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Trump’s Dividing of America

I've stated I'm at work and can't answer or acknowledge everything.

I'm still waiting for others solutions on where to put hundreds of thousands of assylum seekers and how to do these things under staffed and no room.

That's been straight up ignored besides some guy posting another candidates immigration policies that didn't answer my question

You’ve literally been posting nonstop since 1:00.
Care to reiterate in your own words? I'm not asking a link. I'm asking you personally.
I'm not sure why my own words have more importance to you than those of candidates who would actually be creating policy but sure.

Rather than locking Asylum seekers up indefinitely, we could have a program in place which sets the immigrants up with a case manager who helps them navigate the process, including making their court dates while assisting them with transportation and finding housing in the mean time. There was a program just like this in fact, that Trump did away with that boasted lower costs than detention, and had a 99% compliance rate.
That is an example of "common sense" immigration policy.
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I'm not sure why my own words have more importance to you than those of candidates who would actually be creating policy but sure.

Rather than locking Asylum seekers up indefinitely, we could have a program in place which sets the immigrants up with a case manager who helps them navigate the process, including making their court dates while assisting them with transportation and finding housing in the mean time. There was a program just like this in fact, that Trump did away with that boasted lower costs than detention, and had a 99% compliance rate.
Thanks for answering. Finally
Dude **** off. I answered your question hours ago. Don't give this "finally" ********.
Lol yet you just used the same argument against me. I answered what I could I didn't intentionally not answer. Lol you get triggered when I used your very own argument against you.

This the left in a nutshell. And yes Trump and the right are no better.
How do we know we don’t have the resources to manage the refugee crisis?

We had far more immigrants coming in during the 1990s and early 2000s.

And we far as refugees go, Germany alone took in over a million Syrian refugees a few years ago. Is Germany stronger than us? (Last year we took in under 20,000. Down from 180,000 under George HW Bush).

People claiming that we don’t have the resources to support refugees seem once again to be ignorant of the facts.

* Trump slashed the budget for refugees in half last year. So is it a problem with lack of resources or allocation?

* The world has recently seen its highest number of displaced people since WWII. Limiting the # of refugees we take in right now seems to come at a terrible time. What kind of future will internally displaced and refugee children have if we don’t help out?

* Seeking asylum as a refugee has been legal since 1951. Trump wants to conflate this with illegal immigration. Don’t be trumped.

* Somehow, if these were refugees from Finland, I doubt the Trump would have an issue. The racist undertones encompassing this entire immigration and refugee debate is just dripping with racism. They’re not murderers or rapists. The facts show that immigrants and refugees commit crimes at a much lower rate than the native (Caucasian) population.

* Perhaps instead of painting with a broad brush, we look at why Guatemala, Honduras, and other places of the world are having such issues? Is it because of climate change? Economics? Our own foreign policy selling arms to a terrible middle eastern country that kills our journalists and who then uses our weapons to destroy their neighbor? But until we get past “THE BROWN HORDE IS GONNA KILL US ALL SO BUILD THAR WALL” we cant ever discuss the deeper issues.
Thank you for this post. What seems to get misunderstood in the immigration debate is that the "crisis" is entirely of our own making. It's not like we're experiencing all time high border crossings, quite the opposite in fact.
Lol yet you just used the same argument against me. I answered what I could I didn't intentionally not answer. Lol you get triggered when I used your very own argument against you.

This the left in a nutshell. And yes Trump and the right are no better.
I don't even know what you are talking about. You asked a question, I answered it (twice!) sincerely and you still acted like a little bitch about it. One more for the ignore list I guess.
I don't even know what you are talking about. You asked a question, I answered it (twice!) sincerely and you still acted like a little bitch about it. One more for the ignore list I guess.
Wow, childish. Ignore me please. Have a good life! Ill stay out of these threads, apparently the maturity level is questionable to say the least. Such anger.
He’s doing it again.

I'm so ****ing sick of this guy. Good to know that if you have different political beliefs you must love terrorists, although I'm sure the color of the individuals skin he is talking about here has nothing at all to do with that little quip...
Is everyone who tries to come into the country illegally seeking asylum? How do we as a nation differentiate between those seeking asylum and those just coming over the borders?

No one seeking asylum is illegally crossing the border. We know who is seeking it because they say so to the first border patrol agent they can find.

Before Trump, requesting asylum has advantages and disadvantages. You were here legally until your case was reviewed, but you were also officially in the system, and if you did not show up for court dates, you were subject to warrants being issued. The illegal crossers were not in the system at all.

Perfect! You’re right. Trumpers in a nutshell. I’m certain he’s just “economically anxious.” If we just give him handouts so he’ll work in a factory, he’ll stop being an immature ***.

ut Ryan Hanslik, a white 29-year-old from Waltham, Massachusetts, who was passing by jumped in to defend the president, chanting, “Make American great again” over and over.

An independent who voted for Trump, he argued that the president has free speech rights and that Democrats have used divisive rhetoric too.

“He’s rough and tough, and I can totally see people’s perspective on why they didn’t like that, but we all express ourselves differently,” Hanslik said. His argument with Ortiz ended with a perfunctory handshake.

Trump is “a different president, and we need to stop holding him to the standard of the office,” Hanslik said. “We’re in the 21st century. Times are a little bit different than JFK. We got to let him speak his piece.”

@fishonjazz like JFK and Lincoln and like Washington and like FDR or Eisenhower were like totally boring. They like weren’t nearly as funny as Trump.

This quote reminded me of your post of Zach Wilson the other day.