What's new

New policy: suspensions cause loss of rep

No.. but I did pray for this outcome. See my original thread/suggestion:


Having said that though, things seemed to have gotten wayyyyy better ever since.

As an example, I've gotten pos-rep from both Cy and Vermin within the last 2-3 days.

So mad props & respect to them for doing that.

Here's hoping we don't ever need to use this new policy.

Maybe, just maybe, you did deserve some of those neg reps. It is never one sided.
New policy, beginning immediately:

Each 1 week suspension = all of your rep pts get reduced by 25%
Each 2 week suspension = all of your (remaining) rep pts get reduced by 50%
"Permanent" suspension = all of your rep pts get taken away, so that if/when Jason allows you back in 6 months, you are starting with 0 rep pts again.

This will also indirectly affect your rep power, since rep points are the dominant factor in how much rep power you have.
What's sad is that if PKM were suspended, he'd still have a substantial rep advantage over the rest of us...well except for the administrators who arbitrarily set theirs high,
And I would have gotten away with it to if it wasn't for those pesky moderators and their strange charicature drawing Jason!
No.. but I did pray for this outcome. See my original thread/suggestion:


I'm going to neg you for this as soon as I spread some around.

Having said that though, things seemed to have gotten wayyyyy better ever since.

As an example, I've gotten pos-rep from both Cy and Vermin within the last 2-3 days.

So mad props & respect to them for doing that.

Here's hoping we don't ever need to use this new policy.

I'm going to neg you for this as soon as I spread some around.
The real reason this new rule is in place is so the mods can just ban people to lower their rep. Since they are mods, they will never get banned, therefore there rep will remain unaffected. This will eventually give them dictator like rep power over us serfs.
You make things like this fair by wiping out all current infractions. Its all good though cuz errryone knows mods will rack back up the infracts on the high value targets.