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#firecorbin trending on twitter!

The last (and only) Utah Jazz coach to be fired: Tom Nissalke in December 1981. It's past time to add to this list.
Trending eh? Still not trending as hard as the fire sloan after the 04-05 season or the fire Sloan or the fire Sloan in 92-93 after the Jazz lost in the first round to Seattle after having been in the conference finals the year before.

In 91-92 the Jazz made it to the conference finals against Portland. IN Game 6 the Jazz lost by 8. Karl Malone led the Jazz with 23 points, the second leading scorer was Tyrone Corbin who came off the bench to score 22 points, making 8 of 8 fts.

Ya'll know that Corbin can only play the players he has right? The Jazz have 8 FA veterans, all wanting to show case himself, and 5 Rookie scale contracts all wanting to prove himself. That Ty kept that group together this long is freakin' amazing. Yet Corbin has managed to put the Jazz in position to make a push for the playoffs, kept the vets happy and developed the young guys. If they don't make the playoffs and end up with a lottery pick, even better right? Next season Kanter & Favors will start, Hayward and Burks will carry the scoring load and the Jazz will probably struggle to win 28 games and ya'll be gripping to fire whoever the next guy is.
Trending eh? Still not trending as hard as the fire sloan after the 04-05 season or the fire Sloan or the fire Sloan in 92-93 after the Jazz lost in the first round to Seattle after having been in the conference finals the year before.

In 91-92 the Jazz made it to the conference finals against Portland. IN Game 6 the Jazz lost by 8. Karl Malone led the Jazz with 23 points, the second leading scorer was Tyrone Corbin who came off the bench to score 22 points, making 8 of 8 fts.

Ya'll know that Corbin can only play the players he has right? The Jazz have 8 FA veterans, all wanting to show case himself, and 5 Rookie scale contracts all wanting to prove himself. That Ty kept that group together this long is freakin' amazing. Yet Corbin has managed to put the Jazz in position to make a push for the playoffs, kept the vets happy and developed the young guys. If they don't make the playoffs and end up with a lottery pick, even better right? Next season Kanter & Favors will start, Hayward and Burks will carry the scoring load and the Jazz will probably struggle to win 28 games and ya'll be gripping to fire whoever the next guy is.

Maybe, but what happens if the FO resigns Jefferson, or any of the vets? Do you really think Corbin is just all of the sudden going to drop his preference for veteran players getting significant playing time even if they do not deserve it?
With the Praetorian Guards advancing from Rome, and the Armies of the East cutting off a run back into Germany, the politically challenged Emperor Constantine was advised by all his generals to try to make the run in retreat. Constantine rejected all plans for retreat or retrenchment:

We will fight! There is only one question, that is how to win!

Corbin puts politics ahead of winning. . . . . massaging or coddling whoever's feelings. . . .. maybe even caving to front office demands based on making certain players happy.

Any player who will subordinate winning to his personal agenda is trash, will always get in the way of a winning program.

Any coach who will subordinate winning to his political "realities" is trash, will always get in the way of a winning program.

Fire Corbin and anyone else with this problem, and just keep the players who will leave it all on the floor. . . . after winning if they can, or after losing when they've given the game everything they have.

Putting winning first is the only way to ever build a winning program.

Aim for their heads!
Steve Kerr ‏@SteveKerrTNT
It's official-Utah is officially collapsing. I've changed my mind- Lakers will pass them for the 8th spot.Feel free to ridicule me LA fans.

Also, I wish we had a coach with this amount of fire.


I cannot, CANNOT wait till Utah makes the playoffs, and I respond to this tweet.

Steve Kerr is easily top 10 most hated NBA players of all-time for me. Don't think he has EVER said a single positive thing about the Utah Jazz organization, or any of its players. A hack in the truest of forms.
Trending eh? Still not trending as hard as the fire sloan after the 04-05 season or the fire Sloan or the fire Sloan in 92-93 after the Jazz lost in the first round to Seattle after having been in the conference finals the year before.

In 91-92 the Jazz made it to the conference finals against Portland. IN Game 6 the Jazz lost by 8. Karl Malone led the Jazz with 23 points, the second leading scorer was Tyrone Corbin who came off the bench to score 22 points, making 8 of 8 fts.

Ya'll know that Corbin can only play the players he has right? The Jazz have 8 FA veterans, all wanting to show case himself, and 5 Rookie scale contracts all wanting to prove himself. That Ty kept that group together this long is freakin' amazing. Yet Corbin has managed to put the Jazz in position to make a push for the playoffs, kept the vets happy and developed the young guys. If they don't make the playoffs and end up with a lottery pick, even better right? Next season Kanter & Favors will start, Hayward and Burks will carry the scoring load and the Jazz will probably struggle to win 28 games and ya'll be gripping to fire whoever the next guy is.

This thread should be ended.
Corbin was average at best as a player and most of the time didnt get the job done as a jazzman.Now he is a genious that has kept a talentless team together against all odds.Now thats funny.The young guys playing next year would win more games than this team this year.The Jazz with Jefferson gone will have a point guard and this new team will play with a new unleashed heart that we have only seen in stretches this season because of PT.
Trending eh? Still not trending as hard as the fire sloan after the 04-05 season or the fire Sloan or the fire Sloan in 92-93 after the Jazz lost in the first round to Seattle after having been in the conference finals the year before.

In 91-92 the Jazz made it to the conference finals against Portland. IN Game 6 the Jazz lost by 8. Karl Malone led the Jazz with 23 points, the second leading scorer was Tyrone Corbin who came off the bench to score 22 points, making 8 of 8 fts.
I remember those times...back in 1992, twitter was going nuts with all those negative tweets about Jerry Sloan. The "FireSloan" facebook page had a lot of action as well.
Corbin will almost certainly get another year to prove his worth. But I don't see how anyone can say he's a good coach. That's not to say he can't turn into one, but the evidence is just not there to make a case this team will manage to turn it around either this season or next ... or whenever. However, there is evidence he is not a good coach and that's proving itself out in this season. This is an utter disaster for the Jazz - to lose like they are and to allow L.A. to slide into the 8th spot when everyone in the NBA counted the Lakers out. It's embarrassing. We're the butt of the NBA right now and I don't know if Utah has ever been that in my lifetime. Sure, we've had bad seasons before ... but this one is extra bad because everyone is noticing our implosion and worse, we're imploding at the benefit of the ****ing Lakers.

Goddammit, Corbin.
I cannot, CANNOT wait till Utah makes the playoffs, and I respond to this tweet.

Steve Kerr is easily top 10 most hated NBA players of all-time for me. Don't think he has EVER said a single positive thing about the Utah Jazz organization, or any of its players. A hack in the truest of forms.
You still think this team has a shot at the playoffs? How funny.
If fans were allowed to have a say, 90% of NBA teams would have 5 coaches a year. Idiots.

When it's just reacting after one or two games, then you would be correct.

But for years we've seen underwhelming leadership, lack of adjustments, poor (if any) plays draw out of timeouts, frustrating rotation/development of players, and most of all, A TEAM NOT COMING CLOSE TO REACHING ITS POTENTIAL.

If folks were just reacting to Corbin playing Watson once or twice, then you'd have a point.

But how many other NBA coaches would continiously play old and underperfoming vets over the superior youngs that we have? Seriously, how many other coaches would play Tinsley/Watson ahead of Burks? Or Marvin ahead of Carroll/Hayward (for most of this year)? How many would have played Josh Howard/Raja Bell ahead of the kids?

Even tibbs will bench Boozer (a much better player than Millsap or Jefferson and he plays without near the talent behind him like Kanter/Favors) to hold him accountable. Yet, time after time after time, we see the vets screwing up and their playing time increasing. This is supposed to teach the kids something good?

I guess for the Corbin apologists I leave the question, how much longer does your boy need to "prove" himself? He has had 2.5 years. Is another year or two good? Do we need to give him 10? Do we need to finally lose Hayward, Kanter, Favors, etc out of frustration in order for you folks to get a clue?

How much longer does Ty Corbin need?

I say, he's had enough. Time to go.
Of course. The way I see it is every head coach needs to own their territory. Corbin didn't come in with that luxury (Jefferson and Sap contracts to manage). I have a hard time blaming him for much until the team has a chance or a new book is placed into his hands.

I just can't see how Corbin is not trying to ingrain his system (the hated continuity) while also managing locker room mutiny. Jefferson, Sap, Foye, & Mo all need a contract. The Jazz have a reputation to uphold and must make it right by these players, especially Millsap. Corbin is managing all that while also bringing Kanter and Favors along to take the reins within his system. What's the point of creating confusion by shaking things up when the vets expire? Build the system, maintain flexibility, bolt on new players.

Lindsay said the Jazz want to keep cap flexibility until next trade deadline. That tells me the young guys are the future. Meanwhile, they'll play the chess game trying to make it all happen for us.
When is this ever not the case. A team is always going to have a different set of players with issues. His job is to get the players to play the best they can. And to put said players into positions to win.
He has failed IMO on the way he handles this team in a lot of circumstances. He handled Bell wrong. And that has lead to problems with other players. I don't believe the vets respect him. I think they walk all over him. The fact he still stands by them and plays them is just further proof that he does not deal with his players very well.