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Jazz vs Raptors | Wednesday November 3rd @ 6pm

I have the feeling D-Will is going to go off tonight.
High scorer, and Assists, and near triple double?

I hope this doesn't turn out like my last prediction.

D-Will has 14pts, 9 assists, and 5 boards. He could get a triple double if he keeps grabbing boards. Would that be his first?
i knew the raptors would go on a run but didn't expect the jazz offense to fall off this bad, we need to get back on track
WTF happened..?? We were up 19 at the half... I take the kids back home to their moms and come back and WTF?!
sapdate = just a sprain. harpring said, "put him in Jerry so it doesn't get stiff". guessing he'll be ok
Come on Elson. They keep feeding him the ball in the post and it keeps ending up in the stands. This guy is killing me.