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July 15 Summer league Jazz v Nuggs

Run Riot is the first thought-I love the movement Im seeing so far in SL, I know its SL but at least we're getting glimpses of what may be later.
both Exum and Hood are playing like they should have been drafted much Higher who knows given time Exum might as well have been a top 2 or 3 pick and Hood a late lottery-no complaints here.
The success of Parker and Gordon on Bucks, magic comes down to their team mates and being used to their strengths- Exum could well move past them

Exum is playing like he should have been drafted higher? WTF? He's basically disappeared since the first game. He can't stay on the floor because he's out of shape and when he is out there, he's doing very little. He might still turn into a great player, but let's not pretend he's out there playing great basketball.
Wasn't near a computer last night to see how the board was reacting to the game.
I have perused the 10 pages and learned... that we need to have Hayward spend the rest of the off season with Thriller. Then let someone stick a finger in his ear and see what happens. Gordon (and some of the rest of the team) need to find the fire, the passion, and the mean streak they have been missing.

Other than that I didn't really learn much about last night's game.
Exum is playing like he should have been drafted higher? WTF? He's basically disappeared since the first game. He can't stay on the floor because he's out of shape and when he is out there, he's doing very little. He might still turn into a great player, but let's not pretend he's out there playing great basketball.

One thing that worries me about Dante other than being out of shape and seeming to lack a killer instinct is that he went to a friggin' basketball academy for high school. He might not really be all that "raw". The assumed upside might not be there. He's about as raw as those Chinese players that get selected to play basketball by their government and live in a broom closet at the gym for the next 5 years.
Looked at the box score, seems like some of "The Others" got burn? Do I need to know anything else about tonight's game?

I have 46 rep power burning a hole in my pocket for a good recap or a pic of a mega hot babe. I mean MEGA!

First impression of the game was the Jazz really played very good defense. It was obvious that they were missing Gobert and the rim protection. However guys were really hustling and switching really well. There were moments where they really passed the ball.

Murphy: Guy had good numbers at the end but they are really misleading. He is too slow to be a contributor in the NBA. He isn't the shooter people said he was or at least he hasn't been in summer league. The first half he was awful. Trey would have had about 3 or 4 assists if Murphy could make a shot. He played better in the second half but in my opinion I wouldn't bring him back to vet camp. I don't know what our contractual obligations with him are but I just don't see how he would ever be an effective role player in the NBA. He is really slow running the court.

Ian Clark: Put up decent numbers but at the expense of his teammates. When he played PG he forced a lot of plays, turning over the ball several times. He has a funky 3pt shot, but he made several last night so that is why his stats are "inflated". He is ok as an end of the bench guy but he has a long way to go before he can play PG which is his "natural' position. My feelings are that he is ok and I wouldn't feel bad if he didn't make the team.

Motum: Didn't play much but every time I find myself saying this guy isn't an NBA player he turns around and makes a play. He kind of grows on you and he is more athletic than you think. I wouldn't mind seeing him in camp but most likely he will take a deal in Europe because of the money and opportunity to play.

Thomas: Even though he has produced in other games, I wasn't that high on him but tonight I thought he had his best game. He didn't have so many misses near the basket. Played good defense and battled on the boards. I don't know what his stats where but I just thought he played more under control. The problem with Thomas is he is a tweener. Out of all the "others" I think he is the most deserving to make the team but since the Jazz signed Booker, I don't see the need.

The rest of the group should start looking for DL assignments or Europe deals. The really tall guy (don't know his name) sucked big time. He is slow and isn't strong enough to hold his position. Covington and the rest of the guys were looking for their shots a little too much.
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One thing that worries me about Dante other than being out of shape and seeming to lack a killer instinct is that he went to a friggin' basketball academy for high school. He might not really be all that "raw". He's about as raw as those Chinese players that get selected to play basketball by their government and live in a broom closet at the gym for the next 5 years.

That part worries me about his jump shot. If he has been basically studying basketball for years on years, why isn't his shot significantly better?

As far as the other stuff though, I think it's hard to improve when you are going up against inferior talent all the time and take a year off.
That part worries me about his jump shot. If he has been basically studying basketball for years on years, why isn't his shot significantly better?

As far as the other stuff though, I think it's hard to improve when you are going up against inferior talent all the time and take a year off.

For sure. If American players are playing too many games via AAU, he might have the opposite issue going on. But regardless, the speed is legit, the feel for the game is legit. Those are more natural things. And those are two things I'm really excited about and he should have a nice floor(won't be any worse than ____) because of those two things.
What worries me the most about Dante is how he is sucking wind so quickly. It is almost like beyond my comprehension that an NBA player who just turned 19 years old is in that bad of shape. I mean he has been working out for 5 months in the states. It almost seems like there is something physically wrong with him. Maybe the nerves are causing him to hyperventilate but last night he started showing signs of being tired within 5 minutes into the game, in the second quarter he looked like he needed oxygen on the sidelines. Maybe he needs to learn how to control his breathing but he definitely needs to go to P3 and get into shape. I hope playing for Australia helps his game shape.
For sure. If American players are playing too many games via AAU, he might have the opposite issue going on. But regardless, the speed is legit, the feel for the game is legit. Those are more natural things. And those are two things I'm really excited about and he should have a nice floor(won't be any worse than ____) because of those two things.

How much of a guys game should be refined at 19 before playing in the league?

LeBron had no post game and a shaky jumper before he came to the league and really didn't get his post game working until a couple years ago. Every player has something to work on. Rose didn't have a jumper either. It's like that with every player.

I'm just happy because I think the weaknesses Dante has are all fixable.

I think the league would benefit from getting guys after being in college for 2-3 years. Fans expectations are crazy even though they should understand how young these guys are. The nfl gets guys when they've been in college 3 years, much more refined.

They come as 18 and 19 year olds and people expect them to have games refined at the level of Duncan right away when guys in those days had a number of years in college to refine their games and bodies.

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Did not get a chance to see the game...

Judas priest. Hood looks like he's back to the form he had in game one. It's troubling but I realize it's only summer league. Since I don't know anything about college ball, does anyone or did anyone follow the kid when he was on the DBD? Was he streaky during his college career? Also, were all his missed jumpers or did he try to get himself going by driving to the basket?


That review of him seems spot on. That said, I abhor streaky shooters. I hope he is not one.

Looks like another subpar game from Exum. More TO's than ASTs. Eesh. I know many of you were referencing how he looked on the court as far as his conditioning. Well, let's all hope it's just the speed of the game that's throwing him for a loop.

6 rebounds from Burke and I heard many of you talking about players not making open shots after being passed to by Burke. This was the case in the previous game too. TO's match his dimes. But his shooting is cool.

Hey, at least we won the game.
Did not get a chance to see the game...

Judas priest. Hood looks like he's back to the form he had in game one. It's troubling but I realize it's only summer league. Since I don't know anything about college ball, does anyone or did anyone follow the kid when he was on the DBD? Was he streaky during his college career? Also, were all his missed jumpers or did he try to get himself going by driving to the basket?


That review of him seems spot on. That said, I abhor streaky shooters. I hope he is not one.

Looks like another subpar game from Exum. More TO's than ASTs. Eesh. I know many of you were referencing how he looked on the court as far as his conditioning. Well, let's all hope it's just the speed of the game that's throwing him for a loop.

6 rebounds from Burke and I heard many of you talking about players not making open shots after being passed to by Burke. This was the case in the previous game too. TO's match his dimes. But his shooting is cool.

Hey, at least we won the game.
I remember Hood from both Duke and when he was a freshman at Mississippi State. He is a streaky shooter and remember that he and Jabari got taken out by a Mercer team in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. Not a lot of Mercer guys playing in the NBA or for SUmmer League teams. Hood will be fine and Exum will be fine. Exum played for the same outfit in Australia that Patty Mills and the Cavaliers point guard that went to St. Marys. Boise State has three Aussie players on their roster that played for AIS and the BSU coach was hoping he could lure Exum to Boise. One of the Aussies was good enough to single handedly outplay and outgun Doug McBuckets on the road year before last and the BSU coach said Exum was good enough that he would put BSU in the final four and they did not make the NCAA Tournament last year. Plus they have never won an NCAA Tournament Game.
Did not get a chance to see the game...

Judas priest. Hood looks like he's back to the form he had in game one. It's troubling but I realize it's only summer league. Since I don't know anything about college ball, does anyone or did anyone follow the kid when he was on the DBD? Was he streaky during his college career? Also, were all his missed jumpers or did he try to get himself going by driving to the basket?


That review of him seems spot on. That said, I abhor streaky shooters. I hope he is not one.

Looks like another subpar game from Exum. More TO's than ASTs. Eesh. I know many of you were referencing how he looked on the court as far as his conditioning. Well, let's all hope it's just the speed of the game that's throwing him for a loop.

6 rebounds from Burke and I heard many of you talking about players not making open shots after being passed to by Burke. This was the case in the previous game too. TO's match his dimes. But his shooting is cool.

Hey, at least we won the game.

I'm not worried about Exum. He hasn't probably played such intense full-court basketball in quite a while. I think he'll be fine by mid-November. And based on his psychological testing and lineage, I think he'll do everything he needs to do and more to get there. And if he doesn't, I think he'll take it to a whole new level in the off-season to ensure he does get there. Regarding his turnovers and such, much of that may be team chemistry, his teammates (many of these guys suck), and simply not being on the same page with them. I'm not too concerned though. The guys he'll be playing with in a few months are much better and over time, he'll develop a better feel for the game both for himself and as part of the unit. His inability to finish going left does concern me though. Can you develop a left-hand at such an age?

Similarly, I wouldn't worry much about Hood. After game two, it's almost impossible for him not to feel on top of the world and have a letdown. I also feel like most shooters are streaky and the goal is for him to have more good shooting games than not early on. Over time, with experience, the number of games he shoots well should improve on top of that. For some reason, I keep thinking of Danny Green. He didn't kill it in every game for the Spurs but he seemed to over the last couple years, in big spots, more often than not.

I feel Burke's physical limitations will hurt him but I have to say, I'm very excited to see how much his defense has improved this off-season. As a leader of our team ands maybe thee leader, this is a huge example setter.

Overall, I really am liking what I am seeing. A better commitment to defense and some Spurs-like passing on offense.
I think going to the left can be developed at this age. Remember that Dante just turned 19 and the skills he had probably allowed him to dominate the Australian competition.
I think going to the left can be developed at this age. Remember that Dante just turned 19 and the skills he had probably allowed him to dominate the Australian competition.

Homey, I can't say I agree or disagree but my gut tells me it's going to be very tough at this age. If someone can do it though, I think Exum can.
I am not sure if Dante's issue is a lack of conditioning or not having enough experience with this team to get creative. (Or Coach Q's blessing to do so) Let me try to explain myself...

I see plays where he is off ball and it seems to have been drilled into the guys "The Jazz will shoot the corner 3!". Those plays he jogs down (frequently the last player down the court) and then stands on the 3 line waiting for either a pass or the handler to be in trouble. He isn't the only one either... The wings just head to a spot and stand.

I hope that Dante's apparent struggle right now is just that... That these young guys have learned step 1 in the new system, and steps 2,3,4... are yet to come.
Things should also change when he is playing with more actual NBA players than Burke and Gobert. Give him a real team, and a few months of learning and practice and his movement should be much improved.
I am not sure if Dante's issue is a lack of conditioning or not having enough experience with this team to get creative. (Or Coach Q's blessing to do so) Let me try to explain myself...

I see plays where he is off ball and it seems to have been drilled into the guys "The Jazz will shoot the corner 3!". Those plays he jogs down (frequently the last player down the court) and then stands on the 3 line waiting for either a pass or the handler to be in trouble. He isn't the only one either... The wings just head to a spot and stand.

I hope that Dante's apparent struggle right now is just that... That these young guys have learned step 1 in the new system, and steps 2,3,4... are yet to come.
Things should also change when he is playing with more actual NBA players than Burke and Gobert. Give him a real team, and a few months of learning and practice and his movement should be much improved.

After watching Quin's post-game interview last night, I think it is conditioning more than anything. He mentioned how tired Dante is. Dante should honestly get back to Salt Lake as soon as possible and start endurance training in the right altitude.