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Each to his own, I spect. I gotz a homey who done spents years learnin proper grammar, diction, vocabulary, and stuff. He studied oratory, took voice lessons, alla dat there. When he talks, peoples is IMPRESSED, I tellya what! Well, most peoples, anywaze. My own damn self, I can't stand it. Just annoys me, like, BIGTIME, fo some damn reason.
Dont neither of yuns go forgittin to gimme a red rep hit, now, hear?

Yup, this is TROLLING. Didn't Jesus get banned for this? (without any warnings or second chances?) I expect the same fate for Taint.


The Jazzfanz Posters Association
Yup, this is TROLLING. Didn't Jesus get banned for this? (without any warnings or second chances?) I expect the same fate for Taint.


The Jazzfanz Posters Association

Actually, He was asked to change, and ignored the request, before he was banned. Nice try though.
Keep going with the "The mods are too strict, unless they're dealing with someone I don't like" shtick. It's working wonders!
Actually, He was asked to change, and ignored the request, before he was banned. Nice try though.
Keep going with the "The mods are too strict, unless they're dealing with someone I don't like" shtick. It's working wonders!

Hey, you two are supposed to be friends. Please, play nice. It hurts me to see a message board ruin your relationship.
Actually, He was asked to change, and ignored the request, before he was banned. Nice try though.
Keep going with the "The mods are too strict, unless they're dealing with someone I don't like" shtick. It's working wonders!

He was asked to 'change'? Change what? His posting style? His name? I don't get it -- from what I understand, he was banned for trolling. Obviously, posting pure garbage/jibberish/worthless tripe is not grounds for trolling, so it stands to reason that JC wasn't really banned for trolling. It appears that he was 'asked to change' his name, and when he didn't comply he was banned. So, which is it: He was asked to change his posting style and he didn't conform, or the mods lied to cover the fact that they're just a little touchy when someone uses satire to poke fun of their religion. Either way, it's unfair moderation. I guess it's not my site, so the mods can be as unfair as they want, but don't lie to us about it.

Intellectual Honesty: Just Do It.

*p.s.* Geeze Catrat, why so harsh, baby?
I love how nobody wants to tackle the 'tough' questions, so i'll ask again:

So, which is it: He was asked to change his posting style and he didn't conform, or the mods lied to cover the fact that they're just a little touchy when someone uses satire to poke fun of their religion. Either way, it's unfair moderation. I guess it's not my site, so the mods can be as unfair as they want, but don't lie to us about it.

He was asked to 'change'? Change what? His posting style? His name? I don't get it -- from what I understand, he was banned for trolling. Obviously, posting pure garbage/jibberish/worthless tripe is not grounds for trolling, so it stands to reason that JC wasn't really banned for trolling. It appears that he was 'asked to change' his name, and when he didn't comply he was banned. So, which is it: He was asked to change his posting style and he didn't conform, or the mods lied to cover the fact that they're just a little touchy when someone uses satire to poke fun of their religion. Either way, it's unfair moderation. I guess it's not my site, so the mods can be as unfair as they want, but don't lie to us about it.

Intellectual Honesty: Just Do It.

*p.s.* Geeze Catrat, why so harsh, baby?

Good points.
He was asked to 'change'? Change what? His posting style? His name? I don't get it -- from what I understand, he was banned for trolling. Obviously, posting pure garbage/jibberish/worthless tripe is not grounds for trolling, so it stands to reason that JC wasn't really banned for trolling. It appears that he was 'asked to change' his name, and when he didn't comply he was banned. So, which is it: He was asked to change his posting style and he didn't conform, or the mods lied to cover the fact that they're just a little touchy when someone uses satire to poke fun of their religion. Either way, it's unfair moderation. I guess it's not my site, so the mods can be as unfair as they want, but don't lie to us about it.

Intellectual Honesty: Just Do It.

*p.s.* Geeze Catrat, why so harsh, baby?

Wow. Look at Dave with all the emotion of a 15 year old volleyball player. Adoring to say the least. Do you get this emotional when ripping the savings from one of your "clients" hands?

Also, please refrain from using my coined terms, you ****ing hack.
Also, please refrain from using my coined terms, you ****ing hack.

Heh, now Vinny wansta take credit for "coining" a phrase that's been around for decades, eh? Mebbe ya should autta refrain from claimin ya "coined" phrases ya didn't, eh, Vinny? Hack.
Heh, now Vinny wansta take credit for "coining" a phrase that's been around for decades, eh? Mebbe ya should autta refrain from claimin ya "coined" phrases ya didn't, eh, Vinny? Hack.

It's even better when Vinylone calls people emotional 15 year old volleyball players. Especially after his thread he made about the moderators when he got a warning. What a tardnuckle.