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I used to read books. Then I discovered I could access much better pictures for a lot cheaper over the internet.
Long time lurker here. Over the years I have developed an appreciation for CarolinaJazz. I chose my username because I figured it would immediately endear me to him.

....aaaaand this is the first and last time you ever spoke without your dreadful affectation.

This person is likeable, maybe, almost.
This person is likeable, maybe, almost.

Kewl, Katie! I guess this means we'll be gittin together to share a jug of wine, right soon here, eh!?

I had a homey who fell offa Mugu Rock onto highway 1 and busted his brains out after drinkin wine up there. I always felt a little responsible and guilty about it too, ya know?

He was goin for the jug, tryin to guzzle down the last slug, so I had no choice but to shove his sorry ***. I didn't mean to knock him plumb off the rock, though, so I figure it was just one of them accidents, eh?
Anyways, Katie, I wuzznt tryin to threaten ya if ya tried to hawg up all the wine. I wouldn't go pushin yo fine self offa no cliff, garonteed. Point is this here: I aint been out that way for a good long spell now--not since the day my homey hit highway one, bout 15 years back. I immediately hit highway 1 my own damn self and headed south to Rosarito beach after thumbin a ride. But, usta be a nice little roadhouse kinda joint with blues music, and stuff round them parts. Mighta been called the Cantina, or mebbe Hussong's, I don't rightly recall. I think it was on harbor blvd. tween Ventura and Oxnard.

Ya know the joint? I was thinkin mebbe we could meet there, around midnight on December 13th of this year. Waddaya say!?
Anyways, Katie, I wuzznt tryin to threaten ya if ya tried to hawg up all the wine. I wouldn't go pushin yo fine self offa no cliff, garonteed. Point is this here: I aint been out that way for a good long spell now--not since the day my homey hit highway one, bout 15 years back. I immediately hit highway 1 my own damn self and headed south to Rosarito beach after thumbin a ride. But, usta be a nice little roadhouse kinda joint with blues music, and stuff round them parts. Mighta been called the Cantina, or mebbe Hussong's, I don't rightly recall. I think it was on harbor blvd. tween Ventura and Oxnard.

Ya know the joint? I was thinkin mebbe we could meet there, around midnight on December 13th of this year. Waddaya say!?

Hrm. Can't say as I know. And I f'sho don't stay up late. I need my beauty sleep. I'm the type to rock out early and then tuck in.

More to the point, Harbor Blvd. between Oxnard & Ventura? I never head out to the beach here, it's too cold for me most of the time bein' a Florida gal 'n all. Just last week I was on Jacksonville beach with a longneck, listenin' to the Allman Brothers as the near-full moon rose over the Atlantic. It was majestic.
Well, Katie, ya wanna drank wine on the beach, then, can be done, too, sho nuff! On December 13th, about an hour before sundown I could meecha at Sloppy Joes, in Key West. Or da Elbo Room in Lauderdale. Or the Boot Hill Saloon in Daytona. Whatever, ya know? I just gotta be somewheres warm come December, that's the main thang. Ya ever try sleepin in the alleys in Chicago in December? Don't.

So, ya see, ya could buy me a few dranks, then we could head out the the beach, to watch da moon rise, and all. I'll brang the 5 gallon jugga wine. Waddaya say!?
Well, Katie, ya wanna drank wine on the beach, then, can be done, too, sho nuff! On December 13th, about an hour before sundown I could meecha at Sloppy Joes, in Key West. Or da Elbo Room in Lauderdale. Or the Boot Hill Saloon in Daytona. Whatever, ya know? I just gotta be somewheres warm come December, that's the main thang. Ya ever try sleepin in the alleys in Chicago in December? Don't.

So, ya see, ya could buy me a few dranks, then we could head out the the beach, to watch da moon rise, and all. I'll brang the 5 gallon jugga wine. Waddaya say!?

Mebbe, mebbe not. Uncertainty of life an alla dat. Ain't no knowin iffen we's even gonna be here tomorrow.
Mebbe, mebbe not. Uncertainty of life an alla dat. Ain't no knowin iffen we's even gonna be here tomorrow.

I hears ya. Fair nuff, Darlin....mebbe I seez ya on the 13th, then again, mebbe not. Either way, I won't go forgittin.