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You and your idiot Twitter coward that you can't even comment on missed the entire premise. My tweet below is an email from Fauci admitting to gain of function research and NIH ok'ing the funds. Both Shi(the bat lady) and Baric admit to GoF research.

“has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology [WIV]” as “demonstrably false.”

Ebright told National Review that the NIH-financed work at the WIV “epitomizes” the definition of gain-of-function research, which involves working with “enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (PPP)” or those pathogens “resulting from the enhancement of the transmissibility and/or virulence of a pathogen.”

The Wuhan lab’s program qualified as gain-of-function research because it artificially engineered novel SARS-related coronaviruses to make them more transmissible and dangerous to humans, the breeding ground for accident, Ebright said.

So, to be clear, you are not discussing the claim that covid19 was from a lab leak, and your only point is that you think Fauci is lying about the Wuhan research being gain-of-function, as opposed to possibly understanding the definitions better than people who weren't involved in writing them?

I have no objection to anyone having such a belief.
So, to be clear, you are not discussing the claim that covid19 was from a lab leak, and your only point is that you think Fauci is lying about the Wuhan research being gain-of-function, as opposed to possibly understanding the definitions better than people who weren't involved in writing them?

I have no objection to anyone having such a belief.
You just did though. As far as the lab leak theory that wasn't my intention. My intention is to ask why Fauci lied? Why did he hide the lab leak theory and force others to do the same? Why did he lie under oath that GoF research wasn't happening when even the doctors doing so and his own emails say there was?

He's hiding something. If he's lying about GoF it would seem to suggest he has something very important to protect. Now my theory is he knows damn well that this could've came from the lab and he funded and lied about GoF of Covid-sars because he's protecting himself.

He lied under oath and Paul was 100% right about GoF...
“A hospital near the Dulles Expo Center that federal officials designated as a go-to spot for medical treatment began running out of available beds, forcing the hospital to turn away non-Afghan patients who weren’t in need of critical care,” the Washington Post reported.

No outrage from hypocrites like Thriller and Fish. Only when it's an obvious propaganda piece.
“A hospital near the Dulles Expo Center that federal officials designated as a go-to spot for medical treatment began running out of available beds, forcing the hospital to turn away non-Afghan patients who weren’t in need of critical care,” the Washington Post reported.

No outrage from hypocrites like Thriller and Fish. Only when it's an obvious propaganda piece.
Yes, we should all be outraged that hospitals all over the country are at or near capacity with a majority of Covid patients (90%+) being unvaccinated Covid patients, as is the case at the Virginia hospital in the article before taking in refugees.

If hospitals are forced to triage, unvaccinated patients with Covid related issues should be the first turned away.
“A hospital near the Dulles Expo Center that federal officials designated as a go-to spot for medical treatment began running out of available beds, forcing the hospital to turn away non-Afghan patients who weren’t in need of critical care,” the Washington Post reported.

No outrage from hypocrites like Thriller and Fish. Only when it's an obvious propaganda piece.
I have already shown my outrage at our hosptitals across the country running out of available beds multiple times. Im glad to see that you finally agree with me that it is a problem.
Better late than never I guess.
You just did though. As far as the lab leak theory that wasn't my intention. My intention is to ask why Fauci lied?
AFAICT, FAuci is using the definitions of gain-of-function that (as Sen. Paul noted), Fauci himself helped to write.

Why did he hide the lab leak theory and force others to do the same?
"Hidden"? It's been in the news since January 2020. It's been downplayed because it doesn't fit the facts.

Why did he lie under oath that GoF research wasn't happening when even the doctors doing so and his own emails say there was?
His email has a file about gain-of-function research (but no admission it was conducted), and his staff disagreed that it met the definition.

He's hiding something. If he's lying about GoF it would seem to suggest he has something very important to protect. Now my theory is he knows damn well that this could've came from the lab and he funded and lied about GoF of Covid-sars because he's protecting himself.
All of the documents released so far disagree with your theory.

He lied under oath and Paul was 100% right about GoF...
Perhaps, but you still haven't provided anything other than bluster and the opinions of the people who don't understand the restrictions as well as the people who wrote them.
I have already shown my outrage at our hosptitals across the country running out of available beds multiple times. Im glad to see that you finally agree with me that it is a problem.
Better late than never I guess.
Holy **** you sounded just like @One Brow . Hell I expected a multiquote and everything. I don't know how I feel about that.
Idaho is establishing death panels because their hospitals are so overwhelmed. I don’t understand why the unvaccinated aren’t just turned away. They didn’t believe in the science of vaccines why should the science of other medicine and treatments be any different? Let Jesus Trump or horse dewormer fix them.

Anyways after I just wasted my life on hypocrite brow again.

So it looks like Biden is transportimg not only covid (who knows what variants) but also the measles in which is extremely contagious into our country. Any non complete moron would've vetted these people months ago but you can't expect imbeciles to have my common sense approach.
I'm vaccinated for both. Vaccinations are a pretty great thing
My daughter, who couldn't get vaccinated because of a pre-existing heart condition, tested positive today. She was exposed by a co-worker that refused to get vaccinated. Myself, my wife, another daughter, her husband and my 2 year old grandson now need to get tested as we were all together Sunday night. I also was at my parent's house last night. Both have severe health issues. Calling them tonight to tell them I had possibly been exposed was not a fun call. What a **** show.
My daughter, who couldn't get vaccinated because of a pre-existing heart condition, tested positive today. She was exposed by a co-worker that refused to get vaccinated. Myself, my wife, another daughter, her husband and my 2 year old grandson now need to get tested as we were all together Sunday night. I also was at my parent's house last night. Both have severe health issues. Calling them tonight to tell them I had possibly been exposed was not a fun call. What a **** show.
Best wishes to all of you.

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Those in Utah and California what are things like right now?
I finally got my residency in China so I can travel to USA and back to China (with 2+1 quarantine and testing.)

I really want to travel back home, it's been 2.5 years since I've been back. I have bank, drivers license, storage unit...blah blah blah to deal with. My Mom was hospitalized for 6 months with COVID-19 and I didn't think she would make it but she pulled through and is out of the hospital but I don't think she'll every fully recover and she's old so I would like to see her. I'm also recently married and having my ceremony here and would like to do one at home for friends and family since they can't come.

But ... It's a huge stress to come back and things seem really bad again. I have the Chinese vaccine but it doesn't seem to work against the variant at all. I can't get the USA vaccine since it will give me a false positive. If I test positive I can't return to China until I've been tested negative for a month straight. That won't work with my and my wife's work to be gone for over 2 months. She is really afraid of exposure as well. We're youngish, healthy, and vaccinated so I'm not worried about getting sick much but getting it would be a huge huge ordeal. If I don't go home now I probably can't swing it until next summer. Who knows what will happen by then.

Ugh... Mostly just a bit of rambling and rant, but I others opinions would be nice.
My daughter, who couldn't get vaccinated because of a pre-existing heart condition, tested positive today. She was exposed by a co-worker that refused to get vaccinated. Myself, my wife, another daughter, her husband and my 2 year old grandson now need to get tested as we were all together Sunday night. I also was at my parent's house last night. Both have severe health issues. Calling them tonight to tell them I had possibly been exposed was not a fun call. What a **** show.
Man, that sucks, hope your daughter recovers well and it doesn't spread to any of your family due to the apparent selfishness of your daughter's co-worker. My parents also have severe health issues, and even being vaccinated, I still worry an infection will result in hospitalization and likely death. It kept me away from them last year, and is doing so again with the spread of Delta.

What about the vaccine makes it a risk for people with pre-existing heart conditions?
Those in Utah and California what are things like right now?
I finally got my residency in China so I can travel to USA and back to China (with 2+1 quarantine and testing.)

I really want to travel back home, it's been 2.5 years since I've been back. I have bank, drivers license, storage unit...blah blah blah to deal with. My Mom was hospitalized for 6 months with COVID-19 and I didn't think she would make it but she pulled through and is out of the hospital but I don't think she'll every fully recover and she's old so I would like to see her. I'm also recently married and having my ceremony here and would like to do one at home for friends and family since they can't come.

But ... It's a huge stress to come back and things seem really bad again. I have the Chinese vaccine but it doesn't seem to work against the variant at all. I can't get the USA vaccine since it will give me a false positive. If I test positive I can't return to China until I've been tested negative for a month straight. That won't work with my and my wife's work to be gone for over 2 months. She is really afraid of exposure as well. We're youngish, healthy, and vaccinated so I'm not worried about getting sick much but getting it would be a huge huge ordeal. If I don't go home now I probably can't swing it until next summer. Who knows what will happen by then.

Ugh... Mostly just a bit of rambling and rant, but I others opinions would be nice.
Utah and CA both have a lot of spread and hospital systems are taxed, with Vermont hitting "orange" status, all 50 states are now in orange as of yesterday:

Orange StatesDaily Infections Per 100K
West Virginia84.8
South Carolina57.6
North Dakota46.2
South Dakota42.2
North Carolina39.6
New Mexico24.6
New Jersey23.5
New York22.9
Virgin Islands22.1
Rhode Island19.1
Puerto Rico15.7
District of Columbia13.5
New Hampshire13.0

Hopefully the large uptick trends down soon. A potential positive is with the number of previous infections and vaccinated the current spike from Delta likely won't last a long time, similar to what was seen in India and the UK, although there are many variables (India shut down again temporarily, UK has a 12% higher vaccination rate than us, etc, but we can hope we'll see a similar drop off after a month or two, so depending on when you travel here, things may begin to normalize. The bad news is hospitals are past capacity, leading to longer suffering for delayed "elective" surgeries, as well as indirect Covid related deaths due to lack of medical care. Our hospitals are releasing people they normally keep longer if they are "good enough" that they'll likely be ok, discharging people in fairly poor shape, and are refusing out of state transfers as other states are feeling the strain as well.

Note that the mRNA-based vaccines will not cause a false positive Covid-19 PCR or antigen testing, talk to your U.S. Dr. and they will confirm that for you.
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TheGoldStandard said:
Note that the mRNA-based vaccines will not cause a false positive Covid-19 PCR or antigen testing, talk to your U.S. Dr. and they will confirm that for you.
I'll have to get more info. I'm not sure what the testing is like but one of the tests you take returning to China shows up positive for 3 weeks with mrna testing, according to reports here. But that might just be bad information. Either way I'm only in the USA for 2-3 weeks so I can get both shots in that time likely. Plus I'll most likely get flu like symptoms and they won't let me on the flight with a fever or other symptoms even with a negative test. Or worse I'll have those symptoms arriving in China and I'll go straight to the hospital for at least 3
weeks, then get cleared a have to do 2-3 strict quarantine.
I'll have to get more info. I'm not sure what the testing is like but one of the tests you take returning to China shows up positive for 3 weeks with mrna testing, according to reports here. But that might just be bad information. Either way I'm only in the USA for 2-3 weeks so I can get both shots in that time likely. Plus I'll most likely get flu like symptoms and they won't let me on the flight with a fever or other symptoms even with a negative test. Or worse I'll have those symptoms arriving in China and I'll go straight to the hospital for at least 3
weeks, then get cleared a have to do 2-3 strict quarantine.
California is pretty quiet on the COVID front right now. LA county reinstated their mask mandate, but most other areas are masks recommended. We haven't had a huge surge in cases like many other states, although it is ticking up. Right now would be a decent time to come to Cali. But as the rate of spread increases it'll get worse for sure as time goes by.
California is pretty quiet on the COVID front right now. LA county reinstated their mask mandate, but most other areas are masks recommended. We haven't had a huge surge in cases like many other states, although it is ticking up. Right now would be a decent time to come to Cali. But as the rate of spread increases it'll get worse for sure as time goes by.

Good to know, I plan to visit friends in San Diego and LA. Plus I'm flying back through LA so I have to be there a couple days to get multiple tests anyways.
I'm vaccinated for both. Vaccinations are a pretty great thing
Whew... Good to know that there's nothing to worry... Thanks!

So the vaccine stops the virus? Interesting... It seems like cases should be going down not up but ok. How many shots you suppose you need? I'm hearing at least 4 due to ineffectiveness. It's obviously working especially when there's variants that are now supposedly bypassing the vaccine like the Mu variant, and an average of 170,000 cases a day. The most since the first wave.

Since it's such a good thing, can you tell me approximately when the vaccine supposed to start getting rid of the virus like the measles vaccine did instead of prolonging it? That would be nice to know. The measles vaccine is 97% effective at prevention... People are getting infected at high rates with the covid vaccine.
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