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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (democratic socialist) wins NY primary

the american model of capitalism is unsustainable (this is a problem not only for you but for us because our elites are desperate to copy it) the Chinese will replace you as the global superpower by the middle of this century.

Ya, that's fine. As long as QoL continues trending upward, I don't care who's the world's premier economic superpower. China should be that, since they have 5x the population of the US. More power to them.

American style capitalism is always shifting and changing. We need better redistribution policies, for sure. Regardless, A.I., along with infinite resource technologies like asteroid mining, will eventually force our hand. Things are fine. Just get the nationalists out of government so we can continue to cooperate and progress together.
Ya, that's fine. As long as QoL continues trending upward, I don't care who's the world's premier economic superpower. China should be that, since they have 5x the population of the US. More power to them.

American style capitalism is always shifting and changing. We need better redistribution policies, for sure. Regardless, A.I., along with infinite resource technologies like asteroid mining, will eventually force our hand. Things are fine. Just get the nationalists out of government so we can continue to cooperate and progress together.

But how do you measure quality of life? Life expectancy? Education? i could go on and might tomorrow if I can be bothered but you touch on it there, redistribution. Having 10 percent of your population consume 80 percent of everything while 90 percent live longer but do slightly better than subsist or live in abject poverty is a problem. i would say a distinct problem not just for america but for us is how difficult social mobility has become.
Posters here understand that the graphic I showed comes from Fox News, right? They were attempting to smear her. If you’re mocking her lack of details then you should go directly to the source, Fox News, and ask them why they’re trying to smear a candidate with such a simple graphic.

Her vision in much greater detail can be found by visiting her website. Perhaps before blasting her someone should actually visit her website first??? Reading comprehension is key.


BTW, one of her issues is criminal justice reform.


Medicare for all absorbs Medicaid and the VA, since they’d all come into a single payer system. And of course part D would become obsolete. There’s not a single payer system in the world that permits pharmaceutical companies to fleece the entire country. That would collapse the entire system rather than just hurt seniors (as part D primarily does today).
It’s sad how some people will just quickly dismiss a candidate based on her political party or title (democratic socialist) before visiting websites and learning about them.

Blind support or opposition devolving into tribalism is what’s ruining the civility and cohesion of American society to deal with pressing situations and issues.
Also, you're a dumbass if you think Democratic Socialism is extreme. Its quite moderate. Don't let Fox News scare you.
Funny. This is just gonna push people to vote for Trump, tbh.

The whole abolish capitalism and private ownership thing will sound good to a few fringe people, but the majority will hate it. Vocal minority will love it though.

With that said, cool story of how she got elected. Don’t agree with her viewpoints at all, but good for her. Plus I just don’t think she’s the least bit dangerous. People on the far left or far right typically work out better for the opposing party come election time.
Nothing about Democratic Socialism is abolishing capitalism. Its about weakening corporatism.
I don't think 100k for middle class is outrageous. I'd say 80k household income, at a minimum, would be required to own a house in a middle class neighborhood, and provide a comfortable middle class life for your family. Houses in SLC gotta be close to 300k on average now.

I'm glad you agree that the robots will eventually take all of our jobs. I remember you being resistant to that notion in the past, citing that tech progress has historically created more jobs than it destroyed (true, but different situations).

And of course we're not replacing capitalism with a fully socialist system. That's ridiculous.
Republicans hear the S word in any context and immediately **** their pants.
Smh, don’t rush into another **** situation in your haste to flee a **** situation.

It’s not simple. Not even remotely
Its more simple than you think.

Also do some damn research if you want to know more than a bullet list.
The DSA has existed for 30+ years. Its not some brand new scary thing. If you are complaining about these things not being feasible then you have bought the company line from big business. If you are complaining about not knowing how these things are achieved, then you haven't done enough research.
The DSA has existed for 30+ years. Its not some brand new scary thing. If you are complaining about these things not being feasible then you have bought the company line from big business. If you are complaining about not knowing how these things are achieved, then you haven't done enough research.

God you're dense.
It really is. Sorry you have been brainwashed by the current system and its dedication to incrementalism and lobbyist.

Sorry you don’t know a ****ing thing about me and are trying to take it out of a hypothetical in which she was just the given example.
Sorry you don’t know a ****ing thing about me and are trying to take it out of a hypothetical in which she was just the given example.
You post enough in political based conversation on here that I do in fact know at least some stuff about you.
Good. Better yet, don’t even come in. I can’t remember the last time you posted anything remotely constructive or informative. Just blind hate and vitriol. You set up strawmen and ignore key facts. And then you get all huffy and puffy when people call you out on your ignorance. If you want to discuss politics then discuss them.

It’s annoying as hell to shift through your vomiting all over threads.

If it’s political, just stay out. You’re doing this wrong if you feel like fighting someone after one of these threads.