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General Conference - Fall 2010

I'll probably catch more flack for posting this, but oh well. I'm not alone in my anger over Packer's talk. There is a protest being planned for this Thursday (Link) and here is what HRC had to say about it: Link.
I'll probably catch more flack for posting this, but oh well. I'm not alone in my anger over Packer's talk. There is a protest being planned for this Thursday (Link) and here is what HRC had to say about it: Link.

I'll probably catch more flack for posting this, but oh well. I'm not alone in my anger over Packer's talk. There is a protest being planned for this Thursday (Link) and here is what HRC had to say about it: Link.

SOP for the HRC.

They have a problem with Packer's talk. Okay, I get that. Fine. But where do they get off equating disagreement with hate? Is this news that the mormon church considers homosexuality unnatural? Hardly. But I don't remember the part of the talk saying that gays should be bullied, harassed, abused, scorned, or otherwise mistreated. I must have been in the restroom.

People are going to disagree. But we can't run around playing the HATE card every time someone says something we don't like.
SOP for the HRC.

They have a problem with Packer's talk. Okay, I get that. Fine. But where do they get off equating disagreement with hate? Is this news that the mormon church considers homosexuality unnatural? Hardly. But I don't remember the part of the talk saying that gays should be bullied, harassed, abused, scorned, or otherwise mistreated. I must have been in the restroom.

People are going to disagree. But we can't run around playing the HATE card every time someone says something we don't like.

You're just lucky they haven't dropped the bigot card on you yet.
So, any other talks strike anyone?

Elder Uchtdorf's talk in the Priesthood session about pride. He talked about sports, which made me think about the BYU/Utah thing. But we've already talked about that...

Pride in general is a huge problem right now. Tea party people and liberals are all "right" and need to "educate" the other side without listening.

Pride is basically the #1 root cause of sin. We place our will and desires for temporary pleasure ahead of God's will for us.

I also thought that President Monson's talk during the Priesthood session was good. Although, did anyone else find his tone of voice a little scary sometimes? He was extremely dramatic I thought...

Anyway, those were just a few off the top of my head.
SOP for the HRC.

They have a problem with Packer's talk. Okay, I get that. Fine. But where do they get off equating disagreement with hate? Is this news that the mormon church considers homosexuality unnatural? Hardly. But I don't remember the part of the talk saying that gays should be bullied, harassed, abused, scorned, or otherwise mistreated. I must have been in the restroom.

People are going to disagree. But we can't run around playing the HATE card every time someone says something we don't like.

The biggest problem is that Packer said that people can change their sexual orientation. That is the kind of talk that perpetuates the self-hatred and self-loathing that LGBT mormon youth generally have due to what they are told by the leaders of the church. It is this kind of talk that can lead people to bully and harass LGBT people. Do you have any idea what that does to a young person? Why do you think so many LGBT youth are committing suicide? This is a serious problem. The church needs to realize that their words have consequences. I have been through this myself. I was raised in the church. I know how it hurts. I went through much pain and depression due to it. Luckily I was strong enough to pull through on my own, and never attempted suicide. This issue is very personal to me.

How are Packer's comments not harmful? Here's a serious question, that should have an obvious answer. If you are straight, do you think you change your sexual orientation to be gay? I'm going to guess the answer from most, if not all, would be a resounding no. Now think about it the other way around. Why would you think a gay person can change their sexual orientation? It doesn't make sense.
That's easy, they can't. (unless they're just trying to be cool by kissing other girls or by wearing skinny jeans and cutting themselves)

This is the main reason I am bent about this particular talk. I imagine that Packer doesn't remember the day that he conciously decided that he liked girls, and not boys.
The biggest problem is that Packer said that people can change their sexual orientation.

I may have a different opinion after I read the transcript, but for what it's worth when I heard his talk that's not how I parsed the language. It seemed to me that he was saying something to the effect of, "Does God want you to behave that way? No. Did God make it so that you HAVE to behave that way? No. Can you overcome your in-born tendencies? Yes!"
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Honest question: How are the "talks" given at General Conference selected?

They are assigned by the leader/leaders. Whatever subjects the leaders feel are important or the things the leaders are inspired to reveal/teach/brushup/remind. Speech's are often given after hours prayer as well as meditation. :D

EDIT: I didn't answer the question. hehe
If you are straight, do you think you change your sexual orientation to be gay? I'm going to guess the answer from most, if not all, would be a resounding no. Now think about it the other way around. Why would you think a gay person can change their sexual orientation? It doesn't make sense.

Mormons believe there are natural laws that as children of God we believe we should obey and even God is bound by these laws. We believe homosexuality is breaking these natural laws.

I personally believe homosexuality is caused from enviormental/mental factors. But definatly not biological. This to me is as simple as the birds and the bees. But some poeple have different opinions than me.

Its the same as if a man was to get molested as a child. Then when when he gets older he has sexual feelings towards children. His ACT of molesting is the sin, probably dwelling on it too. But him being able to control himself would make him no less of any other church member.
Beantown getting classy and scientific on us. Well done.

Boyd K. Packer is a bigoted old moron and a fool.
Beantown getting classy and scientific on us. Well done.

Boyd K. Packer is a bigoted old moron and a fool.

Incorrect. Boyd K. Packer is a great man who is 80+ years old, and has the same mentality he had 50, 40, hell, 10 years ago. Ignorance does not = Bigoted.
Honest question: How are the "talks" given at General Conference selected?

Basically, you can count on at least one talk from each of the Apostles and members of the First Presidency. The President of the Church will usually speak at each session. The rest are filled in by invitation. More than likely, you'll get a representative from each auxiliary (Relief Society, Primary, General Bishopric, etc.) to give a talk at some point in time during Conference. The rest are members of the Quorums of Seventy.
Each speaker is free to choose whichever subject they would like. I don't believe anything has to be pre-approved.