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Israel-Hamas War

I've said I'm fine with him feeling that way as well. I've acknowledged that his situation is horrible and he is coping as well as he can. I hope he finds as much peace with the situation as possible. If pretending to be elated that your child was killed relatively quickly helps him out then be elated that your child was murdered rather than facing what you imagine would happen.

The thing is, this is all about him. This is all about his comfort and cope. He didn't feel elated that his daughter was murdered for her sake, he felt that way for his sake, so that he wouldn't be spending this time imagining her being raped and tortured.

That's fine, his daughter is dead, she doesn't feel any kind of way about anything anymore. He's the one that has to go on living. So him not having to live day to day imagining his daughter being tortured and raped is better for him.
Lol he didn't feel elated. Elated means ecstatically happy. like winning the lottery. He was sad his daughter was dead and would have loved to have her still with him. He was just relieved that she wouldn't be tortured and raped and dead. Also, you dont know if he might felt relieved for her sake rather than his own. I know that i would rather be dead than tortured and then dead. i would also rather be dead than spend life in prison. So if I died instead of spending life in prison or instead of being tortured and then dead and my mom or dad felt relief then it very well could be for me.
Maybe him and his daughter had discussed these things together and she had conveyed her feelings regarding being captured by hamas and taken hostage and outright told him she would rather die. We simply dont know.

Dude lost his daughter. maybe we should just have a little respect and compassion and end this discussion.
Lol he didn't feel elated. Elated means ecstatically happy. like winning the lottery. He was sad his daughter was dead and would have loved to have her still with him. He was just relieved that she wouldn't be tortured and raped and dead. Also, you dont know if he might felt relieved for her sake rather than his own. I know that i would rather be dead than tortured and then dead. i would also rather be dead than spend life in prison. So if I died instead of spending life in prison or instead of being tortured and then dead and my mom or dad felt relief then it very well could be for me.
Maybe him and his daughter had discussed these things together and she had conveyed her feelings regarding being captured by hamas and taken hostage and outright told him she would rather die. We simply dont know.

Dude lost his daughter. maybe we should just have a little respect and compassion and end this discussion.
He cheered. He expressed joy. That was like the point of the story, that he was so happy that she wasn't a hostage which would cause him to have to use his imagination about her getting raped and tortured, since she was dead he wouldn't have to imagine bad things happening to her.

Yeah, I've been respectful and expressed my sympathy towards him in every post I've made about this.
He cheered. He expressed joy. That was like the point of the story, that he was so happy that she wasn't a hostage which would cause him to have to use his imagination about her getting raped and tortured, since she was dead he wouldn't have to imagine bad things happening to her.

Yeah, I've been respectful and expressed my sympathy towards him in every post I've made about this.

Your last post made it sound like you think he was being selfish for feeling how he felt.

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Your last post made it sound like you think he was being selfish for feeling how he felt.

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I promise I'm ready to drop this like you suggested but yeah, I do think it was about him, not about his daughter. That's kind of been what felt off to me about his interview the whole time. He didn't want to have to imagine what might have been happening to his daughter, so he was happy to know that she was dead so that he didn't have to think those horrible thoughts.

I am serious though in that at this point his recovery from this absolute tragedy is the most important thing because he's the one who has to continue living. His daughter was killed. It is horrible. He is suffering and looking for any bit of relief from his pain. I feel bad for him and I hope he can move forward and live his life. I have no ill will towards him.
Many years ago I came to the conclusion that war really is just a game by the elite. Operation Gladio and Northwood's is interesting, should you want to do some research on the matter feel free.
Many years ago I came to the conclusion that war really is just a game by the elite. Operation Gladio and Northwood's is interesting, should you want to do some research on the matter feel free.
Well yeah. Peasants and McDonalds workers haven't started any land wars as far as I know.
Supporting Israel's continued assault on Gaza civilians is a huge mistake. If they want to bomb, starve and deny water and any form of medical care for millions including hundreds of thousands of children, it should be on them not us. Biden is ****ing up big time especially in light of Israel leadership's recent turn away from democracy.

This is an unwelcome development.

Supporting Israel's continued assault on Gaza civilians is a huge mistake. If they want to bomb, starve and deny water and any form of medical care for millions including hundreds of thousands of children, it should be on them not us. Biden is ****ing up big time especially in light of Israel leadership's recent turn away from democracy.

Setting aside for a moment that you're using a Hamas-related outlet as your source (both Hamas and Al Jazeera are Qatari state-sponsored and hosted), why do you see it as a mistake for Biden to be steadfast in his position?

As for democracy, Hamas was democratically elected with the stated primary objective being war with Israel. The people of Gaza voted for this. In free and fair elections, the people of Gaza voted into power the group who promised war with Israel. Their chosen government has delivered on their campaign promise. It is said "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.". Who are you to deny the people of Gaza?
Setting aside for a moment that you're using a Hamas-related outlet as your source (both Hamas and Al Jazeera are Qatari state-sponsored and hosted), why do you see it as a mistake for Biden to be steadfast in his position?

As for democracy, Hamas was democratically elected with the stated primary objective being war with Israel. The people of Gaza voted for this. In free and fair elections, the people of Gaza voted into power the group who promised war with Israel. Their chosen government has delivered on their campaign promise. It is said "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.". Who are you to deny the people of Gaza?

Gaza's populace is at the mercy of Hamas even though a majority did not vote for Hamas. Half of Gaza's population of 2.3 million are children. Israel are bombing children. Israel's disproportionate response is our response. We are viewed as one with Israel by the rest of the world. Bombing, starving and denying water, fuel or medical access to millions of people stuck within Gaza is not going to end well for the U.S. or Israel. Bibi's mistake is our mistake and we are letting him determine U.S. policy at this point.

This article tries to explain how Hamas came into power:

After over 15 years without an election, there is no evidence that Hamas continues to represent the will of a Gazan majority, or even a significant minority.
That is wishful thinking. Opinion polling is done all the time, even in Gaza. Both Hamas and Jews being eliminated from the river to the sea have broad majority support among those living in Gaza. I would be genuinely surprised if you could find a single public opinion poll of Gazans (not Palestinians, Occupied Territories, Arabs, etc.) conducted in the past 10 years that went the other way.
we are letting him determine U.S. policy at this point.
The antisemitic trope of Jews controlling the world is so tired. The United States is on the side of the United States. Hamas would like to see us dead. They aren't hiding the ball on that. It is in our best interest to see the capabilities of Hamas degraded. There is zero benefit to the United States for letting Hamas survive.

Having the whole situation spiral into World War III would be bad for the United States, so we are placing enough deterrent in the region to keep that from happening.
The antisemitic trope of Jews controlling the world is so tired. The United States is on the side of the United States. Hamas would like to see us dead. They aren't hiding the ball on that. It is in our best interest to see the capabilities of Hamas degraded. There is zero benefit to the United States for letting Hamas survive.

Having the whole situation spiral into World War III would be bad for the United States, so we are placing enough deterrent in the region to keep that from happening.

Nothing antisemitic about calling out Joe for blindly following Bibi down this mistaken path. What is the point of putting a million children through this suffering? I haven't heard anything about actual attainable goals. Seems like it's just lopsided retribution.