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Whiteside Is Going to Be Good

Forrest is on a two-way, right? So there wouldn’t be any reports generated for when he dips in and out of the Stars practices and/or games?

My guess is that Forrest is on the same schedule as Butler right now: back and forth when the home-heavy schedule allows for more practice time.

Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I like a lot of what I’m seeing from Forrest. Yes, he’s deferring way too much; and, yes, he needs to change that. But Butler has his own list of things to work on that is at least one item long.
Not sure.

It isn’t necessarily what Forrest is bringing that is my issue. I think he’s fine. It’s what I think Butler could bring this year by year and me and next year. It’s an investment. Evaluating him based on 2 minute stints is insane. Guys barely catch their breathe… When Conleys out the guy needs 15 minutes to cook. He will make mistakes but that investment will pay off a lot down the road. I just think Forrest is what he is… not to say he will never get better I just think his ceiling is a lot lower but he’s viewed as more functional right now.

Like if you want the Terrence Mann payoff you need to invest the time during the year. If Butler continues to struggle with his shot then I think you can always go back to Forrest and he will give you what he has. I just don’t think investing those minutes in Forrest help I’m a whole lot… he’s being rewarded time for not trying anything.
Not sure.

It isn’t necessarily what Forrest is bringing that is my issue. I think he’s fine. It’s what I think Butler could bring this year by year and me and next year. It’s an investment. Evaluating him based on 2 minute stints is insane. Guys barely catch their breathe… When Conleys out the guy needs 15 minutes to cook. He will make mistakes but that investment will pay off a lot down the road. I just think Forrest is what he is… not to say he will never get better I just think his ceiling is a lot lower but he’s viewed as more functional right now.

Like if you want the Terrence Mann payoff you need to invest the time during the year. If Butler continues to struggle with his shot then I think you can always go back to Forrest and he will give you what he has. I just don’t think investing those minutes in Forrest help I’m a whole lot… he’s being rewarded time for not trying anything.
You know how I feel about using the regular season to install extra options/schemas. We need to do a lot more of that. And I agree that Butler has the higher ceiling, and could be an important option for us by the playoffs.

When I look at our travel-heavy schedule so far, and appreciate how little time there’s been to practice, then I think there’s too little to go on in terms of evaluating the org’s commitment to Butler’s development THIS YEAR. This was simply never going to be the best stretch for him. If we’re still seeing the same **** 20 games from now, then I’ll join anyone who’s wringing their hands. And if we haven’t seen some small-ball experiments with Gay by then, then that issue will raise way to the top of my worries as far as schema development goes (Butler would be #2, fwiw).
I see a lot of value in Forrest as a situational perimeter defender that we all know we need. If you focus only on what’s likely to happen this year, then Forrest’s ceiling—in this aspect of the game—is higher than Butler’s.

In sum, Forrest needs burn, too.
I see a lot of value in Forrest as a situational perimeter defender that we all know we need. If you focus only on what’s likely to happen this year, then Forrest’s ceiling—in this aspect of the game—is higher than Butler’s.

In sum, Forrest needs burn, too.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying. My side issue is that if we wanted to get a dynamic wing defender that is an offensive zero there are and we’re better options than Forrest. I hate seeing what Gary Payton is doing for the Warriors and them looking like they were crazy smart… dude was playing great defense and leading the league in deflections. It’s dumb that 29 other teams couldn’t find any use for that. I don’t think Forrest is at that level as a defender. I think you could go grab Arcidiacano in the G league and he is likely a better version (at least this year) of Forrest. Dunn , if healthy, is another one. Shaq is in the g league too. I’m likely selling Forrest short but he seems to get rewarded for not trying stuff and Butler being benched for trying stuff and having it not work. It’s not a great recipe for development or role player success.

So whoever you pick Quin give them some damn leash and don’t have them playing scared. Pretend they are JC if you have to.
Forrest can't be a situational defender if there's no situation where he can be on the court. His offense is too bad to be a useful player on this team. The only promising part of his offensive game requires that he has the ball the entire time. That's just not going to happen on this team. He's not the type of player who can blend in as an off player by spacing the floor or being a pseudo roll man like Payton or Bruce Brown.

Oni (as a proven option) and Butler (for his potential) are better plays.
Forrest can't be a situational defender if there's no situation where he can be on the court. His offense is too bad to be a useful player on this team. The only promising part of his offensive game requires that he has the ball the entire time. That's just not going to happen on this team. He's not the type of player who can blend in as an off player by spacing the floor or being a pseudo roll man like Payton or Bruce Brown.

Oni (as a proven option) and Butler (for his potential) are better plays.
If Forrest decides to shoot some of the stuff he gets in the paint I think he can be a better option than Oni. Although maybe Oni can survive with the new rules. He needs to drive with the intention of scoring or passing. He drives to nowhere and kicks it out without drawing much attention. If he can’t take advantage of the space in the paint we’d be better off with other options.
If Forrest decides to shoot some of the stuff he gets in the paint I think he can be a better option than Oni. Although maybe Oni can survive with the new rules. He needs to drive with the intention of scoring or passing. He drives to nowhere and kicks it out without drawing much attention. If he can’t take advantage of the space in the paint we’d be better off with other options.

Eh...I really don't want Forrest running a lot of offense, even if it gets to his floater which is his best shot. The way I see it, when Forrest is in the game you are basically at his mercy on offense. You either give him the ball, or you give the ball to much better players and pray that the other team doesn't have a scouting report on him. I'll take the offense running through Joe/Conley and Clarkson with Oni in the corner and occasionally puking himself when he has to dribble. Forrest is better defensively, but not enough to overcome his offense. Oni's track record is very good in this role, if you're going to overlook that at least do it for someone with potential like Butler

I don't see much potential with Forrest. He needs to make such a large on offense to playable. If we applied the same optimism to Oni he'd be a 20 MPG player for every team in the league.
Here is my bold prediction for the year...

Locke has been really talking this up. I think Whiteside is going to end up being really good for us. So good in fact I think some morons will say we should play Whiteside over Rudy... I feel like its almost a certainty and may even be able to predict the posters that will do it.

Anyway... the system is set up for someone that can do some Rudy stuff... Whiteside is not Rudy... but he can do some Rudy stuff. In limited minutes he will look good and put up numbers. We likely won't be anywhere near as good on defense as he's much more limited than Rudy there but he will cover the rim up and we will be better than we were with Favs.

I did not expect to be a Whiteside Guy.... but here I am. I hope yall are ready for the multiple threads about how we should start Whiteside and how are we going to clear space to retain him in the offseason.
It happened.
I have been very happy with Whiteside lately. Same with Doka. Whiteside still gets the nod over Doka because he is a rebounding machine something Doka has to improve on.
When he tries he has been good.

Maybe the concussion and covid stuff did really effect him tho.

Hes also playing for his job now that Udoka is showing some ability.
This is spot on. He needed Doke to be the cattle prod and I think the concussion was not good. The games right after he did some weird things… like even weirder than normal.

He’s back to having fun and talking ****.
Three headed monster of Gobert, Hassan, Udoka may make teams think against a five out lineup
We didn't need that to counter a 5 out lineup. We needed 1.5 things. The 0.5 is better perimeter defense. The 1 thing is Quin being willing to go at the rim and give the ball to Gobert, et al when they are being covered by a smaller defender. 5 out lineups should be a dunk-fest until they are forced to bring in their big players again. But Quin is having none of that. That isn't the plan. Can't deviate from the plan just because we, you know, have an excellent opportunity to exploit a huge mismatch and get the highest-percentage shot in basketball over and over again.
We didn't need that to counter a 5 out lineup. We needed 1.5 things. The 0.5 is better perimeter defense. The 1 thing is Quin being willing to go at the rim and give the ball to Gobert, et al when they are being covered by a smaller defender. 5 out lineups should be a dunk-fest until they are forced to bring in their big players again. But Quin is having none of that. That isn't the plan. Can't deviate from the plan just because we, you know, have an excellent opportunity to exploit a huge mismatch and get the highest-percentage shot in basketball over and over again.
Might help when Forrest, Paschall, Butler and Royce drive and dish. If last night is any indication Dok and Hassan are going to get more touches, the system be damned.

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I'm convinced Ryan Smith is throwing Hassan money under the table.

"If you get 15 rebounds tonight I'll pay you $300, 000."

If we get this Whiteside for the rest of the year, championship will be inbound!