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Neto or Burke -- Who will be better? (Gun to your head)

Who will be better

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I haven't seen enough of Neto to pick him over Trey, but what I have seen is that he is a better PG though maybe not a better player. Not sure about how they compare defensively because I haven't seen enough of Neto, though there aren't many NBA-level PGs who aren't better defensively than Trey.
Both are backups on decent teams or starters on crappy ones (like Utah right now).
Neto may not even see the court for the Jazz. He was drafted to be a PG in the old system. I see Quin going after the Derek Fisher-type PG's as the team moves forward. First off, though, the Jazz need a dominant big. Hate to say this, but Utah finishing just out of the playoffs would really hurt. We need Gordon to sprain an ankle so we can go on a 10-game losing streak. Really need another top-5 pick to add talent to the team.
Both are backups on decent teams or starters on crappy ones (like Utah right now).
Neto may not even see the court for the Jazz. He was drafted to be a PG in the old system. I see Quin going after the Derek Fisher-type PG's as the team moves forward. First off, though, the Jazz need a dominant big. Hate to say this, but Utah finishing just out of the playoffs would really hurt. We need Gordon to sprain an ankle so we can go on a 10-game losing streak. Really need another top-5 pick to add talent to the team.

Neto was absolutely NOT drafted for the old system, that was Trey. Ty was clammoring for Burke, and the FO obliged, out of sympathy, or one last hoorah? It doesn't matter which, the point is: Trey was Ty's prize. Neto and Gobert on the otherhand? Well DL has said many times that those were his picks, and that they play the style of basketball he wants our team to play.

I mean honestly, how can Neto, the creative, brilliant passing, intense defending, slick ball handling, fast break pushing PG be drafted for the old system? All of his skills complement what Quin is trying to accomplish.

With that said. Dante is the future starter. Trey has a nice PnR game, so it is worth trying to develop him as well, but I envision things panning out as Dante as the starter, and Neto as his backup or dual PG mate in 2 yrs time.
Neto was absolutely NOT drafted for the old system, that was Trey. Ty was clammoring for Burke, and the FO obliged, out of sympathy, or one last hoorah? It doesn't matter which, the point is: Trey was Ty's prize. Neto and Gobert on the otherhand? Well DL has said many times that those were his picks, and that they play the style of basketball he wants our team to play.
And what style, exactly, did the Jazz play when DL drafted Neto? The motion, passing, 3PT shooting shooting arrived with Quin THIS year. When are we going to stop blaming Ty for the selection of Burke? The buck stops with Lindsey. HE makes the decisions. Was DL going to waste a #9 pick on a crappy player just so he could seal Corbin's fate? That's ridiculous. The Jazz were set on reaching for a PG (whether that was Burke, McCollum or MCW). The fact Ty was the coach and the Jazz were still trying to play the old Sloan offense weighed heavily in that selection. Burke has been so bad everyone turns a blind eye to Neto's faults. He was as bad as Trey in SL. Neto couldn't shoot or defend anyone either. If Raul is anything other than a 3rd string PG for the Jazz, it means the team has a glaring weakness.
And what style, exactly, did the Jazz play when DL drafted Neto? The motion, passing, 3PT shooting shooting arrived with Quin THIS year. When are we going to stop blaming Ty for the selection of Burke? The buck stops with Lindsey. HE makes the decisions. Was DL going to waste a #9 pick on a crappy player just so he could seal Corbin's fate? That's ridiculous. The Jazz were set on reaching for a PG (whether that was Burke, McCollum or MCW). The fact Ty was the coach and the Jazz were still trying to play the old Sloan offense weighed heavily in that selection. Burke has been so bad everyone turns a blind eye to Neto's faults. He was as bad as Trey in SL. Neto couldn't shoot or defend anyone either. If Raul is anything other than a 3rd string PG for the Jazz, it means the team has a glaring weakness.

You don't think Lindsey had a vision for what style of basketball he wanted us to play? Both Neto and Gobert fit the Spurs model. It doesn't matter when they were drafted, it matters why they were drafted.

As for your comment of wasting a #9 pick, I'll just remind you of how bad the 2013 draft class is... Trey was the best PG by resume for the old system. A system we were giving one last chance to. Neto and Gobert are clearly Spurs-esque type of prospects--players for a system Lindsey envisioned, but hadn't yet persuaded everyone else to implement.

Like I said before, the choice was made to move up for Trey, and he has someatributes that benefit the new system (he's a good passer, solid in the PnR, and is a good ball handler), so it still makes sense to try and develop him for the new system (needs to improve shooting, FTA's, tempo, and defense).

Also, Neto was not nearly as bad as Trey in Sumer League.
What, homie?
That choice is just too tough to make.

I guess I choose trey though. (I'm a homer after all and the crap you know is better than the crap you don't know)
I think Burke fits with "Spurs" system if that is what the Jazz are trying to accomplish. It took a few years and a lot of pressure from Pops for Parker to become Parker and the connective tissue between Parker and Burke is leadership and fearlessness. If Burke can add pace and a better shot selection then he will fit well as either a starter or a solid back-up PG.
And people are wondering why I'm in such a piss poor mood lately. Thanks to idiotic posts like this. Basically you've now decided you like Neto more based off two SL games of Burke and 16 minutes of SL of Neto.

You Know who else looked good in SL... Almond Joy.....

I swear! The overall intelligence of jazzfanzz is going down the crapper!!!:mad:

Good I struck a cord.... Truth hurts....

Now that that's over...

Please tell me how in the hell you've done a 180 on this subject over such a small sample size.

Oh, and hack, I guess I was right in your mind, that that Burke didn't deserve to be picked top 10 in the draft if you think a second round pick is better.

Bring it Hack!

Oh man bro. You are so smart.

Look how good Burke is. I'm such an idiot for questioning his talent. What in the world was I thinking?