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If Trump dodges debates...

At the DNC a Mr. Khan, father of a deceased soldier, spoke and blasted the RNC candidate. In retaliation he tweeted that Mrs. Khan didn't speak due to her religion as they are muslim. Implying that in Muslim eyes she is less.

Mr. Khan's son died in the middle east actively protecting his platoon. I wonder if vet groups will be pissed about this.

Of course....



The Khizr Khan interview on "State of the Union" this past Sunday:


How low can he go?


And Mrs. Khan's Washington Post op-ed response to Trump's questioning her silence.

This piece also includes video of Khzir Kahn's DNC address. Since Mr. Kahn is a perceptive judge of the man, he was not surprised that Trump "had to take a shot" at his wife.

The emperor has no heart. The emperor has no intellect.

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His comments in regard to the Kahn's rates about a 3/10 in my opinion in relation to all the other disgusting and offensive things he's said.

But I guess that's because a lot of people are okay with misogynistic and racist and pain old stupid comments, but question the family of a fallen war hero and it's on like donkey Kong, you've insulted someone from our "tribe" now.
Doesn't it seem like at this point he would have some advisors to help him think these sorts of statements through? There are all sorts of people who I'm sure want to give him their advise, but he's probably unwilling to listen.

He should have said something like, "I'm so thankful for your son's service and shattered by your loss. I couldn't imagine losing my son." If he just can't leave it without getting a dig in he could add, "It saddens me that Hillary voted for that war."
Why would he do that? Speaking out of his *** is the foundation of his appeal.

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His comments in regard to the Kahn's rates about a 3/10 in my opinion in relation to all the other disgusting and offensive things he's said.

But I guess that's because a lot of people are okay with misogynistic and racist and pain old stupid comments, but question the family of a fallen war hero and it's on like donkey Kong, you've insulted someone from our "tribe" now.

The emperor has no heart. The emperor has no intellect. It's like the entire Trump phenomenon is a variation on "the emperor has no clothes."

As he parades by my field of view, I note with alarm that he has no heart, and no intellect. People appear mesmerized by his spectacle.

How is it that they can't see the naked truth of the man? How can people not see all that the emperor lacks?

How do we give sight to the blind among us?

Speak from the heart, friends, and remind people that to judge this man, "let your heart be your guide" is all that is required.

Your own heart sees clearly and will be the judge.

Speak from the heart, friends, and people will hear that voice. Their hearts will move. Let them see that the emperor has no heart and no intellect. He will not heal. He will not lead. He will parade in self-love and lash out at those who see the truth of the man.

Your heart knows better. It always has, and it always will. It cannot be fooled. It is your guide from start to finish. Trust it. It will lead you through this travail and leave this emperor to his self-love.

All of us must open our hearts and listen to it's judgement. The good that is there will see that this man is not our brother and not our friend. He cannot be our leader.
I went through the thread but did not see it.

The truth is you made a claim that is ridiculous, that you could quantify a persons honesty. Politifact does not even make that claim. If you don't want to back up a ridiculous claim. Don't make it.

You are right I posted the links in the other Trump thread, I get them mixed up. Politifact and the other websites just provide the data, they dont draw conclusions from them. That is part of what keeps them unbiased or closer to that. But it looks like you have been to their website and seen the data. But if you need a link still for some reason, here it is. You can look at any of these type of websites and get similar data. This one has 70% of Trumps statements as mostly false or worse and only 30% at half true or better. Where Clinton is at 27% mostly false or worse and 71% being at least half true or better.



I think its pretty easy to draw a conclusion that Clinton has been more truthful during her campaign than Donald Trump and the other candidates. If you want to draw a different conclusion, go for it I am all ears. Again I repeat I am not claiming Clinton as an "honest person" because that distinction is purely arbitrary. All Humans lie so to determine if someone is honest or not you would have to establish a percentage of statements you deem to be the tipping point. That tipping point would change for everyone. There are also statements that you cannot prove their truthfulness. I am claiming in her campaign she has been more truthful than the other candidates. This is the best way to compare who is being more honest with the public.

Mostly I dont care to back up any claim that I have discussed in multiple threads with people who do not care to research at all and are set in their beliefs regardless of info, which may or may not be you. I am guessing my posts sound more snippy/grumpy/angry than I am. I also get worn out from discussions about these topics these days very quickly and assume people into categories that might be unfair to them.
His comments in regard to the Kahn's rates about a 3/10 in my opinion in relation to all the other disgusting and offensive things he's said.

But I guess that's because a lot of people are okay with misogynistic and racist and pain old stupid comments, but question the family of a fallen war hero and it's on like donkey Kong, you've insulted someone from our "tribe" now.

I think what elevates it was the fact that Khan spoke from the heart, to the heart. Those Americans who have been greeting him, hugging him, thanking him, were all part of the tribe we call American. He gave voice in a way the political voices have not been able to do, with their own speeches at the convention. This man spoke from the heart instead. Not many politicians can really do that these days. Even though I'm sure American Muslims had reason to be especially grateful, I think he nailed it on the head when he said the response confirms the goodness of America. I've kept careful record of all his offensive statements. The Emperor has no heart. The Emperor has no intellect. This particular episode just gave full view, I think, to Trump's lack of heart.

And I don't mean to misinterpret the intent of your comment. What you say may hold true. I think what elevates this whole episode in the Summer of Trump is the fact that a man spoke from the heart. It can make a huge difference. Appealing to the head, through reason and logic won't cut it all the time. Speaking from the heart, to the heart, was what has been required for quite some time. The fact that Khzir Khan did just that, witness the number of strangers who have wanted to walk right up and hug the guy, I think bears testament to that fundamental truth. That reply I left earlier was something I had written to friends earlier, inspired as I was by Khan. Sorry 'bout that.
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This is your "not slanted" video? You realize this clearly creates the impression that Clinton was found guilty of wrong-doing when in fact she wasn't even formally charged with anything.

You want to say that this catches Clinton changing her story? Fine. But it's only unbiased through the minds of people who have a pre-conceived notion of her guilt.

You people have been mind ****ed for so long it doesn't even register anymore - it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
The video makes it obvious that the claims she made about her email server were not true. Amazingly, she's continuing to make the same untrue claims even though the evidence is overwhelming. The video doesn't say anything about her guilt, but it's quite amazing that she was not indicted in light of the evidence that Comey presented. That showed how blatantly corrupt the system is. At the end of his statement he even warned that if anyone else did something similar that charges would likely be pressed.
You are right I posted the links in the other Trump thread, I get them mixed up. Politifact and the other websites just provide the data, they dont draw conclusions from them. That is part of what keeps them unbiased or closer to that. But it looks like you have been to their website and seen the data. But if you need a link still for some reason, here it is. You can look at any of these type of websites and get similar data. This one has 70% of Trumps statements as mostly false or worse and only 30% at half true or better. Where Clinton is at 27% mostly false or worse and 71% being at least half true or better.



I think its pretty easy to draw a conclusion that Clinton has been more truthful during her campaign than Donald Trump and the other candidates. If you want to draw a different conclusion, go for it I am all ears. Again I repeat I am not claiming Clinton as an "honest person" because that distinction is purely arbitrary. All Humans lie so to determine if someone is honest or not you would have to establish a percentage of statements you deem to be the tipping point. That tipping point would change for everyone. There are also statements that you cannot prove their truthfulness. I am claiming in her campaign she has been more truthful than the other candidates. This is the best way to compare who is being more honest with the public.

Mostly I dont care to back up any claim that I have discussed in multiple threads with people who do not care to research at all and are set in their beliefs regardless of info, which may or may not be you. I am guessing my posts sound more snippy/grumpy/angry than I am. I also get worn out from discussions about these topics these days very quickly and assume people into categories that might be unfair to them.
So if one person tells three hundred lies and another person tells thirty lies then the person who told fewer is more honest? It doesn't matter what they were lying about or how the honesty was judged?

It is clear to me that honesty is not the strong suit of either of the major party candidates, not even close. Claiming that HC is one of our most honest recent politicians, by any measure, is laughable.
So if one person tells three hundred lies and another person tells thirty lies then the person who told fewer is more honest? It doesn't matter what they were lying about or how the honesty was judged?

It is clear to me that honesty is not the strong suit of either of the major party candidates, not even close. Claiming that HC is one of our most honest recent politicians, by any measure, is laughable.

Yes, I feel Clinton is a more honest than other politicians especially Trump and I do not think it is close between the two of them. I think Trump lies more than any major party presidential candidate in the last 20ish years. I think evidence is obvious to me. Yes I think the type of lies matter but are more difficult to judge based on that. I read through most of the statements on fact checking websites and still feel Clinton is more honest, despite some of the things she has said being proven to be a lie. The worst lie I have seen is that she claimed to never have opened or sent a classified email through her personal email. That claim is contradicted by the FBI report it seems that 3 that were labeled that way were. Although I dont find this issue to be near as big of deal as people who dislike Clinton. Here is a decent report of it:


I personally feel that many of the organizations that are running slanderous campaigns against either candidate should go away. They provide poor information and skew peoples opinions in a very negative way and are very bad for politics. It seems based on the video you posted you seem to watch or see a lot of info from those organizations.

Who do you feel is/was a honest presidential candidate in the past few elections? If no one who is more honest than Clinton in your opinion?
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Seems like you just want to Justify voting Trump? Yes, I feel Clinton is a more honest than other politicians especially Trump and I do not think it is close between the two of them. I think Trump lies more than any major party presidential candidate in the last 20ish years. I think evidence is obvious to me. Yes I think the type of lies matter but are more difficult to judge based on that. I read through most of the statements on fact checking websites and still feel Clinton is more honest, despite some of the things she has said being proven to be a lie. The worst lie I have seen is that she claimed to never have opened or sent a classified email through her personal email. That claim is contradicted by the FBI report it seems that 3 that were labeled that way were. Although I dont find this issue to be near as big of deal as people who dislike Clinton. Here is a decent report of it:


I personally feel that many of the organizations that are running slanderous campaigns against either candidate should go away. They provide poor information and skew peoples opinions in a very negative way and are very bad for politics. It seems based on the video you posted you seem to watch or see a lot of info from those organizations.

Who do you feel is/was a honest presidential candidate in the past few elections? If no one who is more honest than Clinton in your opinion?

Lol. I think Mr Trump realizes how political process works.
Say what they want to hear.
All, welcomb next president Mr Trump
His comments in regard to the Kahn's rates about a 3/10 in my opinion in relation to all the other disgusting and offensive things he's said.

But I guess that's because a lot of people are okay with misogynistic and racist and pain old stupid comments, but question the family of a fallen war hero and it's on like donkey Kong, you've insulted someone from our "tribe" now.
I personally feel that many of the organizations that are running slanderous campaigns against either candidate should go away.

The funny thing is that there is no need at all to run any kind of slanderous campaign against trump.

Just let him speak. He slanders himself lol
The funny thing is that there is no need at all to run any kind of slanderous campaign against trump.

Just let him speak. He slanders himself lol

So does Hillary with her lies, plus I don't remember such an annoying voice. It's like listening to a pneumatic drill in full operation right beside you.
Yes, I feel Clinton is a more honest than other politicians especially Trump and I do not think it is close between the two of them. I think Trump lies more than any major party presidential candidate in the last 20ish years. I think evidence is obvious to me. Yes I think the type of lies matter but are more difficult to judge based on that. I read through most of the statements on fact checking websites and still feel Clinton is more honest, despite some of the things she has said being proven to be a lie. The worst lie I have seen is that she claimed to never have opened or sent a classified email through her personal email. That claim is contradicted by the FBI report it seems that 3 that were labeled that way were. Although I dont find this issue to be near as big of deal as people who dislike Clinton. Here is a decent report of it:


I personally feel that many of the organizations that are running slanderous campaigns against either candidate should go away. They provide poor information and skew peoples opinions in a very negative way and are very bad for politics. It seems based on the video you posted you seem to watch or see a lot of info from those organizations.

Who do you feel is/was a honest presidential candidate in the past few elections? If no one who is more honest than Clinton in your opinion?
I believe that Kasich was more honest. I believe that Bernie was more honest. I believe that Romney was more honest. In fact, I believe that virtually every choice we have had in the last 20 years is more honest than the two we are choosing from. I also believe that you are getting bad information from your websites. According to the FBI director there were way more than 3 classified emails. In addition over 30,000 emails were deleted an never turned over to the FBI. IMO it is obvious that Clinton set up this email to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act.
Interesting. I know people who tell constant fibs but they are mostly harmless. I know another person who is mostly truthful and very skilled at gaining people's trust, but she has told lies that have shattered lives. I think the second person is far worse.
Interesting. I know people who tell constant fibs but they are mostly harmless. I know another person who is mostly truthful and very skilled at gaining people's trust, but she has told lies that have shattered lives. I think the second person is far worse.

You started with an honest/less honest inquiry

You ended with anecdotal evidence of bad person/worse person.

Was this your intent?