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Hmmmm you don’t say?

Tim MacMahon in regards to Donovan today on ESPN700:

Checketts "If the Jazz go out in the first round or even the second round how loud does the noise get this offseason?"

Tim: "I think the noise will get loud, I do. It's kind of a constant noise right now."

Tim is trustworthy source. If you don't think Mitchell is an utter and total snake, even beyond what Hayward was. Idk what to tell you.
How about you tell me something Mitchell actually said, as opposed to speculation from some guy not plugged into the Jazz?
So Don uses what Rudy does for him? What else?

The system isn't solely build around Rudy. It's built to maximize every player. Rudy is an integral part of what makes it work but he is not necessarily a beneficiary of it like Don is. He doesn't need to be. It would have been great if the team found him on deep seals but no team is perfect and Jazz's offense is pretty good as it is.

Don definitely doesn't do everything offensively. He is not a full-time playmaker. Conley picks up PG duties Don can't and also gives Don someone to pass when he is blitzed. Don is rarely double teamed and that's because of offensive threaths Jazz brought to get the burden off Mitchell.
This conversation started about how Donovan and Rudy aren't in sync. Why they seem to be disjointed.

We can break down offensive sets, pros and cons, and everything all we want. Numbers say that Don and Rudy could work on the basketball court well together. There are even some measures that say Don is better running the offense with Rudy than Conley is (which is frustrating for the Don at PG enthusiasts who want to see Don as our starting PG so he can grow into the role).

My personal opinion, and that's what most of this forum is, tells me that Rudy and Don simply don't like each other. They irritate each other. Don isn't leaving for a bigger market. He might want to leave because he isn't happy.
MItchell is electrifying when he is on, but he's not a superstar. He need to be more efficient to achieve that.
If he gets selected to a third straight All Star game, he's definitely a superstar when adding in his playoff performances. The guy has averaged 32+ppg and 5+apg in the 2021 playoffs and 36+ppg and 5apg in the 2020 playoffs. Any superstar would brag about those numbers.
How about you tell me something Mitchell actually said, as opposed to speculation from some guy not plugged into the Jazz?
Mitchell is never ever ever going to actually address anything. Haven’t you noticed this at this point? Haven’t you seen him not address every difficult situation? He’ll write a thank you letter after he demands a trade and is traded and try to PR his way into not being hated for the snake he actually is. How many players just flat out come out and say, “I’m too big time for this city” “I hate it here” “get me out” “this place is too white for me”. It’s ridiculous to pretend you’re ever going to hear any of those things come out of his mouth one thing he’s great at is PR.

And saying Tim is not plugged in is asinine, Tim is probably one of if not THE most plugged in national Jazz source. He was in studio, in Salt Lake for a story he’s writing yesterday.
This conversation started about how Donovan and Rudy aren't in sync. Why they seem to be disjointed.

We can break down offensive sets, pros and cons, and everything all we want. Numbers say that Don and Rudy could work on the basketball court well together. There are even some measures that say Don is better running the offense with Rudy than Conley is (which is frustrating for the Don at PG enthusiasts who want to see Don as our starting PG so he can grow into the role).

My personal opinion, and that's what most of this forum is, tells me that Rudy and Don simply don't like each other. They irritate each other. Don isn't leaving for a bigger market. He might want to leave because he isn't happy.
You can try to put lipstick on a pig, but we all still know it’s a pig.
If he gets selected to a third straight All Star game, he's definitely a superstar when adding in his playoff performances. The guy has averaged 32+ppg and 5+apg in the 2021 playoffs and 36+ppg and 5apg in the 2020 playoffs. Any superstar would brag about those numbers.
Mitchell's usage increases massively in the playoffs, and while his scoring improves, some other metrics slide off. He's a better version of Monta Eliis right now.
Except when it doesn't. Sometimes, there is all kinds of random speculation and then no trade happens at all. For how many years has there been speculation of Lilliard being traded or signing somewhere else?
Yes, and Lillard has shut it down hard multiple times. Donovan had his canned response his team told him to say. “Just say you’re focused on winning a championship”.

Reporter: There was a report on the Windhorst podcast…

Donovan interrupting acting irritated: “we’re trying to win a championship, why are y’all talking about that”

Reporter: “why did you like the tweet about Rudy”

Donovan: “we just need to win tonight”

The dude will not answer anything. Don’t compare him to Lillard, because he’s nothing like Lillard. Giannis had plenty of rumors around his name too. Know what he said over and over? “I’m committed to winning a title in Milwaukee and this is where I want to be”. You act like that’s hard to do, it’s not unless the rumors are true and you know you don’t mean it or you’re afraid you’re undercutting the narrative and turn your team is trying to make for you behind the scenes. They’re slowly building a narrative here and it’s to get out of SLC.
Mitchell is never ever ever going to actually address anything.
Which is another way of saying you have no evidence and are just running on speculation.

And saying Tim is not plugged in is asinine, Tim is probably one of if not THE most plugged in national Jazz source. He was in studio, in Salt Lake for a story he’s writing yesterday.
Tim goes al over the country, and doesn't focus on the Jazz.
Mitchell's usage increases massively in the playoffs, and while his scoring improves, some other metrics slide off. He's a better version of Monta Eliis right now.
C'mon man, everybody knows that's an insult. His playoff numbers the last two postseasons have been incredible. Also add in that he has put up the numbers with at least one other offensive weapon being out if not two. So more of the defense got to focus on him and he still did what he did.
Yes, and Lillard has shut it down hard multiple times. Donovan had his canned response his team told him to say. “Just say you’re focused on winning a championship”.

Reporter: There was a report on the Windhorst podcast…

Donovan interrupting acting irritated: “we’re trying to win a championship, why are y’all talking about that”

Reporter: “why did you like the tweet about Rudy”

Donovan: “we just need to win tonight”

The dude will not answer anything. Don’t compare him to Lillard, because he’s nothing like Lillard. Giannis had plenty of rumors around his name too. Know what he said over and over? “I’m committed to winning a title in Milwaukee and this is where I want to be”. You act like that’s hard to do, it’s not unless the rumors are true and you know you don’t mean it or you’re afraid you’re undercutting the narrative and turn your team is trying to make for you behind the scenes. They’re slowly building a narrative here and it’s to get out of SLC.
Lillard's persona is crafted. It's not real. He wants out of Portland. He just cant let that be a rumor because he has built his brand on being loyal.
Which is another way of saying you have no evidence and are just running on speculation.

Tim goes al over the country, and doesn't focus on the Jazz.
He literally does lol. The Jazz are one of the main teams he covers, just like the Mavs are. Sure he goes outside that box but he covers certain geographical areas for ESPN, especially come playoff time. He’s on local radio every single week.

As for your top statement, well that defense really says it all. It’s pretty easy to shut down the rumors, just once.
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Lillard's persona is crafted. It's not real. He wants out of Portland. He just cant let that be a rumor because he has built his brand on being loyal.
A hard disagree. Lillard has proven that’s who he is his whole life, from his high school to choosing Weber f***** State because they recruited him first. It’s who he is. Does he want out sometimes? Yeah probably, but who he is, is what won’t let him do it, and he’s 100% right, it’s harder to do what he’s doing than to jump ship and go win a free championship.

Btw, I wouldn’t say Donovan’s in the same situation. I think Donovan simply needs to grow up and be a better foundation for his team and he has plenty more talent around him than Lillard.
This conversation started about how Donovan and Rudy aren't in sync. Why they seem to be disjointed.

We can break down offensive sets, pros and cons, and everything all we want. Numbers say that Don and Rudy could work on the basketball court well together. There are even some measures that say Don is better running the offense with Rudy than Conley is (which is frustrating for the Don at PG enthusiasts who want to see Don as our starting PG so he can grow into the role).

My personal opinion, and that's what most of this forum is, tells me that Rudy and Don simply don't like each other. They irritate each other. Don isn't leaving for a bigger market. He might want to leave because he isn't happy.
They may not like each other. Sure, whatever. I don't really care. But you said Don is sick of what Rudy needs and wants but fail to answer what those are and then sneak in lines which are objectively false like system being built around Rudy.

I am just curious.
They may not like each other. Sure, whatever. I don't really care. But you said Don is sick of what Rudy needs and wants but fail to answer what those are and then sneak in lines which are objectively false like system being built around Rudy.

I am just curious.
The system is built around Rudy. I can't believe you, or anybody else, are still trying to have this argument.

On defense, we do the funnel to Rudy.

On offense, he sets the screens which initiate the offense.

Not every single play is run around Rudy because that's impossible, However, we built the fundamentals of our team around Rudy Gobert.

I'm not judging if how we are built is right or wrong. I'm simply saying that if Don doesn't like Rudy, then maybe it irritates him.
C'mon man, everybody knows that's an insult. His playoff numbers the last two postseasons have been incredible.
His box score stats have been incredible. Some of his advanced stats actually fell. However, I'm not going to get into a detailed discussion of that. We agree Mitchell's very good and hard to replace.
He literally does lol. The Jazz are one of the main teams he covers, just like the Mavs are. Sure he goes outside that box but he covers certain geographical areas for ESPN, especially come playoff time. He’s on local radio every single week.
His twitter feed and article list says differently.

As for your top statement, well that defense really says it all. It’s pretty easy to shut down the rumors, just once.
Actually, it's impossible to shut down rumors. No matter what you sy or how you say it, the rumors will persist.
What questions has he answered in regards to it. I’ll wait:
No doubt, because there are no answers that will satisfy you.