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Will Jazz fans kill the Utah Jazz franchise?

I think you're trying to stir up an awfully small pot, Vinyl. A handful of folks on this board vented some frustration. The matter was fresh, information was sparse, and some finger pointing was going to happen. A special thanks to ESPN, for running amok with as much disinformation as they could muster.

By friday, cooler heads will have prevailed.

I hope you are 100 percent correct.
Kind of unfair isnt it...to compare Williams to Stockton?

Perhaps. But D-Will has been the one acting like his hall-of-fame coach is the one with the problem. If D-Will wanted Sloan gone, he got his wish. Now it's all on him. Time for him to rise up and be the champion man, or he's just another overpayed crybaby -- like almost all NBA players these days.
Malone was an occasional crybaby, due to his ego. Stockton will forever be above Malone in Utah's eyes for this reason. If Malone had kept his whining to himself, they'd share equal space in Utah's heart. Alas. If Sloan taught Utah fans anything, it was to love players who are selfless and put the team first, above all else. Stockton did this better than any Jazz player, bar none. D-Will seems to want a championship more than anything else. If he has to go to another team to get it, he will. Now that Sloan is gone, D-Will has brought the microscope to himself. Everything he says or does now will be placed in context with Sloan's departure. I think he's going to regret that.

Deron is better than Stockton because he can dunk da baskeetbawl!

when is the last time Deron dunked the ball? the only one I remember is the one when he was pissed in Miami and crossed over wade.I just wish he did it more.


and when he owed rose

Welcome to Jazz Fanz 2011, where with no evidence, a small contingent of Jazz fans have decided to boo their star point guard.

Because stuff was reported in the media that reflected poorly on the behavior of DWill and his relationship status with arguably one of the greatest basketball coaches ever. Happens.

If done, will this act push Williams in the direction of leaving the team? And if he does leave the team under those pretenses, will any other black player ever want to play on this team again? A team who's fan base turned on their star player in quick fashion. It's obvious that the days of innocent until proven guilty are long gone and now one is tried in the media and on the internets.

If DWill leaves the team, then so be it. It will be a sad day, but you have to move forward. Color has nothing to do with it. I don't know why you would pull that card, Vinylsharpton.

Jazz fans as a whole have always felt marginalized by the rest of the league and the sports media world. This much is true. But will that feeling of marginalization be the catalyst for the demise of the franchise as a whole?

The major sports interweb sites have all but blamed Williams without so much as a concrete fact, while the front office, the ownership and the player have all spoke to the contrary. In complete "ironical explosion" fashion, the mainstream sports media which Jazz fans have felt so marginalized by, is now accepted as the truth teller.

Maybe track record with the mainstream media and complaining has finally changed them a bit? Ironic? Yes. Correct? We don't know.

Welcome to Utah.

For a guy that hasn't been to Utah or that much, you sure do hate it or have a lot of animosity towards it. Why is this, guy?
I like this logic. Let a spoiled child have his way, and surely, he will mend his ways.

Strap yourselves in, people. This will be like Lebron's last year-and-a-half in Cleveland. A team catering to every single whim of a star player who has long ago decided to leave. He just neglected to inform everyone.
I like this logic. Let a spoiled child have his way, and surely, he will mend his ways.

Strap yourselves in, people. This will be like Lebron's last year-and-a-half in Cleveland. A team catering to every single whim of a star player who has long ago decided to leave. He just neglected to inform everyone.

Repped. Good post.
I like this logic. Let a spoiled child have his way, and surely, he will mend his ways.

Strap yourselves in, people. This will be like Lebron's last year-and-a-half in Cleveland. A team catering to every single whim of a star player who has long ago decided to leave. He just neglected to inform everyone.

You guys are completely delusional if you think this will turn out like the LeBron saga at all. Do you not know anything about the Utah Jazz?
Does Williams have a history of whining or playing hard and competing?

yes to all of the above

that said, i think the adjustment to the new players, particularly those who were said to have had difficulty learning the plays in the system, was more of a challenge for both Deron and Sloan than anyone was expecting
You guys are completely delusional if you think this will turn out like the LeBron saga at all. Do you not know anything about the Utah Jazz?

Ok, so then they won't bow to his every wish and he'll leave. Again, what's gained here?
Welcome to Utah.

Really? The fans in Los Angeles are above this kind of behavior? Or did they boo Kobe after the Lakers traded Shaq and Phil stepped aside, because it was the perception that Kobe drove both of them away? This too will pass. There will be boos tomorrow, and I am sure Deron understands that. If he is so detached that a few boos lead him to make his decision to demand a trade or leave at the first opportunity, then he really is the petulant prima donna that some are saying he is. I think he'll hear the boos and then go out and try to turn them into cheers. Then again, what would I know. I'm in Utahr.
Well I've been perusing a few other message boards that are not specifically NBA related, and the narrative is essentially set in stone, right or wrong: Deron Williams is responsible for Jerry Sloan's resignation. Sad.
Really? The fans in Los Angeles are above this kind of behavior? Or did they boo Kobe after the Lakers traded Shaq and Phil stepped aside, because it was the perception that Kobe drove both of them away? This too will pass. There will be boos tomorrow, and I am sure Deron understands that. If he is so detached that a few boos lead him to make his decision to demand a trade or leave at the first opportunity, then he really is the petulant prima donna that some are saying he is. I think he'll hear the boos and then go out and try to turn them into cheers. Then again, what would I know. I'm in Utahr.

Please, stop the beating. This is bloody and gruesome.
Do you deny, if the speculation is true, it draws some parallels?

I just want to point out - I've pointed this out before - that all the speculation is coming from reporters whose job it is to bolster their station's ratings or paper's readership.

They aggressively pursue the most sensational angle - because it gets people's attention.

Truth is an afterthought, really.

What really credible source has indicated that D-Will was the catalyst?