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Happy Solstice!

Can't wait for the shortest day to be over. After today, it's all downhill from here to the longest day! It's practically June now! I love summer solstice. That's a holiday I could really get behind. Gimmie the sun!
So do you not celebrate Christmas at all? No Christmas tree or presents? What about the family? Do they? Are you like the grinch on Christmas?

Im not a church goer or religious either, but Christmas is pretty fun and I celebrate it without even really thinking about what its about. Its just fun to do I guess.
Throughout the world, so many ancient monuments were aligned in a way to receive the first rays of the sun on the Winter Solstice. I wonder why? In Europe, in Asia, Africa, and America. Alignments toward key dates in the yearly journey of the sun. Among the most famous of these was Newgrange in Ireland. Solstice means "standstill", and the sun will rise in the same place for a few days around the precise date of the solstice, before beginning its journey north once more. Happy Soltice!

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Gotta look this upbutI heard that today is actually slightly longer than normal, even though it's the shortest day by length of daylight
So do you not celebrate Christmas at all? No Christmas tree or presents? What about the family? Do they? Are you like the grinch on Christmas?

Im not a church goer or religious either, but Christmas is pretty fun and I celebrate it without even really thinking about what its about. Its just fun to do I guess.
I don't celebrate Christmas at all, other than often getting a day off work for it.

Both of my parents are dead. I sometimes go to the Christmas party my wife's side of the family has, but often not.

My parents were atheists. We celebrated the solstice as our winter holiday starting around the time I was an early teen. I have never been religious, and have never identified with Christianity. So for me there is nothing at all unusual about not specifically celebrating Christmas. Although I have always celebrated the winter holiday, as humans have done pretty much forever.

As far as being a grinch... maybe I'll post something longer about that, but yes, I am a "grinch." For the people close to me I have made a deal that the best thing they could possibly give me is relief from the obligation to buy them a gift by not buying me a gift. I have not bought a single gift this year. Not a single one. It feels great.
I’d probably consider myself an atheist as well but the **** if I’m not gonna celebrate Christmas. Love this time of year.
I'm an atheist as well, but I still love Christmas and family and music and lights and presents and decorations. I don't have to believe in the "true meaning of Christmas" to enjoy it, and I still consider "O Holy Night" to be my favorite Christmas song (I'm complicated haha). Bring on all the secular holiday stuff!

But to each their own. If I had grown up without Christmas, I imagine I would feel differently. And considering how stressed and miserable this holiday makes so many people, it could use some toning down of expectations.
I'm an atheist as well, but I still love Christmas and family and music and lights and presents and decorations. I don't have to believe in the "true meaning of Christmas" to enjoy it, and I still consider "O Holy Night" to be my favorite Christmas song (I'm complicated haha). Bring on all the secular holiday stuff!

But to each their own. If I had grown up without Christmas, I imagine I would feel differently. And considering how stressed and miserable this holiday makes so many people, it could use some toning down of expectations.
Another Christmas loving atheist here! I definitely prefer the more overtly religious Christmas songs to the classic secular ones. The original Latin version of Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel in particular gives me goosebumps.
A bit late but all the same.


When I was a kid my parents made up a holiday, it was called "Kids Day" and it came after Mother's Day and Father's Day and I'm pretty sure it was on June 20th (right around Summer Solstice). I don't really know what motivated them to invent that holiday, but it was a nice little holiday with modest presents and a day when we got to do something that we liked after getting out of school for the summer.
Hippie pagan nonsense, right up there with magic crystals and women's rights...
It marks an actual thing that happens to our planet. Completely non-supernatural. Or are you talking about "kid's Day" because yeah, that was some serious hippie ****.
It marks an actual thing that happens to our planet. Completely non-supernatural. Or are you talking about "kid's Day" because yeah, that was some serious hippie ****.

Bah fire eating nonsense, go roll in some body glitter and stop showering...
Woohoo!! Does that mean it will get warmer now?
Warmer? Maybe not. Days will start getting longer though. The longest "night" happened yesterday for you. So you can look forward to longer and longer days from here until around Dec. 21st, when the days will start to get shorter again.

Solstice is a beautiful holiday! It is a marker of hope and happiness. Each one, Winter and Summer, are times of joy for reasons that hove nothing to do with the arbitrary or mysterious.