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Donovan Mitchell - We are lucky to have him

Sorry, it was just a joke. Ill tone it down.

Cant you go back to the old you? We should have 5-10 threads by now asking will Gobert surpass S&M, will Bokerjack supersede Hot Rod, is Snyder better than Sloan, are the Jazz dancers hotter than the 2006 team, do last year's nachos and hot dogs deserve t by eir li won statues.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A sign of an insecure human being is one who attacks others to make themselves feel better... im just sad that young kids have to see stupid tweets like these and grow up thinking it’s okay... forget everything else Donald your setting a bad example for kids our future <a href="https://t.co/eg0MECg8xC">https://t.co/eg0MECg8xC</a></p>&mdash; Donovan Mitchell (@spidadmitchell) <a href="">August 4, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Big mistake, Donovan. Don't ever involve yourself in politics; you are guaranteed to piss off half the people in this state if you do.
Cant you go back to the old you? We should have 5-10 threads by now asking will Gobert surpass S&M, will Bokerjack supersede Hot Rod, is Snyder better than Sloan, are the Jazz dancers hotter than the 2006 team, do last year's nachos and hot dogs deserve t by eir li won statues.

You lost me.

Maybe you have me confused with someone who makes those threads. Or I didnt get your joke.
Big mistake, Donovan. Don't ever involve yourself in politics; you are guaranteed to piss off half the people in this state if you do.
This isn't politics. This is a blowhard jackass calling the NBA's best player and an interviewer dumb and Donovan saying that attacking others to make yourself feel better is a sign of an insecure man.

He's just telling the basic truth.
Big mistake, Donovan. Don't ever involve yourself in politics; you are guaranteed to piss off half the people in this state if you do.

Bravo Donovan. Don't compromise your integrity for politics. Defend your colleagues/ fellow NBA players/ superstars.
This isn't politics. This is a blowhard jackass calling the NBA's best player and an interviewer dumb and Donovan saying that attacking others to make yourself feel better is a sign of an insecure man.

He's just telling the basic truth.
This "blowhard jackass" just happens to be the President of the United States. How can this not be political? And your "truth" is not universal.

Lebron James is nearing the end of his career and has already banked a couple hundred mill. If he wants to start a war with Trump (and Lebron did start it!) then let him. But Donovan's career is just starting and he doesn't need this kind of BS to side track it. If his agent isn't explaining this to DM, then he isn't doing his job.
This "blowhard jackass" just happens to be the President of the United States. How can this not be political? And your "truth" is not universal.

Lebron James is nearing the end of his career and has already banked a couple hundred mill. If he wants to start a war with Trump (and Lebron did start it!) then let him. But Donovan's career is just starting and he doesn't need this kind of BS to side track it. If his agent isn't explaining this to DM, then he isn't doing his job.

Ah, the good old "players should only be concerned with playing" ********.
This "blowhard jackass" just happens to be the President of the United States. How can this not be political? And your "truth" is not universal.

Lebron James is nearing the end of his career and has already banked a couple hundred mill. If he wants to start a war with Trump (and Lebron did start it!) then let him. But Donovan's career is just starting and he doesn't need this kind of BS to side track it. If his agent isn't explaining this to DM, then he isn't doing his job.
So any US president is beyond reproach if you happen to be in the public eye. Sounds dangerously undemocratic to me.
Trump's comments are cringe worthy, especially because he's the president. I'm glad Mitchell voiced his opinion. No way in hell this is dangerous political territory for him with his fans in Utah. A lot of people don't care for Trump and if they do support him, they know he says some Trump *** things.

I also think LeBron could have done a lot better during his interview. Dude is killing it at being a philanthropist, an example, more than a basketball player, father, husband, and a great human being. I wish he could have explained things better than simple blanket statements like Trump. I also thought this comment: "Yes. Absolutely. I mean, that is human nature. There is no way that you can look at certain things and not feel like, why are we not pushing forward? You know, for me, as one of the leaders of America or one of the leaders of my community, it’s my responsibility to kind a stay as positive as I can and continue to let people know that we can go further up and not down even though sometimes we do feel like we’re going backwards and even though we feel like we are going back to places of—some kind of slavery or Jim Crow and things of that nature, you don’t—you just want to kind of continue to move forward and I think it is very important for all of us." Was a bit of a stretch. We are not, by any means, moving back as a country towards Jim Crow. We are progressing almost too fast to keep reasonable expectations of people imo.

I liked James comments about first meeting white people - playing basketball and how sports brings us together. I hope who's in office next tries and unites us and we become better as a country. I miss watching sports without all this static - That's not to so it's not warranted.

I hate bipartisanship so gawd damn much.
<sigh> You folks don't get it. You betcha, Donovan has the right to say whatever he wants, but then those who disagree with his political statements have the right to tune out the Utah Jazz. Utah is a red state.

Think about it. I'm sure DL and Gail Miller are.
<sigh> You folks don't get it. You betcha, Donovan has the right to say whatever he wants, but then those who disagree with his political statements have the right to tune out the Utah Jazz. Utah is a red state.

Think about it. I'm sure DL and Gail Miller are.
Just because Utah is a red state doesn't mean people support or like Trump.
I doubt that's going to happen.

The Boston Bruins' ratings didn't plummet at all in 2012.

EDIT: In fact, they went up 56%
No other major church pursues tithing as aggressively as the LDS church. Not even close. Any of you who are only familiar with the LDS church might not realize that. All major religions function off tithing, but it is generally more of a give what you can type arrangement and I believe almost all tithing payments are anonymous. Correct me if I'm wrong, LDS folks, but your church knows how much tithing you pay to the penny and they sometimes call you out if you're not paying your full 10%?

And honest question to the LDS folks. If you do pay your 10% tithing, do you feel like for the most part you've done all the charitable giving you need to do (other than more church related giving, like a fast offering or donations to the DI and boy scouts, etc.)?

If they took out religious charitable giving I'd put a lot of money on Utah being very close to the bottom of the list. The bottom, not close to the bottom, dead last and by a lot.
As an ex-mormon who was once married in the temple, grew up in Utah County and served a full-time mission, I wonder what your experience is with mormon tithing and how they are aggressive. I was taught to pay tithing and why I should. I was never asked to pay tithing, aggressively sought after to pay tithing, had anyone knock on my door to collect fast offerings (I did that as a kid) or had my leaders make me feel bad about it. During my interviews, I would always say I wasn't a full tithe player and rarely paid. My leaders always had responses of love, understanding and maybe challenged to seek out the blessings of paying tithing. They never once made me feel guilty about it.

The church has a ton of money, don't get me wrong. They do a lot of good with it too - like a lot of good. I always find it interesting how the mormon church pisses people off so easily - especially ex members. It never wronged me. I have some of my best memories from it and I think it's a good framework to follow. Who cares if people pay tithing to help fund what they believe? Hell, my gf from Florida occassionally goes to church and occasionally puts money in a jar (I don't know if it's a donation jar) that's passed around during service. I would much rather tell her good for you, babe than question why she would do that and ask where the money is going.

I love Utah. It has it quirks, but they are only bad if you look at them that way.
This "blowhard jackass" just happens to be the President of the United States. How can this not be political? And your "truth" is not universal.

Lebron James is nearing the end of his career and has already banked a couple hundred mill. If he wants to start a war with Trump (and Lebron did start it!) then let him. But Donovan's career is just starting and he doesn't need this kind of BS to side track it. If his agent isn't explaining this to DM, then he isn't doing his job.
This President constantly lowers himself below the office he holds.

Though I would offer this advice to Donovan:

Never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty but the pig likes it.
<sigh> You folks don't get it. You betcha, Donovan has the right to say whatever he wants, but then those who disagree with his political statements have the right to tune out the Utah Jazz. Utah is a red state.

Think about it. I'm sure DL and Gail Miller are.
If that tweet has any effect, then the people who don't value the person he is should look in the mirror and realize they're a POS. Donovan said nothing wrong at all. That tweet by the damn President of the United States was clownish and terrible. Spencer Cox liked Donovans tweet. I think people in Utah (other than those that are blind Trump followers and there are some) understand Trump is a garbage human being even if they voted for him or like some of his policies. If politcs mean enough to someone to hate on a great person like Donovan, they have some priority issues. I'll defend Donovan every turn he takes on these issues, he has every right to his opinion. The fact he's a great human is what should matter.
As an ex-mormon who was once married in the temple, grew up in Utah County and served a full-time mission, I wonder what your experience is with mormon tithing and how they are aggressive. I was taught to pay tithing and why I should. I was never asked to pay tithing, aggressively sought after to pay tithing, had anyone knock on my door to collect fast offerings (I did that as a kid) or had my leaders make me feel bad about it. During my interviews, I would always say I wasn't a full tithe player and rarely paid. My leaders always had responses of love, understanding and maybe challenged to seek out the blessings of paying tithing. They never once made me feel guilty about it.

The church has a ton of money, don't get me wrong. They do a lot of good with it too - like a lot of good. I always find it interesting how the mormon church pisses people off so easily - especially ex members. It never wronged me. I have some of my best memories from it and I think it's a good framework to follow. Who cares if people pay tithing to help fund what they believe? Hell, my gf from Florida occassionally goes to church and occasionally puts money in a jar (I don't know if it's a donation jar) that's passed around during service. I would much rather tell her good for you, babe than question why she would do that and ask where the money is going.

I love Utah. It has it quirks, but they are only bad if you look at them that way.
I did mention in an earlier post that my impression of how the LDS church handles tithing has come mostly from ex-Mormons. I absolutely appreciate your response and Colton's response to my post.

I got called out for backpedaling on that post and, yeah, you can call it that and you wouldn't be wrong. I was presented with perfectly reasonable responses to an impression I had that was not correct, from people who certainly know more about it than I do. I'm a little embarrassed in the way I initially presented my understanding of LDS tithing, but I think a few too many people take my literal statements in that post as disingenuous, when they were actually genuine.

My opinion of the people who responded with empty hostility hasn't improved, but my opinion of Colton and Archie absolutely has, even though I have held both of them in high regard for some time.

Like I said, on this subject when I'm in a conversation with non-LDS and ex-LDS and they bring up tithing, I'll be the guy saying "Well, actually..." and trying to bring reason to what will otherwise most likely be a session of bashing the LDS church. I like being that guy.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A sign of an insecure human being is one who attacks others to make themselves feel better... im just sad that young kids have to see stupid tweets like these and grow up thinking it’s okay... forget everything else Donald your setting a bad example for kids our future <a href="https://t.co/eg0MECg8xC">https://t.co/eg0MECg8xC</a></p>&mdash; Donovan Mitchell (@spidadmitchell) <a href="">August 4, 2018</a></blockquote>
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So Donovan's not perfect after all! I mean really, that you're/your error? ;)