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Roe v. Wade is going down

the difference being that one is defending herself, and the other is not.
In both cases the only thing being defended against is having a living child. The mother did a thing which conceived a child and decided later that she did not want to raise a child and so set about killing the child. The ONLY difference is that one child was pre-delivery while the other was post-delivery.
Or the right to decide if an infant is left in the car on a hot day. The mother can choose to do these things as the mother has agency, but if the decision to remove from the womb or leave in the hot car leads to the death of the child then I think the mother should be held responsible.
You keep mixing two things - child and fetus. Fetus is not the child.
You keep mixing two things - child and fetus. Fetus is not the child.
Ya its weird he doesn't know the difference. I mean I can take care of a child. Anyone can. I cant take care of a fetus in a womans body though. Without that womans body the fetus dies. Seems pretty obvious.
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You keep mixing two things - child and fetus. Fetus is not the child.
A fetus and a child are the same thing. The term "with child" has been used to describe pregnant women for as long as we've had language. The delivery process does not fundamentally change what the child is. It was the offspring of a mother and father before birth and is the offspring of a mother and father after birth. It is a child. You are building a semantic wall in your head to morally justify an act that is truly horrific. An abortion is a mother choosing to kill her child.
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AI - what is the appropriate punishment for all involved with an abortion in your opinion?

Is it on par with Murder 1? If not, why not?
I mean I can take care of a child. Anyone can. I cant take care of a fetus in a womans body though. Without that womans body the fetus dies. Seems pretty obvious.
A 14-day old infant and a 14-year old teenager also have different requirements but that doesn’t mean one is a child while the other is not.

I do think it a curious direction to make abortion about you. It is like my seeing a moral problem with running a deathcamp where Jews are being killed. One group against my moral stance is arguing that killing Jews is fine because the guards may not want to care for Jews, and you chime in to argue about your own ability as a non-deathcamp employee for caring for Jews and so that justifies those killing Jews in the deathcamp.
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A fetus and a child are the same thing. The term "with child" has been used to describe pregnant women for as long as we've had language. The delivery process does not fundamentally change what the child is. It was the offspring of a mother and father before birth and is the offspring of a mother and father after birth. It is a child. You are building a semantic wall in your head to morally justify an act that is truly horrific. An abortion is a mother choosing to kill her child.
They are not the same thing though. If they were then I could take care of a fetus without the mother. Like I can with a child. I cant take care of a fetus without the mother though. That makes them not the same.
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AI - what is the appropriate punishment for all involved with an abortion in your opinion?

Is it on par with Murder 1? If not, why not?
That depends on a lot of circumstances, as is the case any time there is a homicide. All I want is the recognition that a life is ended. Those who argue against that obvious fact seem to go to crazy extremes to avoid it as if calling the child a "fetus" makes it morally okay to kill a child, or a laser-like focus on a "woman's rights" to pretend there is no child's life being ended. The woman walking in to the abortion clinic is "with child" and the woman walking out is no longer "with child". That child was killed. Recognition of that child is where I'd hope we can start.
That makes them not the same.
Throughout history there have been many, many believers who have pointed to this or that piece of evidence to "prove" a group of of humans were different and lesser in order to justify some horrific acts. Are you sure you want to count yourself in with those who use the same arguments you are now employing?
That depends on a lot of circumstances, as is the case any time there is a homicide. All I want is the recognition that a life is ended. Those who argue against that obvious fact seem to go to crazy extremes to avoid it as if calling the child a "fetus" makes it morally okay to kill a child, or a laser-like focus on a "woman's rights" to pretend there is no child's life being ended. The woman walking in to the abortion clinic is "with child" and the woman walking out is no longer "with child". That child was killed. Recognition of that child is where I'd hope we can start.
I feel the same way about anytime anyone masturbates. I mean I just want acknowledgement that life was ended. Im not sure what the punishment for masturbation should be as it depends on a lot of circumstances just like any other homicide.
Throughout history there have been many, many believers who have pointed to this or that piece of evidence to "prove" a group of of humans were different and lesser in order to justify some horrific acts. Are you sure you want to count yourself in with those who use the same arguments you are now employing?
You said that a child and a fetus are the same. I just gave you an example of how they aren't the same. Your tangent is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
Can you give an example in history of believers who have pointed to this or that piece of evidence to "prove" a group of humans living outside of another human body were different and lesser than a group of humans living inside of a human body in order justify some horrific acts?
You said that a child and a fetus are the same.
A fetus is a child. An infant is a child. A toddler is a child. A preschooler is a child. An adolescent is a child. Arguing that an adolescent and a fetus are different says nothing to the fact that a fetus is a child.
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A fetus is a child. An infant is a child. A toddler is a child. A preschooler is a child. An adolescent is a child. Arguing that an adolescent and a fetus are different says nothing to the fact that a fetus is a child.
A fetus needs a mothers body to survive. A toddler, infant, preschooler, adolescent does not.
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I feel the same way about anytime anyone masturbates. I mean I just want acknowledgement that life was ended. Im not sure what the punishment for masturbation should be as it depends on a lot of circumstances just like any other homicide.
I can see that biology is not a strength. While I could link to definitions of life, it is a far bigger concern that you don't seem to understand what happens when a woman masturbates.
I can see that biology is not a strength. While I could link to definitions of life, it is a far bigger concern that you don't seem to understand what happens when a woman masturbates.
I see why you are confused. You seem to think I said anytime WOMEN masturbate. I didn't though. Kind of telling how I used the word "anyone" and you automatically think that Im speaking about women as the problem with masturbating killing life. I was actually talking about men. Your hate of women makes you think I was talking about women sadly.
Life is your concern? Hunters take life. Cutting down trees ends a life. I dont know what the punishment should be for those murders but we should probably look into it.
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Kind of telling how I used the word "anyone" and you automatically think that Im speaking about women as the problem with masturbating killing life. I was actually talking about men.
I think that "anyone" includes men and women. I can see that you think differently and believe "anyone" only refers to men. Much like children, you don't seem to see women as people.
I think that "anyone" includes men and women. I can see that you think differently and believe "anyone" only refers to men. Much like children, you don't seem to see women as people.
nope. Anyone means anyone who is eliminating life when they masturbate. Which is obvious when you look at the context of discussion. Of course you singled out women cause you are you.
That depends on a lot of circumstances, as is the case any time there is a homicide. All I want is the recognition that a life is ended. Those who argue against that obvious fact seem to go to crazy extremes to avoid it as if calling the child a "fetus" makes it morally okay to kill a child, or a laser-like focus on a "woman's rights" to pretend there is no child's life being ended. The woman walking in to the abortion clinic is "with child" and the woman walking out is no longer "with child". That child was killed. Recognition of that child is where I'd hope we can start.

Some scenarios. Mother simply wants to end/prevent the pregnancy.

A) Plan B.

B) Mifepristone at say 7-8 weeks.

C) Surgical abortion at ~12 weeks.

Even you don't seem to really believe an embryo is a life with your wish-washy answer here. Wouldn't have needed all that hemming and hawing if I'd asked what the charge should be for killing a toddler.
Author/journalist Patrick S Tomlinson poses this situation:

Imagine a scenario whereby you are in a fertility clinic when the fire alarm goes off. Before you escape, you have the option to save either a five-year-old child who is pleading for help, or a container of 1000 viable human embryos.

“Do you A) save the child, or B) save the thousand embryos?“ he asks.

“There is no 'C.' 'C' means you all die.”
Author/journalist Patrick S Tomlinson poses this situation:
For me there is no choice here. You obviously save the child. Option B wouldn't even cross my mind in that situation. If I was in that situation and someone presented the option of saving the embryos at the expense of the child I'd probably give them a hard *** smack as I passed them on my way to save the child just so they could get their idiot head on straight.