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Yeah, they also said it was an Anti-Trump, Anti-Fascist guy that murdered people. So... *shrug*

I saw video proof of their claim.


Clearly struck with a plastic bag, unprovoked!
No, and the reason why is because of the message. ANTIFA, in this situation, is coming under the message of a group not born of hate. I can't say the same for the opposite side.

Wait, they are OK because they are "not the heart of the message" but aren't the same as the other "because of the message"? Do you even know the message? Or are you just throwing words away because you don't want to admit you feel comfortable associating yourself with an extremist organization? Again, are they the "good" extremists?
Dutch said "Antifa are fascist"
I said "Uh, no thems potatoes."
You said "They kinda are fascist"

That makes sense because fascists are known for suppressing hate speach.

hint:fascists are known for the opposite of that.

I have already made the relevant argument to this latest post of yours.

For fascists these are not tactics they are the goal.

Then quote dutch, not me. I dont read that guy's post.
I understand how you;re trying to process this within the law. Good on you, but I find it cowardly. Sorry to offend, I know I am, but I have to. My conscience does not allow for even the tiniest acceptance of this type of speech, after all we've been through. I will not tolerate it, I will not allow it to victimize me or anyone else, and I will fight (non-violently) those who try to carve out any piece of society for these mongrels.

Okay I have been thinking. Boris does this from time to time.

Why do liberals need to restrict freedom so much? You are afraid of guns ban guns. You are afraid white supremacist ban free speech. Why you are so worried by dumb *** white supremacist when the world laughs at those dip ****s? There won't be more Nazis tomorrow they a dyin breed. Tell em that an laugh in there face no reason to politicize it an piss off a bunch of good people. That ain't helpin nuthin.
A central tenet of fascism is suppressing free speech.

Just felt like making a vaguely-thread-related random comment.

Wait, they are OK because they are "not the heart of the message" but aren't the same as the other "because of the message"? Do you even know the message? Or are you just throwing words away because you don't want to admit you feel comfortable associating yourself with an extremist organization? Again, are they the "good" extremists?

Their message? **** no. I've been pretty consistent with the message of letting anyone say anything they want. Let ANTIFA say whatever, It can't be any worse than any other militant group out there. The message they're uniting under right now, the broader Umbrella, is still "We want a fair shake, too", and "Black Lives Matter". Which is far less hateful than "Take our country back", or "Jews will not replace us".

To ensure you understand I'm not splitting hairs, or being inconsistent; I don't need an excuse to condemn white supremacy and discrimination. I will do that until my end days. I'm not a violent man, and it would take one hell of an act to make me violent. But if you think I'm going to care that a militant group is standing up, and even posturing for peaceful protesters that HAVE the moral high ground, you are as stupid as DucthRudder looks.
The First amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The Unite to Right Friday night march was not about freedom of speech. It was about taking advantage of the First Amendment to spread hate. It wasn't even about the Robert E. Lee statue. Where were any signs saying "Leave the statue alone!"? Where were all the signs with Robert E. Lee as the subject matter if this was about a statue? Instead we saw swastikas and the Confederate flag. We heard chants of racial superiority and racial animus. What does "White lives matter!" have to do with Robert E. Lee?

Not was it a peaceful assembly as Trump specifically claimed. When you walk the streets at night by torchlight, chanting "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and Soil", you are broadcasting hate, as well as engendering fear in the greater citizenry. The very opposite of a peaceful assembly. There are no "fine people" to be found on "that side". No "fine people" put themselves in such a setting. They weren't all white nationalists said Trump. Yes, Mr. Trump, they were all white nationalists.

Freedom of speech should not mean you can gather in large numbers and encourage hatred of fellow citizens based on their race or religion. If you do, other citizens have the right, to intervene and offer resistance to any effort to take advantage of the Constitution to spread a message that is designed to rip apart the social fabric, the social contract. The Constitution protects our social fabric. Attempting to rip it asunder by voicing hate and the promise to claim superiority over other citizens based on one's race is something other citizens opposed to such hate have every right to resist.

"Black Lives Matter!" is about insisting on equality. "White lives Matter!" is about insisting on superiority. The former is what the Constitution aims for, the latter is what the Constitution aims to avoid.

History is going to judge what we see happening in America right now. History is going to judge this President, who would dare give some comfort to these people. He defined them in a manner that allows them to believe he is winking at them, that he had to denounce them, but that his denunciation was not to be taken seriously by them. He gave them comfort. By diminishing their role, as the instigators of this rally, by diminishing their responsibility in spreading hatred of non whites and Jews, which aims to tear the social fabric apart, he not only abdicates moral leadership for the American Republic, he acts in a way that defines him as the enemy of the American experiment. He is a destructive force within the body politic, and he is encouraging the growth of a cancer, Neo Nazis and white nationalists, in the social fabric.

Donald Trump is not the President of the American people. He is the President of his base, which he sees and treats as a cult, and he understands Neo Nazis and white nationalists and KKK members as people whose support he does not wish to lose. He does not want to lose the support of American Nazis. And, in the last analysis, what does that say about the moral fiber of this man, and how do we continue to permit him to hold the office of the Presidency, and live with ourselves at the same time?
The First amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The Unite to Right Friday night march was not about freedom of speech. It was about taking advantage of the First Amendment to spread hate. It wasn't even about the Robert E. Lee statue. Where were any signs saying "Leave the statue alone!"? Where were all the signs with Robert E. Lee as the subject matter if this was about a statue? Instead we saw swastikas and the Confederate flag. We heard chants of racial superiority and racial animus. What does "White lives matter!" have to do with Robert E. Lee?

Not was it a peaceful assembly as Trump specifically claimed. When you walk the streets at night by torchlight, chanting "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and Soil", you are broadcasting hate, as well as engendering fear in the greater citizenry. The very opposite of a peaceful assembly. There are no "fine people" to be found on "that side". No "fine people" put themselves in such a setting. They weren't all white nationalists said Trump. Yes, Mr. Trump, they were all white nationalists.

Freedom of speech should not mean you can gather in large numbers and encourage hatred of fellow citizens based on their race or religion. If you do, other citizens have the right, to intervene and offer resistance to any effort to take advantage of the Constitution to spread a message that is designed to rip apart the social fabric, the social contract. The Constitution protects our social fabric. Attempting to rip it asunder by voicing hate and the promise to claim superiority over other citizens based on one's race is something other citizens opposed to such hate have every right to resist.

"Black Lives Matter!" is about insisting on equality. "White lives Matter!" is about insisting on superiority. The former is what the Constitution aims for, the latter is what the Constitution aims to avoid.

History is going to judge what we see happening in America right now. History is going to judge this President, who would dare give some comfort to these people. He defined them in a manner that allows them to believe he is winking at them, that he had to denounce them, but that his denunciation was not to be taken seriously by them. He gave them comfort. By diminishing their role, as the instigators of this rally, by diminishing their responsibility in spreading hatred of non whites and Jews, which aims to tear the social fabric apart, he not only abdicates moral leadership for the American Republic, he acts in a way that defines him as the enemy of the American experiment. He is a destructive force within the body politic, and he is encouraging the growth of a cancer, Neo Nazis and white nationalists, in the social fabric.

Donald Trump is not the President of the American people. He is the President of his base, which he sees and treats as a cult, and he understands Neo Nazis and white nationalists and KKK members as people whose support he does not wish to lose. He does not want to lose the support of American Nazis. And, in the last analysis, what does that say about the moral fiber of this man, and how do we continue to permit him to hold the office of the Presidency, and live with ourselves at the same time?

So, what exactly do you propose is done to remove him from the presidency?
Their message? **** no. I've been pretty consistent with the message of letting anyone say anything they want. Let ANTIFA say whatever, It can't be any worse than any other militant group out there. The message they're uniting under right now, the broader Umbrella, is still "We want a fair shake, too", and "Black Lives Matter". Which is far less hateful than "Take our country back", or "Jews will not replace us".

To ensure you understand I'm not splitting hairs, or being inconsistent; I don't need an excuse to condemn white supremacy and discrimination. I will do that until my end days. I'm not a violent man, and it would take one hell of an act to make me violent. But if you think I'm going to care that a militant group is standing up, and even posturing for peaceful protesters that HAVE the moral high ground, you are as stupid as DucthRudder looks.

You don't have a clue what ANTIFA are and stands for, you just see a bunch of black cladded guys waving flags and clenching weapons and you go "**** yeah!" barely succeeding to hide your hard on. You just like them because you think they are on your side, and anyone who don't like them must be stupid or a Nazi.

We engaged in this discussion because you asked me a couple of questions and I responded, are you capable of showing the same consideration? If that's so, I'm going to ask you for the third time, in your opinion, are ANTIFA the "good" extremist?
So, what exactly do you propose is done to remove him from the presidency?

It may not matter. I'm quickly joining the "he's going to resign" camp. A few weeks ago I thought it was wishful thinking but now I'm not so sure.

He'll eventually decide he's "above all of this" and walk away.
So, what exactly do you propose is done to remove him from the presidency?

I'm only aware of two legal means. Impeachment by the House and conviction by the Senate is the best known. A clause in the 25th amendment is the other. It sounded a bit like Sen. Bob Corker(R-Tn) was tip toeing around the latter course of action yesterday:


"In the same public remarks, the Republican senator reportedly said, “The president has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability, nor some of the competence, that he needs to demonstrate in order for him to be successful – and our nation and our world needs for him to be successful, whether you are Republican or Democrat.”

Personally, I am not really able to answer your question, but I do agree with the growing chorus of voices saying that he is continuing to demonstrate he is "unfit" to hold the office of the Presidency. So what do we do? He's certainly not finished acting erratically, behaving incompetently, demonstrating instability. I imagine we may get to the point that considering the 25th amendment as a means for removal may grow. Or not, it's a long shot at this point. But we certainly can count on more abysmal behavior on his part, I believe.

And just to emphasize how disgusting his statements on Charlottesville really are, the victim's mother refuses to allow him to speak to her:


Here's Corker informally interviewed:

"Our nation is going to go through great peril".

If they "use the 25th Amendment" what does that mean? Do they vote? Do they march into the Oval Office and say "I invoke the 25th Amendment!" What's the process?

nvm got it

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

This week was declared, "Infrastructure Week" by Donald's regime.

What has it accomplished? The disbanding of his economic council by the country's most powerful CEOs and the taking down of confederate statues.


Donald is winning so much my head is spinning. LOL
the funny thing about all this is we are giving these haters exactly what they want a moment in the spot light. If we ignored them and let them spew their hate and walk on by, as long as there is no violence, they will disappear because they are not getting the attention that they wanted.

Racism can't be ignored. Sends the wrong message and make them more comfortable to spread more hate and violence