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Does anyone still like this team?


I don't like being told I'm only pretending to like something. What's the connection to Fraggle Rock?
You said his mind is fraggle. At least that is the first thing that hit me when I saw it. I found the play on words funny.
I continue to be fascinated by a stat @Ron Mexico found perhaps a week ago that he put in another thread (yeah, I know I'm weird for thinking about this).

The Jazz have the best net rating in the league in losses. We keep the games closer than any other team when we lose. In theory, there's an argument to be made that this should endear the team to us (they're always bringing some effort, rarely getting blown out, etc.). But as it's turned out this year, it's a major part of what's driving many of us crazy (they're keeping losses close primarily because they're choking away winnable games).

Also, as it turns out, we're second in the league in net rating during our wins. When we win, we win comfortably (again, another thing that in theory could make this a fun team). But nobody except maybe @fishonjazz seems to be enjoying this. Supporting these stats is our overall net rating (2nd in the league, whether viewed as a whole, or only in non-garbage time).

My point isn't that the rest of us are prisoners to expectations (though that's probably true), but instead, I'd rather ask whether these stats mean anything at all. There's one other team in the league with a very similar profile (3rd in net rating in losses; best net rating in wins). If the stats mean anything for the Jazz, according to the logic on this board, it means that the Jazz cannot be trusted in close games. Do you feel the same for the other team that has a nearly structurally-identical win-loss profile? Can you guess what this other team is (it's easy enough to look up on stats.nba.com if you take the time)?

Maybe we'd rather be the Grizzlies this year -- when they win, they win pretty big; when they lose, they lose pretty big? Or perhaps the Bulls and Sixers -- they don't win by a lot, and they tend to lose by a lot, but they keep churning out wins nonetheless?

Would you feel better going into the post-season knowing that your team has been fortunate (compared to its net rating) and won some games it probably "should" have lost during the regular season, or would you rather have a stronger net rating compared to the won-loss record and hope that your "luck" will even out a bit in the playoffs?
Are they awesome? Yes they are; they're super competitive in the best league in the world.
Do I Like them? Of course, I'm a fan of Utah Jazz since well... a long long time, life worth years...
Do they bore me sometimes? Yes, specially when coach repeat and repeat things apparently just for the sake of repetition itself
Do I like Coach? Yes, he's one of the best in business for sure... AND sometimes he's boring.
No they’re not, and we all know the failure they’re headed towards….again.

Well its an opinion. I think they are awesome. Like you are kind of a douche when it comes to being a jazz fan. Both are my opinion.

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The Harden Rockets and most teams Mike D coached were mostly iso ball. I don't think that is who we are and when we play that way we are not as good IMO.
We play a lot of iso ball too. Mitchell and Clarkson especially. It might not be as absurd as harden’s play was. Hence why @Saint Cy of JFC called us more democratic. But we play a ton of iso ball.
Yep. The great human being, great in the community, great player (had an efficient 30+ again tonight).
Kinda douchey jazz fan imo.

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*a great PR artist

His play has nothing to do with it, can’t stand him at all, he’s a POS and I don’t care if he drops 30+ efficiently it doesn’t make me like his fake ***.
I feel bad for all of you who dont like this team. They are awesome.
I hope they make me eat crow but they're not there yet though the past few games have been encouraging. It's nice to see them show a little pride. Something that has led me to not really care for them.

The talent is there, the team and camaraderie is not...yet.
Yes we’ll all enjoy another 1st or 2nd round exit. It’ll be really fun.
And right there it's why you suck as a fan, as fish said. Not only because your countless annoying Donovan threads.

Why can't you just let others have fun? Even if we don't go to the finals, enjoy what we have, as flawed as it might be.