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College Football *2015*

Man I feel bad for Michigan. They deserved the win
Sick to my stomach a game like this had to end this way... Wow!! Plus that hurts the Utes resume just a little, right?
A little maybe, but not much
Byu player tejan keroma pushed a memphis player first (after the memphis player insulted him according to tejan)
Then a memphis player started hitting tejan in the head with his helmet and tejan went down and a gang of memphis players started punching and kicking him while he was down.

So I could see someone saying byu started it since a byu player made first contact (the push). In real life I would say that a person who pushes another person is the starter of the fight (some would argue that you could start a fight verbally too).
However on a football field players push each other and talk trash all game long. During play, before plays, and after plays pushes and trash talking occur. Football is a physical sport.
Imo a push by a player from the losing team in an overtime bowl game should not be enough to start a fight. The memphis player hitting the byu player in the head with his helmet (and the ensuing gang of memphis players kicking and punching the byu player after he was down) escalated everything to a point of no return and was what started the fight imo

You better than this fishbro
One of you guys should make a gamethread for the ute game tonight.

I would but I don't want to jinx the utes or anything by having a byu fan make the thread

I would but I've never made a football gamethread, I'd be in way over my head. That's some kind of content I've never created before.
Saturday predictions

One of TCU or Baylor gets upset, I'm going to say TCU loses in Iowa
Ohio State plays like a number 1 team
Utah beats ASU big by spreading the field w/ 4 receivers and Booker gets 100 yards receiving out of the backfield
Texas A&M over Bama
Michigan over Michigan St
LSU over Florida
Umm.....Did you get any of these correct? Utah beat ASU but not the way you predicted.
I don't think so. Nacua(sp?) was already bloody when he too the bitch shot to the back of a Memphis players head.
That's because there is video of him taking another bitch shot at a Memphis player and that players teammate knocking him down with one punch. He got blood on his nose because the bitch was too slow to move after trying to pull his 1st crymello.
I've made a couple of comments in the Lamar Odom thread about the lack of compassion people have nowadays...

Apparently, Michigan's punter has been threatened (mainly via Twitter) with bodily harm and even death.

Understanding that the likelihood of any of these being carried out is slim, it's still another indicator of how much we've allowed the acceptable level of civility to slide.

It's sports, people. In the grand scene, it's not that important.
That's too bad. They are just kids. They don't deserve that. It's crazy being around the football team. They are all so big. Then they take off their helmets and they are all so young.

It's just a game. Played by kids. Who really aren't that good and 99% have no shot of playing for money.

That's too bad.
I'm rooting for Utah for you guys. They're a pretty damn complete team. My gut tells me they lose one of these PAC-12 games though. There's a few tough ones and those teams will be chomping at the bit to beat a top 5 team.

Fortunately for you, my gut doesn't mean ****.