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Will Jazz fans kill the Utah Jazz franchise?


Bringin' the diversity!
Welcome to Jazz Fanz 2011, where with no evidence, a small contingent of Jazz fans have decided to boo their star point guard.

If done, will this act push Williams in the direction of leaving the team? And if he does leave the team under those pretenses, will any other black player ever want to play on this team again? A team who's fan base turned on their star player in quick fashion. It's obvious that the days of innocent until proven guilty are long gone and now one is tried in the media and on the internets.

Jazz fans as a whole have always felt marginalized by the rest of the league and the sports media world. This much is true. But will that feeling of marginalization be the catalyst for the demise of the franchise as a whole?

The major sports interweb sites have all but blamed Williams without so much as a concrete fact, while the front office, the ownership and the player have all spoke to the contrary. In complete "ironical explosion" fashion, the mainstream sports media which Jazz fans have felt so marginalized by, is now accepted as the truth teller.

Welcome to Utah.
Welcome to Jazz Fanz 2011, where with no evidence, a small contingent of Jazz fans have decided to boo their star point guard.

If done, will this act push Williams in the direction of leaving the team? And if he does leave the team under those pretenses, will any other black player ever want to play on this team again? A team who's fan base turned on their star player in quick fashion. It's obvious that the days of innocent until proven guilty are long gone and now one is tried in the media and on the internets.

Jazz fans as a whole have always felt marginalized by the rest of the league and the sports media world. This much is true. But will that feeling of marginalization be the catalyst for the demise of the franchise as a whole?

The major sports interweb sites have all but blamed Williams without so much as a concrete fact, while the front office, the ownership and the player have all spoke to the contrary. In complete "ironical explosion" fashion, the mainstream sports media which Jazz fans have felt so marginalized by, is now accepted as the truth teller.

Welcome to Utah.


(I agree with this post that I quoted for truth for the win)
I think you'll hear some booing tomorrow night and maybe the next two games and then they will filter out after the break for All-Star. There can't be that many ignorant fans at the games, can there?
This isn't about skin color. The effing head coach is African American. This is about players knowing their place in the food chain. Fans are suspicious that D-Will has driven Sloan away. And next to Stockton, Sloan is the most beloved person in all of Utah Jazz history. Bar none. You don't drive out that man and keep good faith with fans. Doesn't matter how good you think you are. D-Will's only course now is to a) play 150% and b) put up with the boos and the suspicions and not say a word. If he whines about anything from here through the end of the season, it will compound his fractured relationship with fans.
This isn't about skin color. The effing head coach is African American. This is about players knowing their place in the food chain. Fans are suspicious that D-Will has driven Sloan away. And next to Stockton, Sloan is the most beloved person in all of Utah Jazz history. Bar none. You don't drive out that man and keep good faith with fans. Doesn't matter how good you think you are. D-Will's only course now is to a) play 150% and b) put up with the boos and the suspicions and not say a word. If he whines about anything from here through the end of the season, it will compound his fractured relationship with fans.

Does Williams have a history of whining or playing hard and competing?
This isn't about skin color. The effing head coach is African American. This is about players knowing their place in the food chain. Fans are suspicious that D-Will has driven Sloan away. And next to Stockton, Sloan is the most beloved person in all of Utah Jazz history. Bar none. You don't drive out that man and keep good faith with fans. Doesn't matter how good you think you are. D-Will's only course now is to a) play 150% and b) put up with the boos and the suspicions and not say a word. If he whines about anything from here through the end of the season, it will compound his fractured relationship with fans.

There is a solid amount of win in this post.
Does Williams have a history of whining or playing hard and competing?

I agree that he competes, but Sub is right that he will make things worse for himself if he does things that others perceive as whining. I think for most level-headed fans it will take something far more than perceived whining to drop their support for him, but for many fans anything shy of praise for the organization will be enough. He will be walking on egg-shells for a while, fair or not.
Deron picked a wrong time to have his fight. His wrist is hurting, he has been schooled by guards like Rose and his shooting has been crap lately. He has backed himself into a corner right now, even if it was'nt all his fault that Sloan left. Deron will be feeling the heat in the next few months. But unlike coaches, players dont get "fired". Good for them. Deron does not have to play well to survive. He can always do what Lebron did.
I agree that he competes, but Sub is right that he will make things worse for himself if he does things that others perceive as whining. I think for most level-headed fans it will take something far more than perceived whining to drop their support for him, but for many fans anything shy of praise for the organization will be enough. He will be walking on egg-shells for a while, fair or not.

I think it would be wise for Williams to follow this advice.
I don't get the Deron hate infecting the fans, I really don't. We all know Deron and Jerry had their clashes but that's a part of being a team, it's going to happen. The bottom line is Deron did not (I presume) drive Jerry out of his job. You've got to be some kind of crazy to think he did. There's probably dozens of reasons why Jerry decided to hang it up today. Is Deron one of them? Sure, it's a possibility given their track record. Everyone needs to get over it. The new era of Jazz basketball has begun. Enjoy it.
I agree that he competes, but Sub is right that he will make things worse for himself if he does things that others perceive as whining. I think for most level-headed fans it will take something far more than perceived whining to drop their support for him, but for many fans anything shy of praise for the organization will be enough. He will be walking on egg-shells for a while, fair or not.

Maybe, but how is booing him going to help?
Look, I wanted Sloan to finish out the year. Still, turning on Williams is idiocy, imo.

I am fearing that that wave may be too large to stop now. I hope not. The national media is perpetuating it, and they love drama. Especially on a team where drama is unheard of. We'll see what happens.
Losing Stockton would have wrecked the franchise in the 90s.

Losing D-Will is going to hurt the Jazz, no question, but D-Will has yet to play to even half of Stockton's potential.

I have said many times in various places that D-Will is the core of the team right now, but if the core needs to be thrown out and we have to start over because the core can't or won't prove himself to be man enough to walk his talk, so be it. D-Will can speak lots of words about hard work and the will to win, but it's all hot air if he can't put his play where his mouth is. Sloan is out. If that's what D-Will needed most to become a champion player, let him prove it. It's all on him now. Sucks to be him.

I think D-Will leaves in 2012. After he finds out how rough it is having to freelance his own system.
Does Williams have a history of whining or playing hard and competing?


I think it's fairly well known that Deron can be a bit of an ***. But you want the sugar, you take the salt, too.

I think you're trying to stir up an awfully small pot, Vinyl. A handful of folks on this board vented some frustration. The matter was fresh, information was sparse, and some finger pointing was going to happen. A special thanks to ESPN, for running amok with as much disinformation as they could muster.

By friday, cooler heads will have prevailed.