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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

It's obvious he is very intelligent. He may not be wise in your opinion but he is definitely very intelligent.

I think most people are intelligent. It's the defining characteristic of our species.

But obviously, when evaluating a presidential candidate we want them to have specific intellectual abilities that make them capable of that job. I think Donald Trump is severely lacking in those aspects of intelligence. I also think too many people mistake bravado for intelligence and leadership skills. Trump ranks high on the bravado meter.
The hypocrisy is on both sides. The left minimized Hillary's security breaches, and now they are up in arms about this.

Personally I think you should be consistent. Either get outraged by both (my position) or else say both are ok.

but the right doesnt trust the mainstream media anymore!

so no matter what they say we go, screw the mainstream media. we then proceed to see what the alternative media is saying
The hypocrisy is on both sides. The left minimized Hillary's security breaches, and now they are up in arms about this.

Personally I think you should be consistent. Either get outraged by both (my position) or else say both are ok.

Is that really a good argument? What do you tell your kids when they say "Well Johnny did it, too!"
It does get tiring watching each party bash the other and then do the same things as soon as they can.

Still, Hillary's breach of security doesn't compare because she wasn't purposely trying to disburse confidential information. Trump is doing so and bragging about it.


hillary elt her maid who is probably an illegal print out claisfied info

while trump is sharing confidential clasified information with an ally in the fight with isis?

tell me how is what hillary did less worse?
Is that really a good argument? What do you tell your kids when they say "Well Johnny did it, too!"

I tell them that Johnny should get busted for it too. And I tell them not to base their life on what other people do, that they are responsible for their own actions.

I don't think you read my comment right. I'm against both political sides in this.

The hits keep coming. The case for an obstruction of justice investigation into Trump is building one story after another. The latest is the revelation of a Comey memo that states Trump asked the FBI to end any investigation involving former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Apparently, former FBI director Comey kept a paper trail to document Trump’s attempts to halt the probe.

"Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo. The memo was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations."

Full story here:

The hits keep coming. The case for an obstruction of justice investigation into Trump is building one story after another. The latest is the revelation of a Comey memo that states Trump asked the FBI to end any investigation involving former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Apparently, former FBI director Comey kept a paper trail to document Trump’s attempts to halt the probe.

"Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo. The memo was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations."

Full story here:


Hmm.. it is damning, but it would have been better if the memo was written by a third party. A lot more impartial and credible that way.
BTW - all of Trump's staff that have been fired should all get together and write a tell-all book about what REALLY happened behind closed doors.

I can almost guarantee it would be a Best Seller.
Hmm.. it is damning, but it would have been better if the memo was written by a third party. A lot more impartial and credible that way.

The meeting was just with the two of them, no? But anyway, notes written *at the time* are pretty reliable in my opinion.
I guess the issue then would be how can we really know whether or not the notes were written 'at the time'.
I'm sure there's a standard way the FBI has for documenting that. As the Times article said, "An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations."
I'm sure there's a standard way the FBI has for documenting that. As the Times article said, "An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations."

For the record I trust Comey 100 times more than Trump, I'm just playing devil's advocate (for the lack of a better word), and want to make sure the case against Trump is air tight.
This story has an historic feel to it. Either sources within the FBI are playing our major media for fools in an unprecedented way or Trump’s presidency is now in mortal danger. (FBI sources have confirmed the contents of the Comey memo to The New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN). If the memo is accurate and Comey confirms he wrote it, Trump will have to tear down and shatter Comey’s credibility to save his presidency.
John Kasich and Bernie Sanders are agreeing a lot on cnn tonight. Both are making a lot of sense. Both are attacking parties and partisanship.
Couple of things to keep in mind regarding Trumps conversation with Kislyak and Lavrov.

First it's been reported that Israel was the source of the Intel, and the "leak" has put an undercover mossad agent in danger. Iran is an ally with Russia. Iran and Israel are arch enemies. This is bad.

Second, the idea that the president had the authority to disclose intel in whatever manner he wishes misses the point entirely. He also has the legal authority to declassify the nuclear launch codes and post them on twitter. That doesn't mean his *** wouldn't be dragged out of office over it. Impeachment is a political tool, not a law enforcement one.

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Couple of things to keep in mind regarding Trumps conversation with Kislyak and Lavrov.

First it's been reported that Israel was the source of the Intel, and the "leak" has put an undercover mossad agent in danger. Iran is an ally with Russia. Iran and Israel are arch enemies. This is bad.

Second, the idea that the president had the authority to disclose intel in whatever manner he wishes misses the point entirely. He also has the legal authority to declassify the nuclear launch codes and post them on twitter. That doesn't mean his *** wouldn't be dragged out of office over it. Impeachment is a political tool, not a law enforcement one.

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Helluva post right there