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Re: sleep.

I was reading an interesting book that was talking about artificial light and its connection to disease. There were experiments done where they would hold up a little spec of light at night on the back of somebody's leg for just a short time and it would screw with melatonin/prolactin production. So basically these guys(it's a pair of women actually - I think) say that if you would just crash in a dark "cave" like room as soon as the sun sets......and then stay there until it rises.....a bunch of problems you have would just evaporate over a bit of time as those dark dependent processes normalize. They basically think mental health issues would barely exist if everyone was doing that. And of course you wouldn't be sleeping the whole time....because that's a long time....but just being in complete darkness for that long helps a ton with certain processes in the body. Whereas, if you're at a club at night, at the gym at night, watching tv through the night, checking your phone etc. you're screwing up everything by being exposed to artificial light at those times. Those people are cancer, diabetes, etc. waiting to happen because not only are those hormone processes being screwed up, but they are also likely to be eating/craving crap because of the light exposure.

Anyway, they don't pretend that anybody would go to that extreme of actually going to bed at 5:00 or something like the sun is setting right now or that babies don't wake up during the night or anything else that might interrupt their routine. But they say hit the sack at 9:00 or 10:00 and just make sure never to leave your dark room until 7:44....or whenever the sun rises on that next day. And don't be checking your alarm clock or turning on the TV. Don't go to the bathroom. Whereas, every other sleeping advice I read is like.....hop out of bed if you're awake more than 20 minutes and do something else....then try again later. Get up an extra half hour earlier than you normally would to train you're sleep patters, don't drink water close to bedtime because you might wake up to pee, you might only need to be in bed 6 hours, etc.

Well, I've been trying what they say, and I'm not sure about their disease connection claims thing or anything, but my energy levels are ridiculous since I started doing that so that's good enough for me. Definitely might be worth giving a shot if you have sleeping/energy problems.
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Re: sleep.

I was reading an interesting book that was talking about artificial light and its connection to disease. There were experiments done where they would hold up a little spec of light at night on the back of somebody's leg for just a short time and it would screw with melontion/prolactin production. So basically these guys(it's a pair of women actually - I think) say that if you would just crash in a dark "cave" like room as soon as the sun sets......and then stay there until it rises.....a bunch of problems you have would just evaporate over a bit of time as those dark dependent processes normalize. They basically think mental health issues would barely exist if everyone was doing that. And of course you wouldn't be sleeping the whole time....because that's a long time....but just being in complete darkness for that long helps a ton with certain processes in the body. Whereas, if you're at a club at night, at the gym at night, watching tv through the night, checking your phone etc. you're screwing up everything by being exposed to artificial light at those times. Those people are cancer, diabetes, etc. waiting to happen because not only are those hormone processes being screwed up, but they are also likely to be eating/craving crap because of the light exposure.

Anyway, they don't pretend that anybody would go to that extreme of actually going to bed at 5:00 or something like the sun is setting right now or that babies don't wake up during the night or anything else that might interrupt their routine. But they say hit the sack at 9:00 or 10:00 and just make sure never to leave your dark room until 7:44....or whenever the sun rises on that next day. And don't be checking your alarm clock or turning on the TV. Don't go to the bathroom. Whereas, every other sleeping advice I read is like.....hop out of bed if you're awake more than 20 minutes and do something else....then try again later. Get up an extra half hour earlier than you normally would to train you're sleep patters, don't drink water close to bedtime because you might wake up to pee, you might only need to be in bed 6 hours, etc.

Well, I've been trying what they say, and I'm not sure about their disease connection claims thing or anything, but my energy levels are ridiculous since I started doing that so that's good enough for me. Definitely might be worth giving a shot if you have sleeping/energy problems.

TV and computer screens are not 'natural' light.

Anemia can kick your ***. Be sure that the iron you are taking is highly bioavaialble.

Also, have you looked into adrenal fatigue?

I don't get it.

Game time starts and ends. Nothing more. It wasn't a Kentucky basketball will put you to sleep joke. I would've gone Utah with that one. They are legit worst team to watch in college basketball material if you are looking to be entertained.
Hey, duck, you still playing ball? I want to start playing again but have no idea when, where, and who plays. Are you in any leagues?