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Game Thread: Chicago Bulls @ Utah Jazz, 11/24/2014, 7pm MST

kanter's game is evolving... this team is evolving. ya mfs!!!!

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What sort of magic is "clutch?"

Clutch does not exist. There are people who don't lose thier **** when it's down to the wire and are able to make plays that they can normally make but there is no one, no one, no one, who becomes significantly better "in the clutch." I wish people would quit talking about it like it's real. It's not. If you think it is I have some magical beans to shove up your ***.
Too bad you never heard of a player named Michael Jordan...he was really good.
What sort of magic is "clutch?"

Clutch does not exist. There are people who don't lose thier **** when it's down to the wire and are able to make plays that they can normally make but there is no one, no one, no one, who becomes significantly better "in the clutch." I wish people would quit talking about it like it's real. It's not. If you think it is I have some magical beans to shove up your ***.

Think before you talk GF. Adrenaline can create wonders.
When did you become such a miserable *******. and yes clutch does exist. it is real. some players thrive and their focus increases under intense stress, but you wouldnt know that.

I'll wait for the statistical analysis. I have it on good authority that none will be forthcoming.

I consider "clutch" to essentially be a superstitious notion. It isn't real.

If you don't know that I've always been a miserable ******* you haven't been paying attention.
Too bad you never heard of a player named Michael Jordan...he was really good.

It was actually someone talking about MJ who explained that the idea a "clutch" was false. MJ was no better "in the clutch" than he was at any other time. He was great in the first quarter, he was great in the second, he was great in the third, he was great in the fourth...and he was great in the last few seconds. Please offer me a statistical analysis of his play in the last seconds vs the rest of the game. He is exactly the person who was used as an example of how the notion is false.
I see people are pretty attached to this notion of "clutch" which is pretty funny.

Magic is all around us. It's cute.
So it's possible to play worse under pressure, but not better? A one way street huh? Do you realize how big of contradiction that is?

Sure. Players don't get better in the clutch.

Diamond77 wants Kanter to take the last shot to find out if he has the superpower of clutchness. Well, that's dumb as ****. Kanter sucks. He's not going to suddenly stop sucking because it's the last minute of a game. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.
Different question: What were Chicago's defensive wing assignments? Butler on Gordon, Dunleavy on Burks?
Different question: What were Chicago's defensive wing assignments? Butler on Gordon, Dunleavy on Burks?

Butler shut Gordon down and scored 21 points. Ouch.
Oh darn.

Just got a visit from the holy ghost. Found out clutch is real.

Egg on my face. I feel dumb.
Materialism? Umm, how about reality?

I am not here to say to you that there is a secret gene called clutch gene and it is protected and bred by a Masonic underground organization. But there is an obvious separation between some players who are at an higher level than the most in ending games which is a talent risen from a psycho-biological mechanism they seem to have unlocked in their beings. I believe in human body being a miracle of God and I believe that there are a lot of undiscovered perks in it, yet to be unfolded. But maybe that is just me being dumb.