Walker, but they are then collapsing or perimeter players sagging to help leaving shooters wide open. It looks atrocious from all angles on most possessions.

I also don’t understand the defensive minded lineup that primarily includes agbaji, Dunn, Collins, but then the 5 is played by KO. KO is probably trying to fill an offensive void there but he seems to take away from any type of defensive presence that lineup could generate
Through three games, the Jazz have the 10th best offense and the worst defense in the league by a mile. Last year the Jazz were 10th in offense and 23rd in defense. Given that 90% of the discussion will still be about our offense and how that is the problem, this thread is dedicated to discussing how the Jazz will eventually get to the point where they do not suck at defense.

So what's the problem here? Talent? Scheme? Schedule?
Probably both but the zone was horrible and doubling star players to leave other dudes open for threes aint it either. Both of those things can be easily changed. Not that it will for sure make a huge difference.
2 of our best defenders (maybe literally our two best) have seen their minutes both go down a ton this season vs last season. Getting ochai and kessler more minutes might help the defense. Could hurt the offense though. Less bad turnovers leading to fast breaks has been a problem too. Maybe having keyonte with the ball in hand more would lesson that issue.
The zone scheme and communication would be the first two things that come to mind. Both manifesting the same issues that our players miss too many assignments/rotations and have their heads on a swivel even when they should be able to lock in on their guy.

I also feel like the defensive intensity is off. Dunn plays too hard most of the time while many others such as Lauri and Walker play too soft. We have size advantage against most teams but we are not really using it as we keep huge cushions even after they pick up the dribble.

We give up uncontested midrangers even when we are in position to defend them.
Hardy obviously still trying to figure out lineups but I believe starting Keyonte and Ochai would solve a few issues as Key looks to be the best PG on the roster and Ochai the best perimeter defender. I don't know how you are going to get Clarkson at this stage of his career on board to be a bench guard while a rookie and 2nd year player get the start though. It's not like he would be backing up an established guy like Don.

Maybe for the time being start Key and JC and take some lumps defensively especially on the perimeter. I can see them dealing JC in January to a contender which would open up the SG slot for Agbaji. I'm not sold on Ochai being a long term starting guard with his lack of ballhandling but currently he's probably the best fit of defense and shooting. I think it was Larsen who speculated they might be starting THT because they believed in theory he might be the best fit next to JC but I don't see that experiment lasting much longer.
The Jazz defended the Clippers well. They were miserable against Sacramento and Phoenix. It looked like mostly a scheme problem. They were leaving shooters open all night. One night it's Harrison Barnes, the next night it's Eric Gordon.

Jazz seem to want to double-team drivers in the paint without actively recovering or rotating on the perimeter. Last night, they were doubling KD at the mid-post and leaving other guys open at the 3pt line. I'd be curious to know what our 3pt defense looks like. I'm guessing it's the main culprit.
Kessler has looked awkward next to Collins. That isn't helping our defense.
A little too much overlap between them. They occupy the same space where they are both most effective. I still think Collins should be used more as a 6th man. Clear that one clog, give him the touches to shine.
Last season, our perimeter defense was a mess but we were much tougher at the rim. Right now, it's ALL a mess. Some of it is Hardy's disastrous zone experiment, but it's not the only thing.

As a rookie, Kessler was a force down low as a rim protector. He was surprisingly athletic and had impeccable timing. No layup or weak flip shot was safe when he was nearby.

This season he's getting straight abused in the post by guys like... (checks notes) Drew Eubanks? I mean... WTF. Walker looks slow, soft, nervous and more ground bound. He's constantly losing the off-ball battles for position near the rim.

It's super early so I'm not that worried yet, but something is really off with this kid and I don't think the main cause is the arrival of Collins. John isn't stopping Walker from sending Eubanks' silly, soft jump hooks into the 30th row. In another post I suspected that Kessler's Team USA experience may have been counterproductive, since he was treated like an end-of-bencher and ignored, but who knows.

It's not just Walker, though. Overall we're doing many of the things bad defensive teams always do. The guards go under screens when they shouldn't, and look like they're moving underwater when they go over. As the ballhandler gets separation, we immediately overhelp like crazy and give up an open 3pt shot somewhere else.

We get cute all the time instead of working hard – too many guys are constantly out of position, hunting for flashy steals in imaginary passing lanes. Just stay between your man and the basket. This isn't the G-League, NBA players will kill you if you keep reaching like an idiot.
We really need at least 20 games before we can make a judgement on any thing. At this point one game can swing you 10 spots in almost any category.

It's year over year issue. Defense was way worse than offense last year as well, and it's almost the same team.