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Are There Any Republicans That Feel Welcome In This Part of the Forum?

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One more, related to my Jazz comment, we have the option to remove Gen Disc from your feed if you login. If anyone wants out of this cesspool, shoot me a DM too.
One more, related to my Jazz comment, we have the option to remove Gen Disc from your feed if you login. If anyone wants out of this cesspool, shoot me a DM too.

I like the general discussion forum, just not the political discussions. For example the Pete Peeve and Reverse Pet Peeve threads I always like to read. I wouldn't mind a political discussion thread that I could not have to see, but it's also not that big of a deal to just ignore those threads.
Hello SteakNEggs. I am a conservative that used to post on this site. I am you from three years ago. Trying to have a decent political discussion and the liberal vultures jump in with their hypocritical BS.

I see it has not changed around here.

I cannot believe that anyone still defends this idiot:
Hello SteakNEggs. I am a conservative that used to post on this site. I am you from three years ago. Trying to have a decent political discussion and the liberal vultures jump in with their hypocritical BS.

I see it has not changed around here.

I cannot believe that anyone still defends this idiot:
if you tried to have a decent political discussion then you are not jazzy fresh. Im sure that labeling other posters as liberal vultures with hypocritical BS is what you think is conducive to decent political discussions but others might not see it that way. Carry on.
if you tried to have a decent political discussion then you are not jazzy fresh. Im sure that labeling other posters as liberal vultures with hypocritical BS is what you think is conducive to decent political discussions but others might not see it that way. Carry on.
Says the guy calling everyone cultist and alt accounts. You should look into the mirror of blatant hypocrisy. It's completely ok for you guys to call others names daily but when someone reacts in kind you play the victim.

And thank you Political... It's clear as day that not one single Republican feels welcome here. By all means though. If any other Republican feels different call me out. Sad thing is... Most have been literally bullied away so they are not around anymore. The proof is in the pudding... There are no conservatives here anymore. I mean... Where are they?
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SteakNEggs, I believe it’s the kind of comment seen here, the respondent’s comments, in other words, that are the kind of attacks that go up your butt sideways. It’s very generalized, it’s not true, really. It’s the kind of generalization made in anger, without worry that it simply is wrong. I knew, the day of 1/6 itself, that many people outside the People’s House were there in the sincere belief that the election had been stolen, and their president, the rightful president in their heart and minds, was asking them to support him. They must have taken his beliefs very sincerely, and cared enough about their country to show up.

If you’ve ever seen The Daily Show’s Jordan Klepper interviewing Trump fans, at Trump rallies, he pokes fun at them, but in a gentle, not unkind way, and usually it goes right over their heads. Better that approach than the attitude expressed by the respondent to the tweet below.

And, you know, both sides go to generalizations like that, because of anger, because of frustration, because of fear of our nation’s situation. And you know what? Talk to many who respond it that manner, I’m certainly sure I have, and almost always immediately regret it, because I know better, and in my better moments, I know I know better, talk to those folks and so many know they are wrong, know they are overreaching, know that anger is driving their exaggerations and harsh, inaccurate generalizations. The kind left in anger by this respondent….

I like Kepler’s approach to Trump supporters. These poor folks….

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK0Rv444dQc&pp=ygUaam9yZGFuIGtsZXBwZXIgdHJ1bXAgcmFsbHk%3D
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1. I can 99.99987% say the moderating crew has never made a decision on an infraction based on someone’s political affiliation. The site has existed for 25 years and I’m old so there’s a chance but the infractions given to my knowledge are based on the transaction and history of similar transactions at hand.

2. You want a single republican to come forward that feels safe. Fair. Isn’t the better question of a republican that does not? If anyone other than Steak feels this way, I would appreciate a DM.

3. Frankly I’m offended at the actions of Steak and others in recent threads. No secret. What’s the domain of this site? Good hell, let’s talk Jazz.
There is a thread strictly dedicated to calling other posters transphobes. How is that right? Can I start a thread calling other posters names too? No... You may disagree but this is why the Republicans have left. Because it's ok and allowed to call people transphobes amongst other names around here with no merit other than bullying. It's acceptable for these guys to call Republicans all sorts of names such as cultist non-stop, every single day. Look at Red and page one... I mean... It may not seem like much to you but being called a transphobe for having a different opinion on the issue is NOT by any means civil. It's bullying plain and simple. It's a tactic to silence others. It's openly allowed though for what reason Jason? Then when someone calls other posters equally bad things... They get banned... For example what Al-O-Meter was banned for is no worse than calling someone a transphobe. It's not flattering at all, it's extremely insulting and it's not even frowned upon around here. It's literally allowed.

Am I wrong? Do you think calling other posters and Republicans cultist non stop is inviting? All because they support a candidate the posters here don't like? I'm surrounded by Trump supporters, to label these people cultist is nothing short of bigotry and hatred @Red by definition. These people sit and say how divisive Trump is but who's really being the divisive ones? You support a candidate, you are a cultist. You don't think children should get mutilated you are a transphobe. This type of behavior is this forum.
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SteakNEggs, I believe it’s the kind of comment seen here, the respondent’s comments, in other words, that are the kind of attacks that go up your butt sideways. It’s very generalized, it’s not true, really. It’s the kind of generalization made in anger, without worry that it simply is wrong. I knew, the day of 1/6 itself, that many people outside the People’s House were there in the sincere belief that the election had been stolen, and their president, the rightful president in their heart and minds, was asking them to support him. They must have taken his beliefs very sincerely, and cared enough about their country to show up.

If you’ve ever seen The Daily Show’s Jordan Klepper interviewing Trump fans, at Trump rallies, he pokes fun at them, but in a gentle, not unkind way, and usually it goes right over their heads. Better that approach than the attitude expressed by the respondent to the tweet below.

And, you know, both sides go to generalizations like that, because of anger, because of frustration, because of fear of our nation’s situation. And you know what? Talk to many who respond it that manner, I’m certainly sure I have, and almost always immediately regret it, because I know better, and in my better moments, I know I know better, talk to those folks and so many know they are wrong, know they are overreaching, know that anger is driving their exaggerations and harsh, inaccurate generalizations. The kind left in anger by this respondent….

I like Kepler’s approach to Trump supporters. These poor folks….

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK0Rv444dQc&pp=ygUaam9yZGFuIGtsZXBwZXIgdHJ1bXAgcmFsbHk%3D

It's such a ridiculous and childish accusation lol. Because people believe Trump that they are a cult. How utterly dumb and petty Red. It's crazy how easily you can rationalize bigotry and hate all while crying complaining about Trump. You all are no different.

Especially when you all are literally trying to steal the next election by making up false crimes, like Russia, against Trump.

Here's one of the indictments against Trump where the FEC literally says there are no crimes. Yet you all have indicted him for it. You know... The DA that literally ran on taking down trump? Again... You are on the level of Nazi Germany with these tactics. I'm not calling you a Nazi but this is exaclty the type of **** Hitler did. Staling did. Mao did... YOu all have to dig up false crimes from 7 years ago.
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... Russia hoax ... hoax ... Russia hoax ... political hit job ... hoax ... hoax. ... hoax. ... hoax ...
No matter how many times you repeat the word, the Trump campaign's involvement with Russia was established by the Mueller report (despite Barr's attempt to distort the results), and was not a hoax.

The only other people to arrest a political opponent during a race
Debs went to prison on April 13, 1919.[5] In protest of his jailing, Charles Ruthenberg led a parade of unionists, socialists, anarchists, and communists on May 1 (May Day) in Cleveland, Ohio. The event quickly broke into the violent May Day riots of 1919.

Debs ran for president in the 1920 election while imprisoned in the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. He received 914,191[55] votes (3.4 percent),[56] a slightly smaller percentage than he had won in 1912, when he received 6 percent, the highest number of votes for a Socialist Party presidential candidate in the United States.[5][57]

Arresting a political opponent is now ok with you.
No one that has arrested Trump is a political opponent of Trump. Jack Smith is an independent who has prosecuted both Republicans and Democrats.

It's a ok for red avd Democrats to idiotically claim an election is stolen for 7 years
No one claims the 2016 election was stolen. Trump was going to, but Clinton conceded the election the day after it was held.
One more, related to my Jazz comment, we have the option to remove Gen Disc from your feed if you login. If anyone wants out of this cesspool, shoot me a DM too.
Jason, you rock (even if you are a Republican ;))!
Hello SteakNEggs. I am a conservative that used to post on this site. I am you from three years ago. Trying to have a decent political discussion and the liberal vultures jump in with their hypocritical BS.

I see it has not changed around here.
I apologize for any part that I played in making you feel unwelcome.

I cannot believe that anyone still defends this idiot:

It was wrong to criticize Bush for staying out of the way during Katrina, and I regret that I did that.
No matter how many times you repeat the word, the Trump campaign's involvement with Russia was established by the Mueller report (despite Barr's attempt to distort the results), and was not a hoax.

No one that has arrested Trump is a political opponent of Trump. Jack Smith is an independent who has prosecuted both Republicans and Democrats.

No one claims the 2016 election was stolen. Trump was going to, but Clinton conceded the election the day after it was held.
Lol 7 years of you guys sitting here every day telling me the election was stolen and you deny it. How you can blatantly lie about something like that is mind boggling to me. How you can just sweep the past 7 years under the rug like it never happened.
Here's one of the indictments against Trump where the FEC literally says there are no crimes.
That is not what the article says.
The FEC voted 4-1 to close the inquiry after failing to find that Trump or his campaign “knowingly and willfully” violated campaign finance law when his former attorney Michael Cohen paid $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her from disclosing an alleged affair.
Campaign laws were violated, but because Trump did not understand campaign finance laws, he will not be charged. Apparently, ignorance of the law is an excuse for men like Trump.
I know I never said the 2016 election was stolen. trump won that election. I do think the main reason he won is because all the polls were showing that he had no chance at winning and many people who preferred hilary over trump but didn't want to vote for hilary simply didn't vote or voted independent thinking that trump had no chance at winning anyway.
Those same people didn't make the same mistake in 2020 though.
I know I never said the 2016 election was stolen. trump won that election. I do think the main reason he won is because all the polls were showing that he had no chance at winning and many people who preferred hilary over trump but didn't want to vote for hilary simply didn't vote or voted independent thinking that trump had no chance at winning anyway.
Those same people didn't make the same mistake in 2020 though.
****ing exactly!

Hillary was not liked at all. I didn't like her. I didn't want her to run. The GOP had been slamming her for over 20 years ever since she appeared before congress as the First Lady advocating for heath care reform. They saw her as a political threat down the road and they did everything possible to generate negativity associated with her. It worked. I mean she didn't do herself any favors because she's not super likable and has been a Washington insider for most of her life. It was too bad the Democratic party at the very top works a lot like Mormon Church leadership does. It's not based on merit, it's based on being loyal and waiting your turn. Hillary did what she was asked to do by the Democratic party and in 2016 insisted that it was her turn. We all see how well that turned out.
Says the guy calling everyone cultist and alt accounts. You should look into the mirror of blatant hypocrisy. It's completely ok for you guys to call others names daily but when someone reacts in kind you play the victim.

And thank you Political... It's clear as day that not one single Republican feels welcome here. By all means though. If any other Republican feels different call me out. Sad thing is... Most have been literally bullied away so they are not around anymore. The proof is in the pudding... There are no conservatives here anymore. I mean... Where are they?
You're in the cult of stupidity and you are JazzyEggs. You are a ****** person, an idiot, and a troll.

Republicans are welcome! Idiot cultist trolls? Ehh, not welcome by me.

You don't know what a conservative is, tbh. You've joined the cult and left actual conservatism behind for your Orange god.
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Lol 7 years of you guys sitting here every day telling me the election was stolen and you deny it. How you can blatantly lie about something like that is mind boggling to me. How you can just sweep the past 7 years under the rug like it never happened.
The election wasn't stolen. Many voters were fooled by Russian propaganda. Everyone has a right to be fooled by whatever propaganda they prefer, and Tump cultists certainly were. They voted and due to the electoral college we got the stupidest President in American history and his stupid followers become emboldened to spread their stupidity all over like it was revelatory insight. Example: JazzyEggs.

Case closed
The election wasn't stolen. Many voters were fooled by Russian propaganda.

Case closed
Yeah... Exactly... The entire hoax you fish red thriller pushed for 7 years was based off of Russian Propaganda that Hillary Clinton bought from a foreign agent who got the information from Russia. Remember the pee tapes stuff you all pushed for a while? I know you will deny it but I remember how hilarious it was that you guys fell for something so amazingly stupid. Truthfully, I'm curious though... What Russian propaganda did we push? Your entire premise of the election being stolen(that's what you all said) was based off of literal Russian Propaganda.

Care to actually debate this? This is 100% factual.
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