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Why hasn't Hayward said anything publicly since being matched?


Well-Known Member
I've been looking around and I haven't seen Hayward say anything since being matched. No comments or nothing. His twitter has gone black. No mention of him being excited to be back in the SLC etc.. Why? It seems odd to me. I've only read comments from his agent. Serious question fellas... and yes I am sure I am gonna get flamed by all you "dumbest thread of the year" no good cuckold's that spam every damn thread because they must but I think its weird. For reals.
What are you talking about? Two days ago he tweeted in regards to the jazz matching. You're either on the wrong twitter feed or trying to act offended or something.

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Gordon Hayward ‏@gordonhayward
Officially back with the @utahjazz!!!! Wanna thank them and all of #jazznation for believing in me! Lots of work ahead...
I was wondering the same thing, though I hadn't done much searching. Glad to see that he is excited at least on the surface. People kind of wigged out about how the Jazz didn't wait until the last minute, but remember, making the team wait is also making the player wait, which isn't good for team player relations.
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];871783 said:
sorry, what'd you say?

lol, I don't hate you. Think you over exaggerate, who on here doesn't?, to many things but I probably like you more than other people like you.
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];871798 said:
hiring a cut-rate personal financial planner, upgrading to a 2 bedroom condo, returning everything from the wedding registry for cold-hard cash, clipping coupons, etc.
...and upgrade his ride to a Honda Accord "EX" model that comes with power windows and air conditioning. #ballahssweetride