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David Locke

I love Locke! He is a quality broadcaster. He IS THE PRIMARY REASON that we have a basketball educated fan base. He talks smart and well informed and is insightful and his content never ends. Yeah, I suppose you can complain about some unimportant things, but his plusses are many and his negatives are very little. We are lucky to have him in this market. If you are grated by him, let it go man - it's kind of a statement of your character, not his.
Besides this he can't finish a sentence without 3 "uhhhs". He loses his train of thought constantly and will digress into something else, getting back to his original point 2 minutes later. Just annoying to listen to.

That part does bug me. It's because he's usually trying to look things up while he's talking or reading questions or messing with his computer. He thinks he can talk and multitask but he can't.

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I love Locke! He is a quality broadcaster. He IS THE PRIMARY REASON that we have a basketball educated fan base. He talks smart and well informed and is insightful and his content never ends. Yeah, I suppose you can complain about some unimportant things, but his plusses are many and his negatives are very little.

This is a fair summary. There are things I would like to see changed, but I also believe he adds more value to the fan experience than any other broadcaster I can think of (in any market or sport).
He's been condescending to fans for a couple years now. For instance last show answered someone...."Brandon, you're usually pretty good with questions.....I have no idea what your talking about."
So clearly he should have just passed on this question why waste the air time?

Besides this he can't finish a sentence without 3 "uhhhs". He loses his train of thought constantly and will digress into something else, getting back to his original point 2 minutes later. Just annoying to listen to.

LOL ... Have you ever been a broadcaster or tried to be one. Have you ever done public speaking? It's not that easy. Sure, he is a professional, he's supposed to be good at this but no one is perfect. I think his strengths far outweigh his liabilities.
I do apologize. You're right, I haven't been here very long, just passing through. I haven't been here long enough to develop an alt identity. I haven't been here long enough to appreciate the subtle business nuances of paying someone to give you affection and affirmation. Please just chalk this up to a lack of talking points during this dead space between summer league and preseason.

How to win friends and influence people.

But seriously I don't think he exactly hides the fact that he's paid by the Jazz, and that he has to walk the fine line between being informative without betraying and confidences. He's very thorough and well researched and thought out and pretty realistic. Try listening to Celtics or Cavs or other announcers, they can be clueless. The only thing I don't like is he gets pretty salty and unnecessarily defensive about criticism of coaching decisions/player rotations at time but hey just take him with a grain of salt.
I love Locke! He is a quality broadcaster. He IS THE PRIMARY REASON that we have a basketball educated fan base. He talks smart and well informed and is insightful and his content never ends. Yeah, I suppose you can complain about some unimportant things, but his plusses are many and his negatives are very little. We are lucky to have him in this market. If you are grated by him, let it go man - it's kind of a statement of your character, not his.

Yea it's my character bro.

He is the one who gets all jerky when someone challenges his narratives. He has some significant blindspots amidst the really good work he does.

The only basis for suggesting playing Mack was necessary over Dante was to keep Gordon happy... So glad they kept Gordo happy.
LOL ... Have you ever been a broadcaster or tried to be one. Have you ever done public speaking? It's not that easy. Sure, he is a professional, he's supposed to be good at this but no one is perfect. I think his strengths far outweigh his liabilities.

He has a pretty terrible voice for broadcasting I reckon. Zero polish and kind of high pitched.
People bag out Harpring and Boler just cause they aren't analytic geeks.
But Boler is professional and has a great vocal.
Harpring has a very good feel for the game overall.

Not all broadcasters etc need to be the same.
Bolerjack cracks me up. He kind of reminds me of one of those toys where you pull a string on its back and it says one of a handful of phrases that it knows. Between each Jazz season he seems to learn a new one. Excited to hear this season's new phrase.
Bolerjack cracks me up. He kind of reminds me of one of those toys where you pull a string on its back and it says one of a handful of phrases that it knows. Between each Jazz season he seems to learn a new one. Excited to hear this season's new phrase.

He is a professional. He knows his job and target audience. He is just trying to make the 2 hours and 30 minutes entertaining for the average Jazz fan, not the stat geeks.
He is a professional. He knows his job and target audience. He is just trying to make the 2 hours and 30 minutes entertaining for the average Jazz fan, not the stat geeks.

Yeah, I have no issues with the Boler/Harpring duo. He's just the type of commentator who doesn't have that natural and organic flow to things. Like, a musician who is constantly thinking about what fits and goes where as opposed to going from his/her heart. Nothing right or wrong, just alternative styles.
I stopped listing to Locke because of his numbers (and this is coming from a stats person) but we're lucky to have him. He's got some towards his employers, but he's undeniably hard working and passionate. I don't think he's anymore egregious than the rest of Jazz media/online fanbase. I find it funny that people absolutely detest bias when all they really want is to hear what they want to hear a.k.a. cater to my biases or else you're biased against me.

Plus, how can you hate the guy who tells us who we're going to draft every year?
David Locke knows he's grating and annoys fans with his style. Yet he still found a way to overcome his personal deficiencies an become a NATIONAL BROADCASTER a inside member of a elite organization.

How many of you hater bishes kin say that? Stop being failure dicks. The guy clearly works his *** off an overcame all odds against him ta succeed.

This is why I posted about why I enjoy the SLC Punks podcast. No shilling, fairly good information, tell it like it is. Salt City Hoops is pretty good too. Both agree Dante should have played more fwiw
People bag out Harpring and Boler just cause they aren't analytic geeks.
But Boler is professional and has a great vocal.
Harpring has a very good feel for the game overall.

Not all broadcasters etc need to be the same.

People bag on Ron Boone to. Spite his age dude is insanely kinnected ta the modern NBA. Like totes kinnected insightful.

Bitches jest wanna be bitches bout it that's all.
David Locke knows he's grating and annoys fans with his style. Yet he still found a way to overcome his personal deficiencies an become a NATIONAL BROADCASTER a inside member of a elite organization.

How many of you hater bishes kin say that? Stop being failure dicks. The guy clearly works his *** off an overcame all odds against him ta succeed.


go ahead and listen to basically any other team's radio broadcasters and you will realize how lucky we are to have Locke.
go ahead and listen to basically any other team's radio broadcasters and you will realize how lucky we are to have Locke.

Amen. And IMO the same is true with Boler and Harp. Never have understood the hate on this board for our announcers.