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Will a Jazz player take a knee during the National Anthem this year?

Will a Jazz player take a knee during the Nat'l Anthem this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • No

    Votes: 34 70.8%
  • Cheese

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
I find it predictable. White people are scrambling trying to maintain their positions of power and supremacy in society.

They will lose this fight.

I resent you telling me what I'm supposedly doing. I'm not doing anything like you said.
I find it amusing and bewildering how worked up people get over BLM.

You either lack common sense or you don't watch the news much, which is it?

Disrupting meetings, blocking traffic and calling for police to be killed are all good reasons to be worked up over BLM. Try being a policeman and having someone walk up to your car and put a bullet in your head for no reason except you're a public servant trying to protect the public. I would like to see the statistics on that occurring since BLM started calling for police to be killed. Don't get upset you say...tell the to the black female officers 2 kids that was killed sitting in her cruiser doing nothing to anyone.
Maybe instead of attacking people trying to fight for equal rights you should just help them get it. It seems like instead of being defensive about racism you could help the world be a better place. If you have never done something racist, that's great. Maybe now help others stop it. If you have, like most people, then try and see when you do it and be aware you did it and try and change. It's pretty simple.

If black lives matter isn't helping with racism the way you want start another group that helps end racism and bring equal rights for all.

Instead of combing through stories to try and find something negative about a group trying to do good in the world focus on making that group better or start or join another group that helps accomplish that.

Unless you don't believe in equal rights based on skin color. Or you turn a blind eye to the discrimination happening.

It's easy to ignore Injustice when it isn't happening to you. Some people don't have much of a choice but to fight back to get equal rights. I'm glad most people are fighting back with peaceful protests. Hopefully more join in the peaceful protests and be the change they are preaching when they claim to want everyone to be treated equal.

please show me what rights people of diferent colors have that others do not!
Yeah, Castro and the healthcare there is world class.




Get a ****ing brain, people. Their literacy rate numbers are a joke too. And it's part of the reason why almost anyone who's lived there denounces Castro.

castros healthcare and education in healthcare is so amazing.

that when a cuban doctor flee sot europe and try to get in to medical field his licens is not recognized, and has to go to medical school again!
while their they preform worse then the noobs students!


castro is a POS i would tell what i liek tto do to his body and grvae. but i already got an infraction for speaking the truth about the angel michael brown is!
If logic has any presence in your mind, then few would rank more moronic than:

I mean, you're not even trying to understand if you can bring yourself to say that in this country.

C'mon, don't be stupid. The point is that tossing a term that has weight around casually means that it loses its power. If someone is a "racist" for tweeting about "Taco Tuesday" people will start ignoring the people feigning outrage. The parable of the "boy who cries wolf" resonates for a reason.

Are you trying to tell me that there haven't been a lot of people calling wolf?
please show me what rights people of diferent colors have that others do not!

I have posted the statistics many times in here about how black people are treated by police and judges. They get pulled over more, arrested more, more tickets, treated worse by police, less warnings, longer sentences, less likely to get parole, harassed and stopped by police more often, hired less, brought in for interviews less and so on even when you take out all other factors.
You either lack common sense or you don't watch the news much, which is it?

Disrupting meetings, blocking traffic and calling for police to be killed are all good reasons to be worked up over BLM. Try being a policeman and having someone walk up to your car and put a bullet in your head for no reason except you're a public servant trying to protect the public. I would like to see the statistics on that occurring since BLM started calling for police to be killed. Don't get upset you say...tell the to the black female officers 2 kids that was killed sitting in her cruiser doing nothing to anyone.

You know that killing police is not an official stance of the BLM movement, yeah? Like not even indirectly.

Black lives do, in fact, matter. A group that supports that notion gets people riled up. Why?

Okay, rant on about individuals who promote the killing of police officers. Make as much meaningless noise as you can muster. Have a nice life.
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C'mon, don't be stupid.

Stupid? You mean like dismissing an entire movement because of a few haters?

Try to picture a black person using your sentiment about racism. It is type of thing that only a white person could say, even sardonically. It underscores the fact that you don't really have much of a problem with racism in America.

The parable of the "boy who cries wolf" resonates for a reason.

Are you trying to tell me that there haven't been a lot of people calling wolf?

The parable of the boy who cried wolf should only resonate if the village in question resembles the one in the story (I.E., harmless, sensible, and concerned about the boy to begin with). The villagers in the story actually came running when the boy cried wolf. That parable will never have application in the US, where not giving a **** about the issues faced by people of color is a tradition older than the Constitution itself. Not only will most American communities not come out to help (because the wolves happen to be poor-performing police officers), but they will loudly shame blacks, Latinos, and the LGBT community for even speaking up about discrimination.
Stupid? You mean like dismissing an entire movement because of a few haters?

Try to picture a black person using your sentiment about racism. It is type of thing that only a white person could say, even sardonically. It underscores the fact that you don't really have much of a problem with racism in America.

The parable of the boy who cried wolf should only resonate if the village in question resembles the one in the story (I.E., harmless, sensible, and concerned about the boy to begin with). The villagers in the story actually came running when the boy cried wolf. That parable will never have application in the US, where not giving a **** about the issues faced by people of color is a tradition older than the Constitution itself. Not only will most American communities not come out to help (because the wolves happen to be poor-performing police officers), but they will loudly shame blacks, Latinos, and the LGBT community for even speaking up about discrimination.

Guess what Pollyanna, people judge organizations based on their most outspoken members. That is how the world works. You don't get to cry about it. It is the same for everyone. Some rando Mormon bishop gets arrested, the headline tags him as a Mormon. You don't get an exception because of minority status. You want to be respected by everyone, you can't whine when you get treated like every other organization in existence.

Again, the problem you have is that you come from the angle that everything you dislike comes from a place of evil and only you can recognize fairness and virtue. You don't get to be the arbiter of justice and how everyone else feels. You don't get to sit in judgement of everyone else's motives and prejudices. You need to do you, and when you get that figured out, maybe you can start helping people instead if complaining about what everyone else is doing.

All that being said, I want everyone in this thread to understand that I don't harbor any real ill will to anyone on the other side of the issue and I do understand that they are frustrated about many things. In many cases I actually agree with their desires, I just disagree strongly on tactics and the way to get there.
You need to do you, and when you get that figured out, maybe you can start helping people instead if complaining about what everyone else is doing.

This is actually the perfect response to people who insist that others (including professional athletes) stand for the flag and the anthem instead of obeying the dictates of their own conscience. I'll be borrowing it, if you don't mind.
Guess what Pollyanna, people judge organizations based on their most outspoken members. That is how the world works. You don't get to cry about it. It is the same for everyone. Some rando Mormon bishop gets arrested, the headline tags him as a Mormon. You don't get an exception because of minority status. You want to be respected by everyone, you can't whine when you get treated like every other organization in existence.

Again, the problem you have is that you come from the angle that everything you dislike comes from a place of evil and only you can recognize fairness and virtue. You don't get to be the arbiter of justice and how everyone else feels. You don't get to sit in judgement of everyone else's motives and prejudices. You need to do you, and when you get that figured out, maybe you can start helping people instead if complaining about what everyone else is doing.

All that being said, I want everyone in this thread to understand that I don't harbor any real ill will to anyone on the other side of the issue and I do understand that they are frustrated about many things. In many cases I actually agree with their desires, I just disagree strongly on tactics and the way to get there.

Do you believe that racism is a problem in our society? Do you believe that black people are being treated worse by law enforcement and our judicial system as a group?
Again, the problem you have is that you come from the angle that everything you dislike comes from a place of evil and only you can recognize fairness and virtue.

Also, this is some insulting ********. I come from a Latino family that has been here longer than the United States has been a country. When my mom's family converted to Mormonism and moved to SLC in the 60s, they were subject to all kinds of systematic and very personal racism. They bought a house on the east bench from a guy who was selling his home himself, and immediately all of his neighbors started pressuring him to reverse the sale because my mom's family were brown. The realtors in the area had an unspoken policy of only showing Latinos homes on the west side of SLC. So my grandfather quickly got a loan from a bank and paid the guy off so he could keep the house.

Then when they started going to church, the families in the ward told their kids not to associate with my mom and her siblings. That's right, the crown jewel of LDS Christianity ostracized my family on the ward level for not being northern European, and these are the people who actually parade around the notions of "fairness" and "virtue" in this city.

So don't infer that you understand what I "dislike" because you think I have some sort of fantasy about what America is supposed to be. I know what this country is. I've lived in New York, LA, Seattle, and Salt Lake. I've been threatened by a NYC police officer and listened to him egg me on to take a shot at him. I have experienced and seen the racism that exists in this country first hand.
I find it predictable. White people are scrambling trying to maintain their positions of power and supremacy in society.

They will lose this fight.

I have always been confused by the BLM movement, tbh. It is very contradicting to say the least.

93% of black homicide victims are killed by other black people.

52% of homicides from 1980-2008 here committed by black people and they compose of only 13% of the population.

Last year, 16 unarmed black men were killed by police out of 20 million. That's about the same odds of getting struck by lightning.

Why not fix yourselves first before you start blaming other races for your problems?

I would love to hear some thoughts on this.
How about we have an "All Lives Matter" movement? Dialogue from the Asian, Latino and Black and all other communities. If there is police brutality and injustice, let's weed out the individual offenders, not encourage hatred and violence against the majority who have no such agenda.
BTW, can I say "Black" now? It used to be politically incorrect, but BLM has brought that word back.

Or how about just an "Anti-Caucasian" movement? That seems to be where this is all headed, tbh.