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My kid was in full in person school form December on, and while a few kids got Covid, there were no outbreaks in any of our schools. They distanced and had masks the entire time. They are back in school now, with the same protocols, so we'll see if that still works with the more infectious Delta.
I hope your kids get to stay in school. I know what a difference in-person learning makes. My kid was 100% distance learning for 2 trimesters last year, and hybrid for the last trimester. Until a week ago he hadn't been in full in-person learning since March of 2020. The wheels were definitely coming off.

He's back in school now with 5 feet of social distancing, masks required both indoors and outdoors, and weekly PCR COVID testing. All of these protections are in place and my zip code is 90% vaccinated among all people 12 years and older. I cringe every time I hear news of Australia for fear someone from our school district is also watching and taking notes.
Amazing to think how much further off we would have been if the vaccine would have been mandatory for everyone that can physically accept it. Doesn't mean we don't get sick, doesn't mean that nobody will die, but the impact on our lives would be minimized and the world could move forward vs. stuck... here. I know it infringes on personal freedoms, but in a what if world, we'd be in a different one altogether.

Still, we bore forward fumbling in the dark.
Amazing to think how much further off we would have been if the vaccine would have been mandatory for everyone that can physically accept it. Doesn't mean we don't get sick, doesn't mean that nobody will die, but the impact on our lives would be minimized and the world could move forward vs. stuck... here. I know it infringes on personal freedoms, but in a what if world, we'd be in a different one altogether.

Still, we bore forward fumbling in the dark.
Freedom is definitely a double-edge sword. With freedom, comes the freedom to be stupid, often at great cost, and potentially affecting others freedom.

Disinformation is part of it, but it goes to show how poorly we have educated a large percentage of our citizens. This is one of the biggest failures of this country. Critical thinking and constitutional law should be part of required high school curriculum.
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Freedom is definitely a double-edge sword. With freedom, comes the freedom to be stupid, often at great cost, and potentially affecting others freedom.

Disinformation is part of it, but it goes to show how poorly we have educated a large percentage of our citizens. This is one of the biggest failures of this country. Critical thinking and constitutional law should be part of required high school curriculum.
Also stands to reason that when the founders thought of the concept for freedom and not being oppressed, it was not one of public health but tyranny from the old motherland.

These variants are going to continue to come and go and we are going to have to learn to live with Covid, but we're our own worst enemy.
There are always going to be colds and flu. It isn't a nice thought but sadly there are tens or hundreds of thousands of people who die from colds and flu every year, and have ever since humans were a thing.
Wasn’t last year’s flu season the mildest, maybe since records have been kept? This would have been before widespread Covid vaccinations. Do you think social distancing and masks played any role in a mild flu season? And if masks and social distancing helped with the flu, would it be a stretch to think they also helped, to some degree, with Covid? I’m vaccinated, but what’s wrong with using anything that helps?

Why has Fauci been lying from the get go? What is he hiding? Did he create this virus? Why is he lying?

They were doing gain of function research. As I've said they were. The lab leak theory is getting stronger and stronger and stronger by the second. Ffs wake up...

what’s wrong with using anything that helps?
Anything that helps? Like cratering the economy, shutting schools down with immense learning loss that impacted disadvantaged students most, massive deficit spending to devalue currency in a stagflationary spiral, and destroying the fertility rate with a baby bust to a degree we don’t yet grasp? Are you asking why we don’t do that every year so that we can have a mild flu season? It is a possibility I suppose but I’m not a fan of any of that. I’d prefer we didn’t do that and had a regular flu season, but I also get the flu vaccine every year and it works pretty well for me.


Anything that helps? Like cratering the economy, shutting schools down with immense learning loss that impacted disadvantaged students most, massive deficit spending to devalue currency in a stagflationary spiral, and destroying the fertility rate with a baby bust to a degree we don’t yet grasp? Are you asking why we don’t do that every year so that we can have a mild flu season? It is a possibility I suppose but I’m not a fan of any of that. I’d prefer we didn’t do that and had a regular flu season, but I also get the flu vaccine every year and it works pretty well for me.


No, that’s not what I meant when I said “what’s wrong with using anything that helps?”. I asked you if you thought wearing masks and social helped tamp down the seasonal flu? And the reason I asked, is because I get the overall impression, from your posts in this thread(although I’m sure I have not read every one of your comments), that you feel masks are fairly useless, except for N95 and K95( speaking of which, since my N95 leaks to some extent, I’d like to know where one goes to get it “fit tested”) masks. My point was, why would I not use every “weapon” available in my arsenal? Vaccination is number one. But why would I not continue to use masks and socially distance?

My personal arsenal, in other words. I said nothing about cratering the economy, or anything else you mentioned. You seem to just assume I was recommending every single extreme reaction in the book. Not sure why you would just assume that, when I only mentioned social distancing and masks. I guess I should have been clearer. Under the theory that every little bit helps.

I don’t care if wearing a simple surgical masks improved my protection by half a percent. Every little bit helps, Dr. Jha proposed an approach that he thought would allow a mask-free environment. I posted his thoughts here yesterday. I don’t know if he is correct or not, but I’ve come to respect his opinions. In the meantime, if masks help at all, they are not a hardship in the least, I’ll wear them till my last breath, I don’t care. If they help at all, they help. I’ll use them. Every little bit helps.

I stopped going to the spa for the daily exercise I need to control chronic conditions. I’ll walk the neighborhood now, and not the treadmill at the spa. I’d rather use the spa, especially in 100 degree heat index, or 20 below wind chill, but I only went back for less than a month before Delta made me decide the spa is not going to help at all, and I want every little bit of help I can get. So, no spa once more, and maybe for good. I don’t know.

I don’t know. I guess I was just thinking the masks probably helped with the flu, and social distancing must have helped with the flu, and I imagine both do help with Covid. That’s all, all the rest you mentioned I’ve given no thought to at all.

Masks, well I always thought wearing a mask was part of a “all for one, one for all” approach. That’s how I interpreted wearing them, when first recommended. Which I always thought was a socially responsible approach. A “we’re all in this together” approach. I’m big on exercising social responsibility. Mostly because I live in a society. And because I don’t think the world revolves around me, and only me.
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Why has Fauci been lying from the get go? What is he hiding? Did he create this virus? Why is he lying?
Sen. Rand Paul doesn't understand the research or what happened, but does have a specific political agenda and constituency. He's a much less reliable source than Fauci.
My point was, why would I not use every “weapon” available in my arsenal?
Every weapon in the arsenal includes all the things I mentioned. The mild flu season was a product of everything taken together. My point of mentioning the economy, learning loss, etc., was not only to point that it is more than just masking and social distancing creating that mild flu season but also to drive home that there is a cost. We paid a big price for that mild flu season

I have nothing against anyone who wants to wear a mask. As for how effective the mask is, it depends on your age and how good the mask is. The older you are, the more effective the mask is. Neck gators are worse than nothing. Cloth masks are little better than useless. Surgical masks seem to be ~10% effective for most 20-50 year olds against Delta. N95 masks are better than that. Mask mandates in schools that put young kids in cloth masks is done to make adults feel better but it doesn’t really do anything preventative.
All of this was know before.
I know, I am the only one who brought this up multiple times and you said it never happened multiple times. I'd expect an apology but you'll just lie like you always do, every post. So whatever... I'm having a hard time even responding to your naiveness and garbage unintelligent one liners anymore.
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Anyways after I just wasted my life on hypocrite brow again.

So it looks like Biden is transportimg not only covid (who knows what variants) but also the measles in which is extremely contagious into our country. Any non complete moron would've vetted these people months ago but you can't expect imbeciles to have my common sense approach.
So... It was and has been for smart people like me but now it's 100% fact that Fauci lied under oath about Wuhan studying gain of function research. Why is he lying? From day one he knew the lab leak theory was entirely possible but literally bullied others to stay silent and made every attempt to hide it from us? Why? What is he hiding? Is he behind this? Probably... He did guarantee this virus would happen all while paying for covid research that literally studied covid infected mice with human lungs and bat to human transmission under extremely unsafe working conditions.

The lack of flat out common sense is mind blowing.

And the sheep are silent. More worried about spreading lies that hospitals were turning down gun shot victims because it was overran with OD's like Thriller and fish pushed. Kings of misinformation.
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Every weapon in the arsenal includes all the things I mentioned.
How does Red crater the economy, shut schools down, create massive deficit spending, or destroy the fertility rate? Obviously, he can't. Your attempt to inflate what he could to into your boogey-man was bad reasoning and unfair tactics.
Every weapon in the arsenal includes all the things I mentioned.
Well, maybe you missed the part where I talked about applying elements within my PERSONAL arsenal:

—vaccine. Check. 2nd shot in late March.

—masks. Check. Should be using my N95, and I do in doctor’s office and the hospital. Tend to grab the blue surgical otherwise. In any case, I always wear a mask indoors in public venues.

—social distancing. Check, but a lot more lax. If a friend spots me in passing, I’m not running away or telling him to keep his distance. All my friends are vaccinated. Will not attend crowded events, indoors or out.

Now, I will look at the other things you mentioned:

“Cratering the economy”. Well, ya got me here, we are doing our small part to tank the local economy, I guess. Two weeks past our second vaccine, we began using our local eateries gift certs. We were certainly looking forward to doing so. Sadly, the food sucked. Probably related to turnovers in cooking staff. I guess. In any case, won’t set foot in a restaurant now.

—“shutting schools down”. Well, our town does have a school mask mandate for the kids. But, I’m not the school department super, the mayor, or the governor. I have no role at all in mask mandates in schools. Not part of my personal arsenal. I have a niece who is home schooling her two children, because she will not let them wear a mask all day.

—“massive deficit spending”. Don’t think I have a role here. Not directly.

—“destroying the fertility rate with a baby bust to a degree we don’t yet grasp”. Well, I’m not young anymore, and, in addition, I have no seed to give. I guess if every man on Earth were in my position, maybe extinction of the human race would loom. Don’t know. But, as of now, and forever more, I have no seed to give. So, “sorry America!”, or maybe I should say “lucky you, America!”, I’m plumb outta seed.
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