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Zach Lowe on Jazz' starting lineup

I really think DL panicked and was just trying to appease Hayward. It wouldn't have worked with Hayward either, but that's the only explanation I'm seeing right now. A desperation move that DL tried to spin after the fact.
He absolutely panicked! I refuse to imagine DL or Quin are stupid enough to think he would fit. They simply panicked. My first thought was - they panicked. And they did. There was absolutely nothing that should have made them think Rubio is a good fit and we traded a good first round pick for him. This first rounder could have been a good bullet in the barrel in case a trade up scenario opens up for one of the stars in the draft even if we don't end up with a top pick.

This type of appeasement moves pretty much never work. If you have to get a second rate point guard to convince somebody to come to/stay with your franchise then he's not staying anyways. That's like when Miami drafted Shabbaz Napier because LeBron liked him in the draft only to see LeBron walk anyways. Or when PHX went to the LMA meeting with newly signed Tyson Chandler just cuz LMA reportedly liked Chandler and wanted to play PF. Those are desperation/panic moves that haunt you for years. If the player doesn't trust your program/processes and/or trusts another team's program more, one move will not make him stay or go, the whole big picture of where your franchise is and where it's going will be much bigger part of the puzzle.

Do what's your best for your franchise. If the guy cannot appreciate that, it's OK. Let him walk, he probably would have walked anyways, no matter what you did in this specific instance, only this time you wouldn't have compromised your team and its asset base.
He seems to be a very positive locker-room and community presence. I think that is worth not completely giving up on him and giving him a chance w/ a roster that is better suited to him (and to the whole team).
He's not some 19 year old. We know who he is and how he plays. He's not suddenly dramatically improving, all he's done this season is regress.
I like him as a person and agree whole-heartidly on the first part. The issue is he has to start because if he is benched his trade value tanks... he is paid a lot so sinking his trade value is an issue. He works so poorly with Rudy (and others) that it isn't worth it for the warm fuzzies.

Neto is a good guy who has worked hard and always competes. He is on a minimum deal... all things being equal contractually I think he'd get more run and likely would have replaced Ricky in the starting lineup. he hasn't been healthy so its not as big of an issue.

If we make the decision to bring Ricky off the bench is he still the positive locker room presence?
Rubio isnt the problem.

No one is individually the problem. People who are looking at it through the lens are just wrong.
Rubio isnt the problem.

No one is individually the problem. People who are looking at it through the lens are just wrong.
He’s not the only problem but he’s the largest variable in the problem by far. That’s not debatable.
Rubio isnt the problem.

No one is individually the problem. People who are looking at it through the lens are just wrong.
I really disagree with this take. In this system Rubio is a gigantic schematic problem offensively. He doesn't fill any of the roles well in the half court. Bad shooter, bad finisher, bad off the ball, system doesn't want guards to rebound very often. He has to change who he is as a player in order to be a good fit here, and I'm very doubtful that he can do it.
Rubio isnt the problem.

No one is individually the problem. People who are looking at it through the lens are just wrong.

Here is some research done on how Rubio affects other players this year.

I see in the replies there is a Cy proclaiming this to be a disaster... It's a combination of things, but the one consistent issue is Ricky.
He seems to be a very positive locker-room and community presence. I think that is worth not completely giving up on him and giving him a chance w/ a roster that is better suited to him (and to the whole team).
Additionally, lots of people, like Quin, Harpring, etc seem to give him quite a lot of props (in addition to acknowledging his poor shooting). He does a lot of good on the court, but he bloody well needs to start shooting better. If the previous season's anything to go by, he might just start picking up soon. I still have hopes in Ricky.