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Inception **^^**

Nothing man. Free money is where it's at. It's not like taking food stamps or disability when you're 100% able to work, or anything.


I'm sure you guys are totally earning it. I mean, hell, I bet it's hard to forgive/forget what happened to your ancestors, like, hundreds of years ago. Ya, you remember, ol' what's his name grandpa Whistling Fist, he totally got pwn'd by Columbus and his assassins -- Why shouldn't you get paid for that grave injustice?!

Lolz... the insurance clown critiquing other people's abilities to do worthwhile honest work... I'm choking on irony.
Lolz... the insurance clown critiquing other people's abilities to do worthwhile honest work... I'm choking on irony.

Wait, Trout is an insurance agent.....?

Also I don't lift a damn finger for that Indian money. But am I really going to turn down a check every month that shows up in my mail box? I think its sweet that the Tribe shares their profits with all its members.
Wait, Trout is an insurance agent.....?

Also I don't lift a damn finger for that Indian money. But am I really going to turn down a check every month that shows up in my mail box? I think its sweet that the Tribe shares their profits with all its members.
Ya I"m not sure what trout does... but he's said he's an insurance monkey of some sort... and they're all evil. Even the receptionist at my local state farm branch was devouring a child...
I wish i got a check for doing nothing... we all do. That's why we criticize the native americans. Also they profit from a "profitable institution" (imagine that) that most states are too high strung to even grant the purchase of a ticket which has associations with said abominable profitable institutions. Their loss. But have a drink for me beany, because I see through all the prejudice, fear-mongering, high-strung puritan bull ****, and understand said system... just don't let any of your relatives get a hold of it. ;)
At the end of the day when you look back on what you've done, feel good about yourself, and know that The Joker agrees with you. Yes, our resident Hitler Youth agrees with you, Clown. What more can I say? Between the two of you ripping on me, I just don't know what or where to go. However will I recover from this slander?!
At the end of the day when you look back on what you've done, feel good about yourself, and know that The Joker agrees with you. Yes, our resident Hitler Youth agrees with you, Clown. What more can I say? Between the two of you ripping on me, I just don't know what or where to go. However will I recover from this slander?!

Probably beat your wife...

just sayin'

This has been Joker reminding you all to heil Hitler.
I'm going to see it tonight. I'm kinda excited, but I hate going to see movies with big hypes because I usually have a pretty high expectation for them and get let down.
I'm going to see it tonight. I'm kinda excited, but I hate going to see movies with big hypes because I usually have a pretty high expectation for them and get let down.

That's probably the same gamut of emotions your fiancee felt up to and including the night you first consummated.
I guarantee she's not a competitor for the title.

Not to bash on your girl, but there's really only one.


Did you meet her in the courtroom?
OK, so I just got back from watching the film. Needless to say, this thread made me have very high expectations for it. I thought it was ok, at best. Dang, I was really looking forward to it.
OK, so I just got back from watching the film. Needless to say, this thread made me have very high expectations for it. I thought it was ok, at best. Dang, I was really looking forward to it.

What's funny is that now I'll probably end up liking it better than you for the exact same reason: I'm going to walk in with very low expectations.
What's funny is that now I'll probably end up liking it better than you for the exact same reason: I'm going to walk in with very low expectations.

I mean, it wasn't terrible, but I was expecting something super epic. What ever it was, it never happened. I give it a B-.
I mean, it wasn't terrible, but I was expecting something super epic. What ever it was, it never happened. I give it a B-.

What wasn't super epic about it?
I went in with very high expectations, and they were equallized and surpassed.