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Kemba Walker vs Brandon Knight

Which player do you like better for the Jazz?

  • Kemba Walker

    Votes: 11 19.6%
  • Brandon Knight

    Votes: 45 80.4%

  • Total voters
I admit to be a fan of Knight and am also very familiar with Kemba's game.

- Knight is athletic, but he hasn't yet learned how to use it to his full advantage
- I disagree that Knight can get to where he wants to on the floor, but it will come quickly
- I agree he needs to get stronger with the left hand dribble
- If I were a contender NEXT YEAR I'd take Kemba. My opinion is Knight has a far higher ceiling and the work ethic to obtain it

Having said all that, I wouldn't CONSIDER taking either at 3 and doubt either are available at 12.
Westbrook is not a guy you want to be compared to right now, IMO.

My original post was mostly written with the intent to call Westbrook an epic chucker without straying too far off topic. I do agree that Knight has a lot to work on (left hand, decision making), but I wanted to point out that he has the tools (athleticism, work ethic, intelligence) to become a very good guard in this league.
I think 2 additional full years of college experience is a big deal. Kemba's perimeter shooting went down from his sophomore year to junior year and of all three years, he never shot 35% from college 3. I think you know a lot from that. Also, would you expect Knight to improve from his assist numbers from his freshman season to his sophomore season? Then to his junior season? Kemba as a junior had .3 more assists per game than did Knight as a freshman.
I think 2 additional full years of college experience is a big deal. Kemba's perimeter shooting went down from his sophomore year to junior year and of all three years, he never shot 35% from college 3.


40 to 42.8 is down how?
Quote Originally Posted by PKM View Post
Kemba's perimeter shooting went down from his sophomore year to junior year and of all three years, he never shot 34% from college 3.

Wow you are really picky. 33.9 down to 33 is huge difference. Two more made threes and he is exactly the same.
Point is never got better. Point was his assists and steals also went down. I'm not down on Kemba, just simply pointing out that he MAY have already reached his ceiling.
Point is never got better. Point was his assists and steals also went down. I'm not down on Kemba, just simply pointing out that he MAY have already reached his ceiling.

How did he not get better? He took more initiative on offense his junior year and look what happened. They won it all. UConn lost most of their scorers so he had to shoulder more of the load. So he had .6 less assists his last year because he didn't pass to a freshman here and there? 2.1 to 1.9 on steals? Really? That seems about equal to me.

Is Knight's ceiling higher? Perhaps. But how much? Nobody knows. I like Knight. I think he will be good. I just don't see how he will be way better than Walker.
Yeah, it's pretty much the most ignorant thing to say if you don't think Kemba got better this year. The dude led his team to the national championship. There is no way he has reached his ceiling. The question is, does Knight have a higher ceiling?
That is a terrible comparison and you know it is.

Ehh... *shrug*. Teams win, and Duke didn't have the talent that Uconn did (even though I thought they were pretty thin too). And I would say the '11 Butler team was worse than the '10 team.

Ultimately, my point is that you have to bring more than a lot of scoring on a winner to translate to the NBA. Like HOW that person scores, the position they play and how they play in that role, and their physical profile. Of those three, for example, kemba scores one solid red X (physical profile) and two red question marks.

He's a bench player at worst probably. But at best? I couldn't even think of a comparison since the players that are tiny and good shoot the ball well.

Honestly the best thing I can say for the guy is that he gets to the line. The rest of it just looks like A TON of possessions to get points.
Okay, I guess I should have clarified. I was posting in direct response to so many saying Knight is more of a combo, concerned with his assist numbers, etc. I was looking at those numbers. Agree with NUMBERICA ... the one stat Kemba really increased was his scoring, but looking at his efficiency, I'm not certain that's a good thing. There are TONS of kids in college that average around 10 points per game that, if given the green light to fire away, could double that production.

I've said I like Kemba and Knight both. I've also said I believe Knight has more upside and supported why I feel that way. Some agree, some disagree, now we all get the pleasure of watching it play out.
Thanks guitaro thats what I was getting at. Knight wasn't the emotional leader of thier team, and like CJ he teases you into believing he could be great, the physical skills are there, but they lack something. The 'it' factor.

BTW, mellow is nick name from long ago, it was granted to me because I was so high strung.

Heh, well I'm glad I could help. Yeah, to see it more clearly, just compare the difference between Ray Allen and CJ Miles. One works super hard and has a chiseled frame. He never backs down from a big shot and usually makes them. The other has about as much talent but only works hard enough to stay in shape and often lets the game develop around him instead of going and getting it. You get the idea.

Knight could just need a little extra motivation and could be fine. He could end up being what the Jazz need. I just think we'd do better if we picked guys like Walker who wouldn't need babysitting. They're going to play hard no matter what. No more wuss players. If Knight can convince them that he's not a wuss they go for it. :cool:
Well, this tells you how important jazzfanz thinks physical profiles are. Sure, Knight has tools to be a better player. But I'd rather follow Kemba into battle.

Nicely put, NAOS. :)

It seems every year Jazz fans get obsessed with certain players and can't seem to see the intangibles that make players great. Stature shouldn't matter. Compare Millsap vs Boozer. If Boozer had Millsap's drive then how awesome would he be? The trick is finding someone who has both. Anyone remember Stockton's exact measurements with and without shoes?
Kemba is UCONN's version of Mateen Cleaves.

A nice winner at the college level.

Complete disaster at the pro level.

Mateen was a chubby little dude. Have you seen Kemba's athletic stats? Mateen couldn't jump that high to save his life. Although, I'm sure you didn't actually compare Kemba to Mateen directly.

I've just watched Kemba to know that he has intangibles that people can't measure. There are certain players in this league, that if put on the wrong team or with the wrong coach don't do well. Kemba just seems smart enough with the ball and competitive enough that he won't let that happen. He can score against players of all size and quickness. He creates space with his body. I can see the Chris Paul comparison, for sure. I just wouldn't say he's as good as Paul.

Knight, I think will be an excellent scorer at the next level. I think he'll make a few nifty passes and excite the crowd. I think if he can improve his ball handling and lower his turnover tendencies then I think he'd also be a great PG for us. We'll just have to wait longer.
For those who mentioned Jimmer, I think given the right coach to reel him in, Jimmer will be a very good professional. The ahtletic measurements show he's much quicker than people thought. He'll have no problem being a decent defender in the NBA. Therefore, he'll make the transition quicker (pardun the pun) than most players in this draft. His confidence and swagger will be infectious in the right system.

If the Jazz really push the ball and use a high octane offense then I could really see Jimmer being a top scorer on the Jazz. If they slow it down, he'll still get a solid amount of points, they'll just need to really move the ball around the key to get him open shots. Why? Well, everyone knows what kind of shooter he is. If I'm the defense, I just put someone much taller than him on the perimeter and then use a zone on the inside.

If Jimmer can continue to handle the physical play of much bigger and stronger NBA types then he'll do well no matter what offense he's in. I think he's real tough and as long as he takes good shots, he won't get benched as much early on. In fact, I think he'll win over the coaching staff as well as the fans. He just has to keep working and stay focused and he'll be successful.