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The Random Question Thread

Does anyone if any of the local beat papers in Utah have written an article on the new coaching staff? Like who the new coaches are, where they came from, etc. I've looked but can't find anything.
Or maybe he's interested in a different kind of pair.
thanks Siro! Seems there's more available for cats, though, than dogs!

next question: Why is it called a MUG shot?

I mean, I understand that "mug" is a slang term for face, but why?

Someone should come up with a business printing faces on shot glasses and call them "Mug Shots" - it could be another one of those things you see advertised on late night TV.
Can someone please explain again how sheep's bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes?
When David Letterman went to high school, did he really have to play sports to get a jacket?
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