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Will a Jazz player take a knee during the National Anthem this year?

Will a Jazz player take a knee during the Nat'l Anthem this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • No

    Votes: 34 70.8%
  • Cheese

    Votes: 10 20.8%

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"black people" can't dunk easier.

On the continent of Africa there is a community with the shortest average height and another with the tallest average height. People native to Africa have greater variation in genetic makeup than all the rest of humanity combined. So there is more difference between two people from Africa than there is between a German and a Chinese person and a Native American and a Middle-Eastern and a Pacific Islander.

So no, black people don't have an easier time dunking. Tall people have an easier time dunking. Athletic people have an easier time Dunking. Tall athletic people have the easiest time dunking. With so much genetic variation it is simply more likely that a black person will be on the extremes, any extreme, in all directions.

so you are saying their is no atheltic difference between races?

ok! than i will sue the nba for racism! i want more jews in the NBA RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

replace gobert with seth rogen!
so you are saying their is no atheltic difference between races?

ok! than i will sue the nba for racism! i want more jews in the NBA RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

replace gobert with seth rogen!
I think he is saying that though many black people are tall and athletic (high verticals), many other black people are short and have no hops.

That's how I interpreted it.
I do support black lives matter. It does not support cops being killed, neither does black lives matter. Cops do great things and are needed in our society but as a group they discriminate against black people. That is a fact well proven with evidence. I personally know many great cops who do their job great. Some do not, and many discriminate subconsciously.

Do you support people being mistreated because of the color of their skin? Do you not think everyone should be treated the same regardless is their skin color? If so then get you crap out of here. Society doesn't need that crap.

No, I believe in equal rights and respect for everyone. Are you really that ill informed on the black lives matter? Fry them like bacon and what do we want dead cops...when do want it now. I realize there are bad cops, as in any profession, but since the black lives matter chants many police have been assassinated. Sounds to me like you only look at what fits your personal point of view.
No, I believe in equal rights and respect for everyone. Are you really that ill informed on the black lives matter? Fry them like bacon and what do we want dead cops...when do want it now. I realize there are bad cops, as in any profession, but since the black lives matter chants many police have been assassinated. Sounds to me like you only look at what fits your personal point of view.

Sounds like you are trying to find bad examples and thinking that is all the movement is. From what you wrote "I believe in equal rights and respect for everyone." that is the message of black lives matter. So you are supporting the cause if you really believe that. The fact is black people are not being treated equal and are not getting the same respect. That is a well documented fact. That is what black lives is attempting to change. They want to be treated with the same rights and respect as white people are as a group.

I would like to see some stats showing police assassination have increased since black lives matter began. No police deserves to die, black lives matter does not support that. Edit: from 1990 to 2010 164 police were killed per year. Since black lives matter began around 2013 it has been 113, 114, 133, 129 and 140. So no there has not been a jump. In fact 2013 was the lowest since 1980 with 27 'feloniously' killed in the line of duty. According to wikipedia citing FBI report.

It is more than just "bad cops." Those exist and a problem for everyone. There are also good cops with racial biases that are a societal problem. Police, judges, juries and many more are as a group judging people based on the color of their skin and that is a problem that is widespread not just a couple bad apples.

Have some people in the name of the cause done some bad things? Yes. There are always going to be extremists and bad people taking things too far but that is not their message or goal. It is

Your example of someone doing something bad that is apart of a group could be applied to just about any group. That is not a reason to make call it bad. People acting outside of the message and on their own do not represent the group.

I have personally been to many black lives matter rallys and protests. I have not heard any of those types of chants. Do they happen? Yes, like I said some people are not good. Just like there are bad cops there are bad people in black lives matter as well. Does that mean black lives matter is bad? No. Does that mean cops are bad? No.

Black lives matter movement is not pushing for handouts for black people or for preferential treatment. Simply to be treated the same as everyone else, which they are not. Either people are ignorant to the fact that racism is alive and well or purposely ignoring it, which is worse.
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Sounds like you are trying to find bad examples and thinking that is all the movement is. From what you wrote "I believe in equal rights and respect for everyone." that is the message of black lives matter. So you are supporting the cause if you really believe that. The fact is black people are not being treated equal and are not getting the same respect. That is a well documented fact. That is what black lives is attempting to change. They want to be treated with the same rights and respect as white people are as a group.

I would like to see some stats showing police assassination have increased since black lives matter began. No police deserves to die, black lives matter does not support that. Edit: from 1990 to 2010 164 police were killed per year. Since black lives matter began around 2013 it has been 113, 114, 133, 129 and 140. So no there has not been a jump. In fact 2013 was the lowest since 1980 with 27 'feloniously' killed in the line of duty. According to wikipedia citing FBI report.

It is more than just "bad cops." Those exist and a problem for everyone. There are also good cops with racial biases that are a societal problem. Police, judges, juries and many more are as a group judging people based on the color of their skin and that is a problem that is widespread not just a couple bad apples.

Have some people in the name of the cause done some bad things? Yes. There are always going to be extremists and bad people taking things too far but that is not their message or goal. It is

Your example of someone doing something bad that is apart of a group could be applied to just about any group. That is not a reason to make call it bad. People acting outside of the message and on their own do not represent the group.

I have personally been to many black lives matter rallys and protests. I have not heard any of those types of chants. Do they happen? Yes, like I said some people are not good. Just like there are bad cops there are bad people in black lives matter as well. Does that mean black lives matter is bad? No. Does that mean cops are bad? No.

Black lives matter movement is not pushing for handouts for black people or for preferential treatment. Simply to be treated the same as everyone else, which they are not. Either people are ignorant to the fact that racism is alive and well or purposely ignoring it, which is worse.

The fact that you are crying "you can't judge the many by the actions of a few," then turn around and declare the entire body of law enforcement systematically racist is pretty rich. And no, "building awareness" is NOT what BLM is about. If it ever was, it ain't that anymore. It has become basically another branch of the Jessie Jackson hustle. Instead of working together with others to solve issues, they want all the power to punish society for thoughtcrime. Screw that. An interested party can only be labeled racist so many times until they stop caring about your plight. If everyone is a racist, nobody is a racist.
The fact that you are crying "you can't judge the many by the actions of a few," then turn around and declare the entire body of law enforcement systematically racist is pretty rich. And no, "building awareness" is NOT what BLM is about. If it ever was, it ain't that anymore. It has become basically another branch of the Jessie Jackson hustle. Instead of working together with others to solve issues, they want all the power to punish society for thoughtcrime. Screw that. An interested party can only be labeled racist so many times until they stop caring about your plight. If everyone is a racist, nobody is a racist.


the system is racist regardless of whether an individual officer, judge, or whatever is. We have plenty of static tics ro show that that is the case.

I still think they should have gone with black lives don't matter over blm. The truth is that my life, labor, and freedom is worth more than that of a black American. I don't want to give anything up(especially the not prison part) and luckily I don't have to to extend to blacks the same dignity and opportunity that I have. Kinda like how we got rid of black slavery without enslaving whites.
The fact that you are crying "you can't judge the many by the actions of a few," then turn around and declare the entire body of law enforcement systematically racist is pretty rich. And no, "building awareness" is NOT what BLM is about. If it ever was, it ain't that anymore. It has become basically another branch of the Jessie Jackson hustle. Instead of working together with others to solve issues, they want all the power to punish society for thoughtcrime. Screw that. An interested party can only be labeled racist so many times until they stop caring about your plight. If everyone is a racist, nobody is a racist.

The problems arent a few, I said that. Racism is a large scale problem. I dont think we can judge policeman by the few bad ones. That is what I just said in the paragraph you quoted. Maybe you didnt read it.

How do you know about Black Lives Matter and what they are doing? Have you been to meetings, read their website and done any research on what they are doing?

I have not labeled you or anyone in this as a racist. But it is still a fact that as a society we have racist pervasive ideas that are hurting others.

Your ideas on what Black Lives Matter is definitely what many are trying to belittle it to mean but that is not what they are trying to do and not what their message is.

You can choose to ignore the facts and get worked up and bothered by people bringing attention to facts to it or you can try to make things better, which is a much better option.

Im glad that racism doesnt seem to affect you but it is affecting many. No one wants to punish you or take away your rights they just want to be treated the same as you are.

If everyone is a racist, nobody is a racist.
Nope, that would still make everyone a racist. Just because it is widespread in our society does not mean it does not exist.

Racism isnt evil or malicious in nature. People seem to think its this grand gesture of hating people of another race. It does not make someone a bad person to have racist thoughts or even to do racist actions necessarily, most of it is subconscious and normalized because of societal norms. It just takes small steps to notice it around you and within yourself (if it happens) and try and fix it.

I am not sure why people reaction to helping stop racism is to be upset at people pointing out that it exists and asking help to stop it.

I am sorry you are defensive about racism.
People keep telling me one thing, but when I look at the organization, I get this:

A celebration of free speech at William & Mary College in Virginia took an unexpected turn last week when protesters from Black Lives Matter swarmed the stage and forced organizers to end the event.

“Liberalism is white supremacy!” the protesters shouted, and “ACLU, you protect Hitler too!”
The disruption occurred before Claire Guthrie Gastañaga, executive director of the ACLU of Virginia, could give a planned speech on freedom of expression.

The protesters livestreamed the demonstration on Facebook and were heard shouting other slogans, including, "The oppressed are not impressed!,” “Blood on your hands!,” and “The revolution will not uphold the Constitution!”


“The revolution will not uphold the Constitution!” You can screw right off, mate. (Obviously I mean the moron protesters and not any Jazzfanz contributor.)
Maybe instead of attacking people trying to fight for equal rights you should just help them get it. It seems like instead of being defensive about racism you could help the world be a better place. If you have never done something racist, that's great. Maybe now help others stop it. If you have, like most people, then try and see when you do it and be aware you did it and try and change. It's pretty simple.

If black lives matter isn't helping with racism the way you want start another group that helps end racism and bring equal rights for all.

Instead of combing through stories to try and find something negative about a group trying to do good in the world focus on making that group better or start or join another group that helps accomplish that.

Unless you don't believe in equal rights based on skin color. Or you turn a blind eye to the discrimination happening.

It's easy to ignore Injustice when it isn't happening to you. Some people don't have much of a choice but to fight back to get equal rights. I'm glad most people are fighting back with peaceful protests. Hopefully more join in the peaceful protests and be the change they are preaching when they claim to want everyone to be treated equal.
Maybe instead of attacking people trying to fight for equal rights you should just help them get it. It seems like instead of being defensive about racism you could help the world be a better place. If you have never done something racist, that's great. Maybe now help others stop it. If you have, like most people, then try and see when you do it and be aware you did it and try and change. It's pretty simple.

If black lives matter isn't helping with racism the way you want start another group that helps end racism and bring equal rights for all.

Instead of combing through stories to try and find something negative about a group trying to do good in the world focus on making that group better or start or join another group that helps accomplish that.

Unless you don't believe in equal rights based on skin color. Or you turn a blind eye to the discrimination happening.

It's easy to ignore Injustice when it isn't happening to you. Some people don't have much of a choice but to fight back to get equal rights. I'm glad most people are fighting back with peaceful protests. Hopefully more join in the peaceful protests and be the change they are preaching when they claim to want everyone to be treated equal.

How do you know what I do and don't do? I hate racism, hell, unfairness in general, but people making their case by being morons certainly doesn't help. In fact it hurts, a lot. I'm a self employed IT guy and a great share of my clients are public defender lawyers. Using the computer and video evidence provided in discovery I've helped get innocent people off, and guilty people who are still salvageable a second chance. By and large, however, most of the people in jail deserve to be there because of the choices that THEY made, not because of a racist police department.

What I would recommend to you is to do a ride along with your local police department. They are generally more than happy to have you come along and see what they do every day. I've done it twice and never looked at policing the same again.

I used to be an activist, but generally I just spend a few hours a week helping the food bank, which I have found to be the best use of my "activist" hours lately.
How do you know what I do and don't do? I hate racism, hell, unfairness in general, but people making their case by being morons certainly doesn't help. In fact it hurts, a lot. I'm a self employed IT guy and a great share of my clients are public defender lawyers. Using the computer and video evidence provided in discovery I've helped get innocent people off, and guilty people who are still salvageable a second chance. By and large, however, most of the people in jail deserve to be there because of the choices that THEY made, not because of a racist police department.

What I would recommend to you is to do a ride along with your local police department. They are generally more than happy to have you come along and see what they do every day. I've done it twice and never looked at policing the same again.

I used to be an activist, but generally I just spend a few hours a week helping the food bank, which I have found to be the best use of my "activist" hours lately.
I have done plenty of ride alongs. I volunteer for the police department multiple times a year. I have many clients in law enforcement. I think most of them are great people. The fact is police treat people if color with less respect, pull them over it harass them more often, arrest them more often for the same offense and give them longer sentences for the same crime. There is lots and lots of evidence of that. Anecdotal evidence is not proof it isn't happening. Based on your post you are implying that most cops don't discriminate and it's not an issue and that simply isn't true. Stats overwhelmingly back that up.

I'm glad people are speaking up about it and bringing attention to it even if it makes some paint uncomfortable and/or causes them to fight back.

I don't blame law enforcement for the problems it is poor training, societal racism that is leaked into everyone's lives and bad information spread. Again I think most law enforcement people are good people trying to make the world a better place.

Again your trying to make this an argument that people are claiming police are bad humans and that is not the case. It's not an either or argument that you seem to be trying to make. Most racism is subtle and when sub conscience. It's not always even bad thing's you think that are racist. It's simply assuming something about someone because of their skin color. Those assumptions become discrimination.
I have done plenty of ride alongs. I volunteer for the police department multiple times a year. I have many clients in law enforcement. I think most of them are great people. The fact is police treat people if color with less respect, pull them over it harass them more often, arrest them more often for the same offense and give them longer sentences for the same crime. There is lots and lots of evidence of that. Anecdotal evidence is not proof it isn't happening. Based on your post you are implying that most cops don't discriminate and it's not an issue and that simply isn't true. Stats overwhelmingly back that up.

I'm glad people are speaking up about it and bringing attention to it even if it makes some paint uncomfortable and/or causes them to fight back.

I don't blame law enforcement for the problems it is poor training, societal racism that is leaked into everyone's lives and bad information spread. Again I think most law enforcement people are good people trying to make the world a better place.

Again your trying to make this an argument that people are claiming police are bad humans and that is not the case. It's not an either or argument that you seem to be trying to make. Most racism is subtle and when sub conscience. It's not always even bad thing's you think that are racist. It's simply assuming something about someone because of their skin color. Those assumptions become discrimination.

Except people ARE making the claims that police as a whole are bad people. That is most CERTAINLY happening, especially in the leadership of BLM. That is why they are being disrespected. If you make it "with us or against us!" you kind of force people's hand even if they would be sympathetic to your cause. When you start painting the ACLU as Nazis, yeah you are a long ways into the weeds from making your point.

And as far as gathering sentencing guidelines to prove a point, it really isn't apples and oranges. Most of the prison population in for drug charges are plead out on a lesser charge. You get nailed on distribution but are a first time offender, generally they will let you plead to possession to both give you a break and save the system trial costs. Later on someone will come along and make a point about the unfairness of the large number of people in jail over "possession" forcing the prosecutors to throw the book at small time dealers and fully charge them.

You want to reform the legal system, let's do that. We can revisit mandatory minimums, throw in some police camera legislation, make a point of recruiting more minorities to the force, hell even step up citizen review boards.

The problem is that there is little opportunity for graft and centralizing power in these moves so nobody is seriously looking at them as a solution. There is far more desire to paint an enemy to rake in dollars and avoid solutions that can be pursued WITHIN each community. TBH this is pretty much ALL politics today, not just related to BLM.

I guess that is the difference between us. You see BLM as a sincere change maker, I see them as the same old political crap repackaged and refuse to take them and their mostly ridiculous "messengers" seriously. I know what a civil rights crusader looks like. This ain't that.
I find it amusing and bewildering how worked up people get over BLM.
Denouncing Castro is not a damn "complicated issue." Just stop. If you disagree with Castro he has you jailed or killed. Every time. There are no dissidents living freely in Cuba. That is not equal to things Trump does. It is far worse that whatever slights Kap is yelling about. What Castro does is NOT the fault of American imperialism. When activists that may have a good point start reflexively defending Castro, they can go to hell. Don't care about them or their support of whatever their cause is.

Castro > Reagan
I find it amusing and bewildering how worked up people get over BLM.

I find it predictable. White people are scrambling trying to maintain their positions of power and supremacy in society.

They will lose this fight.
Except people ARE making the claims that police as a whole are bad people. That is most CERTAINLY happening, especially in the leadership of BLM. That is why they are being disrespected. If you make it "with us or against us!" you kind of force people's hand even if they would be sympathetic to your cause. When you start painting the ACLU as Nazis, yeah you are a long ways into the weeds from making your point.

And as far as gathering sentencing guidelines to prove a point, it really isn't apples and oranges. Most of the prison population in for drug charges are plead out on a lesser charge. You get nailed on distribution but are a first time offender, generally they will let you plead to possession to both give you a break and save the system trial costs. Later on someone will come along and make a point about the unfairness of the large number of people in jail over "possession" forcing the prosecutors to throw the book at small time dealers and fully charge them.

You want to reform the legal system, let's do that. We can revisit mandatory minimums, throw in some police camera legislation, make a point of recruiting more minorities to the force, hell even step up citizen review boards.

The problem is that there is little opportunity for graft and centralizing power in these moves so nobody is seriously looking at them as a solution. There is far more desire to paint an enemy to rake in dollars and avoid solutions that can be pursued WITHIN each community. TBH this is pretty much ALL politics today, not just related to BLM.

I guess that is the difference between us. You see BLM as a sincere change maker, I see them as the same old political crap repackaged and refuse to take them and their mostly ridiculous "messengers" seriously. I know what a civil rights crusader looks like. This ain't that.

Lol again

That's like saying that all Republicans believe that Obama was trying to build FEMA death camps. Srsly wow some 20 year old kid who was drawn to something for a legitimate gripe said some crazy **** that he didn't really understanf. So ****ing what. 1 in 4 black man in this country will do hard time. No matter what ******** some young kid says that is still true.

Yoy know what happens to prisoners before they leave prison; they become convicts. Srsly they get ****ed up! On 2 different occasions in my youth I pulled an excon(2 separate cons) off of people who said the word bitch. Both times they weren't even talking to the person.

Now imagine that you never did anything wrong but that was your dad. On top of that because of your appearance the vast majority of people assumed you were dangerous. These are mitigating circumstances. This is a reality of our(us white folk) own creation. The solution is to loudly and proudly affirm as white people that black lives matter. We are not only not willing to relive the 1880's but not the 1980's either. We will not be content with a system in which a disproportionate number of black people are prisoners, poor, victims, or whatever because we know that the true difference between them and us is superfluous.