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Trump's Coup Attempt

No matter what anyone does against Trump it doesn't excuse the fact that Trump is a treasonous traitor and should be executed.

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Remember when comparisons like this were so over the top?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvaaPJX0ebg&pp=ygUKTGl6IGNoZW5leQ%3D%3D

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLSrcO6Bi9c
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Remember when comparisons like this were so over the top?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvaaPJX0ebg&pp=ygUKTGl6IGNoZW5leQ%3D%3D

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLSrcO6Bi9c

I don’t agree with Cheney on much, policy wise. But I do agree with her that Trump is an existential threat to our constitution and democracy. I’m grateful she’s on our side. Wish more Repubs had the courage to speak up.
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Two+ years of efforts to rewrite history. TFG referring to imprisoned insurrectionists as “hostages”. And a Speaker who would protect rioters. Guess you have to do that, if you’re trying to bake alternative bogus narratives into “official” reality. Keep the spirit of the coup alive.

“The House has hired new staff to “blur some of the faces of persons who participated in the events of that day, because we don’t want them to be retaliated against and to be charged by the Justice Department,” Johnson told reporters Tuesday, adding that the censorship would also address “other concerns and problems”.

View: https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/1732165374005666230

View: https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1732069208404730041
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Two+ years of efforts to rewrite history. TFG referring to imprisoned insurrectionists as “hostages”. And a Speaker who would protect rioters. Guess you have to do that, if you’re trying to bake alternative bogus narratives into “official” reality. Keep the spirit of the coup alive.

“The House has hired new staff to “blur some of the faces of persons who participated in the events of that day, because we don’t want them to be retaliated against and to be charged by the Justice Department,” Johnson told reporters Tuesday, adding that the censorship would also address “other concerns and problems”.

View: https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/1732165374005666230

View: https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1732069208404730041

It would seem logical to blur the faces of the FBI agents and "agent provocateur's" that were there that day so they can't be identified.
Gripping- the lying pharma shill interviews the warmongering daughter of a war criminal that started a torture program. How exciting!
Yup, Dick Cheney and George Bush and Rumsfeld(war criminals) with their fabricated war whose supporters at the time are today's Trumptards. Gotta have someone to attack, right?

Sent from my SM-G986U using JazzFanz mobile app
Gripping- the lying pharma shill interviews the warmongering daughter of a war criminal that started a torture program. How exciting!
Except we’re talking about Trump. I’ll take what we got, right now don’t give a **** what our flaws are, over a future with Trump in the Oval Office. Period. I disagree with virtually everything she favors, but the enemy of my enemy works here. and she is a very eloquent spokesperson spelling things out. I’m grateful, even if there are other motives unspoken, I don’t know, I don’t care. I don’t like the developing strain of fascism in America, it’s a political force that can too easily disguise itself by incorporating elements within a society that legitimize it, like Christian nationalism. Like she said, sleepwalk into dictatorship. That’s what happens when people can’t see what’s happening before their eyes, or don’t care or favor it. And the man is crazy. I respect what you’re saying, but it’s not all that exciting to me. Feels like a Philip K. Dick novel, and I’m hoping we stay on a timeline where Trump is not president.
Speaking of nut jobs…The guy who emerged out of the chaos. What could go wrong….

“According to Rolling Stone magazine, the speaker was “perhaps unaware that the event was being recorded for the NACL Facebook page.” The video is no longer available, but Rolling Stone reports that Johnson thanked the organization for not letting journalists in. “I’ll tell you a secret,” he said, “since media is not here.” God had spoken to him throughout Republicans’ weekslong effort to find a new Speaker, Johnson said. Eventually, God revealed to Johnson that he would be a Moses-like figure leading the GOP and the country through a “Red Sea moment.”

Not everything in Johnson’s speech was a divine revelation. “What we’re engaged in right now is a battle between worldviews,” he declared in a short clip an attendee posted on Facebook. “It’s a great struggle for the future of the Republic.” That’s standard Christian nationalist fare, and yet another sign that Johnson believes himself to be at war with the majority of Americans.

The attempt to hide these remarks from the public came the same week that Johnson announced that, in releasing security footage of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, Republicans would blur out the faces of rioters “because we don’t want them to be retaliated against and to be charged by the DOJ.” He is clearly telling Americans that he and his extremist friends want to carry out their assault on our Constitution in secret and without accountability”.

It would seem logical to blur the faces of the FBI agents and "agent provocateur's" that were there that day so they can't be identified.
Johnson would be thrilled if he could show they were agent provocateurs.

Gripping- the lying pharma shill interviews the warmongering daughter of a war criminal that started a torture program. How exciting!
Do you disagree with anything said in that interview?
It would seem logical to blur the faces of the FBI agents and "agent provocateur's" that were there that day so they can't be identified.
I'm hearing about the **** you fell for that caused you to write this post.

Damn you are a sucker for conspiracy theories. Like hot off the presses you just eat that **** up like candy. You already knew it was true before it ever occurred to you, right?

You are an embarrassment.
It would seem logical to blur the faces of the FBI agents and "agent provocateur's" that were there that day so they can't be identified.
Why wouldn't Mike Johnson want FBI agents and agent provocateurs to be identified though?

Oh you were just being dumb. Nevermind

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
I'm hearing about the **** you fell for that caused you to write this post.

Damn you are a sucker for conspiracy theories. Like hot off the presses you just eat that **** up like candy. You already knew it was true before it ever occurred to you, right?

You are an embarrassment.
What **** did I fall for that you are just hearing about? COINTELPRO is well know and was happening way back in the day. I’m sure the FBI and the intelligence agencies are not doing those kinds of things anymore, they are way more sophisticated now.
They still get careless now and then like with the newburgh four. Im a sucker though.
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If the government is as powerful and sophisticated as some of you think, please, make it in charge of everything in our lives. They’re way better than the private sector. There’s no question who should be in charge of our health care then.
What **** did I fall for that you are just hearing about? COINTELPRO is well know and was happening way back in the day. I’m sure the FBI and the intelligence agencies are not doing those kinds of things anymore, they are way more sophisticated now.
They still get careless now and then like with the newburgh four. Im a sucker though.
Why wouldn't MAGA Mike Johnson want FBI agents and agent provocateurs to be identified though?
If the government is as powerful and sophisticated as some of you think, please, make it in charge of everything in our lives. They’re way better than the private sector. There’s no question who should be in charge of our health care then.
Big words for someone that blames literally everything on one guy that isn't even in power.
Why wouldn't MAGA Mike Johnson want FBI agents and agent provocateurs to be identified though?
Because he's just as much a part of ugly hollywood political theatre as the rest of them. He's a uniparty member, but he is exercising his new powers. What good is power to these folks if it isn't wielded broadly and carelessly? I think he wants to hang onto his new powers for a while.