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Inception **^^**

Almost 3,000 votes on imdb so far and it has a 9.6 rating average. Obviously, that will go down but still.

This is part of the reason I get annoyed with the cult of Christopher Nolan. By this weekend we could very well see a situation where Christopher Nolan is credited with directing 3 of the top 30 movies ever as determined by the popular voting mechanism on the imdb 250. By that measure, he is the greatest film director of all time. Ridiculous.
This is part of the reason I get annoyed with the cult of Christopher Nolan. By this weekend we could very well see a situation where Christopher Nolan is credited with directing 3 of the top 30 movies ever as determined by the popular voting mechanism on the imdb 250. By that measure, he is the greatest film director of all time. Ridiculous.

Yes, ridiculous. A more pertinent statement would be along the lines of "most popular director of all time."
This is part of the reason I get annoyed with the cult of Christopher Nolan. By this weekend we could very well see a situation where Christopher Nolan is credited with directing 3 of the top 30 movies ever as determined by the popular voting mechanism on the imdb 250. By that measure, he is the greatest film director of all time. Ridiculous.

Peter Jackson has 3 in the top 30 right now...
This is part of the reason I get annoyed with the cult of Christopher Nolan. By this weekend we could very well see a situation where Christopher Nolan is credited with directing 3 of the top 30 movies ever as determined by the popular voting mechanism on the imdb 250. By that measure, he is the greatest film director of all time. Ridiculous.

Ebert gave it 4 stars.
Definitely one of the best movies I've ever seen. I haven't seen a good one in a while though, so it might be biased.
Best special effects ever though, makes avatar look like a hobo with a sock puppet.
Story was awesome, it got a bit tangled sometimes though... but still awesome.
I went to the movies today by myself cause my fiance is out of town. She wants to see this with me so I went to the Karate Kid cause a lot of people said it was pretty good. It was pretty terrible to say the least, and I should have gone to see this. I'm an idiot, but you already know that, right?