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Reverse Pet Peeves

My great-nieces and great-nephew are being taught to call their great grandmothers "Grandma Great." It sounds annoyingly weird, and my mom isn't thrilled either.
All of my family's grandkids called my grandmother "grandma great". She was the great grand mother, and it just got started by one of the great-grand-kids because they were too young to get what we were telling them, so they said "grandma great" and it stuck.

Another one in our family is that my mother is called "honey" by all of her grandkids. Again, it was organic. My 2nd oldest nephew (now he is 30...holy crap) was like 3 and my parents were watching him one day. My dad was on the couch with him when my mom walked by and my dad called to her to come talk to him, calling her "honey". She sat down and my nephew called her honey right after that. And it stuck. All of the grandkids call her honey. It is so ingrained that me and my siblings call her honey when we are talking about her and my dad together (it is HoneyAndGrandpa...all one word :)). It has even spread out of our family, people in her church ward know that her grandkids call her honey, so 2 other women instructed their grandkids to call them honey because they thought it was the greatest thing. Then a good friend of ours announced one day when we were out to dinner that she has chosen "honey" as her "grandma name".

Is choosing your grandparent name a thing? I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but really? Telling your grandkids to call you something like that. Now if it happens organically (like it did with my grandma-great and my mom being called honey, or me being called pop-pop) then it is cute and endearing. But hearing that someone else was called something by their grandkids and instructing your grandkids to do the same is kind of creepy or something. Just feels weird. I hear my friend's grandchildren call her "honey" and it grates like fingernails on a chalkboard. That's just weird.
I'm going by Nano (pronounced "Nah'-no"), as one of my great-granfathers was called. CharityBrow goes by "Granny".
My birth-mother has her grandkids call her "granny" because the family she married into was already established and as the step-grandmother they already had 2 "grandmas" so she had them call her granny.
My parents are Papa and Bobo. My mom’s name is Colleen and she wanted to be called Coco, but when the oldest grandkid started talking it came out as Bobo. That’s what stuck.
I think it is appropriate that if there isn't a cute, organic name for a grandparent or great-grandparent that the grandparent should get a say in what they are called. My mom really dislikes Grandma Great, but it has been used in photos and such and she doesn't want to make a fuss about it. But it is sad she doesn't get to be called by something she likes.
My parents are Papa and Bobo. My mom’s name is Colleen and she wanted to be called Coco, but when the oldest grandkid started talking it came out as Bobo. That’s what stuck.

I called and got my daughter to call my bellybutton a bobo when she was really little. Like 1. The whole double b thing. Just some silly crap she doesn't remember.
Kicking the *** of the prosecuting attorny on trumped up b.s. charges against my wife and I. He was very nice and so was the judge, but the "oh ****" vibe in his demeanor when I started reading the Utah Code to him was priceless. They aren't used to people who know how to read the law and I blindsided him with a great bluff where he didnt know what he was prosecuting for. I still have a legal case on other law, but whatever, job got done and all parties seem happy.

The small things in life.
Kicking the *** of the prosecuting attorny on trumped up b.s. charges against my wife and I. He was very nice and so was the judge, but the "oh ****" vibe in his demeanor when I started reading the Utah Code to him was priceless. They aren't used to people who know how to read the law and I blindsided him with a great bluff where he didnt know what he was prosecuting for. I still have a legal case on other law, but whatever, job got done and all parties seem happy.

The small things in life.

Please share full details, charges and your's and their's version of it post haste.

*grabs popcorn*
Please share full details, charges and your's and their's version of it post haste.

*grabs popcorn*

It's boring, but annoying.

Truancy compulsory education violation for our sick kids. They had no case and realized it when I started quoting 53a-11-101 and definitions from 76-102 that the prosecution wasn't well read in.

They were all nice and polite, including the assistant principle and social worker, but I boxed them into the typical unsaid "we don't want to do our job and take you to fair court as it's more work and taxpayer justice system dollars", plus i'd have to pay for a lawyer so that's taken into consideration by the judge.

My well educated child has been instructed to attend school with any ailment and puke on who or whatever he has to for the rest of the year.
It's boring, but annoying.

Truancy compulsory education violation for our sick kids. They had no case and realized it when I started quoting 53a-11-101 and definitions from 76-102 that the prosecution wasn't well read in.

They were all nice and polite, including the assistant principle and social worker, but I boxed them into the typical unsaid "we don't want to do our job and take you to fair court as it's more work and taxpayer justice system dollars", plus i'd have to pay for a lawyer so that's taken into consideration by the judge.

My well educated child has been instructed to attend school with any ailment and puke on who or whatever he has to for the rest of the year.

I have a 13-year-old nephew who has missed 7th and most of 8th grade due to illnesses that doctors cannot figure out. I hope it doesn't ever come to this for my sister. The trauma of dealing with the health issues has already taken a huge toll on their family. Good luck and best wishes to your sick ones and your entire family.
Needing to cross a busy street, and along comes a two-car train crossing the same street, stopping the traffic for me.
I have disabled parking plates, and it seems that even when the handicapped spots are full, I always get a spot very close to them. The parking gods love me. I'm grateful.

But honestly, why does the new Hale Centre Theatre parking terrace in Sandy UT have only 5 handicapped spots? Their audiences skew older, and they should have prepared accordingly.
I have a 13-year-old nephew who has missed 7th and most of 8th grade due to illnesses that doctors cannot figure out. I hope it doesn't ever come to this for my sister. The trauma of dealing with the health issues has already taken a huge toll on their family. Good luck and best wishes to your sick ones and your entire family.

Illness is an excusable absence. The issue we had was 1) The school failing to mark him excused when we did, 2a) they didn't note that he was excused for a dental visit and then checked in late, 2b) when he is sick we let him sleep in and if we decide he is well enough to attend we check him in late, but they don't count that as excused.

After that they have to prove you acted intentionally or recklessly when viewed from the actors perspective. Good luck proving that in most circumstances on what little knowledge they have going to court.
Living in an LDS community. Today, 4 y.o. ISIS figured out how to disconnect our makeshift garage door opener blocker and snuck out in only his pajama bottoms. No shirt or shoes. Neighborhood came together and found him 45 minutes later at the park.

And my co-workers give me crap for living in LDS dominated Utah County. This is the first time it's happened with my kid, but the last one had probably 200 people looking and people on their roofs with binoculars. I bet we had at least 200 looking today. My wife was even notified while looking for him that there is a lost kid.
I have disabled parking plates, and it seems that even when the handicapped spots are full, I always get a spot very close to them. The parking gods love me. I'm grateful.

But honestly, why does the new Hale Centre Theatre parking terrace in Sandy UT have only 5 handicapped spots? Their audiences skew older, and they should have prepared accordingly.
My brother and I always try and see how many cars are parked in handicapped parking spots that don't have the plates or the dangly thing from the rear view mirror. There are so many inconsiderate and rude clowns out there. At one point, we wanted to make an IG account to publicly shame people who park in these spots and take pics of their cars and wait for them to return to their car and take a picture of them then give them a card with the IG account name. One of my better ideas I've had, if you ask me.
Living in an LDS community. Today, 4 y.o. ISIS figured out how to disconnect our makeshift garage door opener blocker and snuck out in only his pajama bottoms. No shirt or shoes. Neighborhood came together and found him 45 minutes later at the park.

And my co-workers give me crap for living in LDS dominated Utah County. This is the first time it's happened with my kid, but the last one had probably 200 people looking and people on their roofs with binoculars. I bet we had at least 200 looking today. My wife was even notified while looking for him that there is a lost kid.

Your parenting skills sound impeccable, criminal. ;)

Working out. Started today. Ran a couple miles and stretched afterward.
I keep trying to do this. I go on long walks and that's about it. Been hurting too much for so long and my body and mentality has changed which makes it incredibly hard to become gym guy again.

Gonna do it soon though. Good for you starting back up.
I took the opportunity to sleep out under the stars in the mountains over the weekend. I should do that more.
When I was a scout leader, one of the other scout masters did the same thing. He woke up in the middle of the night with a skunk curled up beside him. Luckily, the skunk wandered off as it got light. No harm, no foul.