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Roe v. Wade is going down

In the end, do issues like birth control or abortion matter for MOST Republican voters? The polls would seem to indicate otherwise. If Republican politicians don’t pay a price for trying to outlaw abortion, birth control, etc then why change?

True, they may lose a few moderate GOP voters. But if it helps them fundraise, avoid primaries, and most important of all trigger libs, then why change?

View: https://twitter.com/cbsnewspoll/status/1554604966802853890?s=21&t=abmAJVeKExRWw2QwBO-Y6w
No the Catholic angle I get. But a lot of this right now is being powered by evangelicals. Just weird to me how staunch they are adhering to the Catholic rules and how hard they are pushing it. It is definitely a sign of them banding together to maintain their power structure.
Maybe remains to be seen how hard the Republican Party, overall, pushes it.

I remember when JFK ran, the biggest question was whether he could be trusted to uphold the constitution, or would his loyalty lay with the Pope. Further back in time, one reason Irish immigration was opposed in the 1840’s and 1850’s was their Catholic faith. Now we have 6 Catholics on the Supreme Court. Which suddenly strikes me as odd, since we’ve always seemed a predominantly Protestant nation. But perhaps not odd when overturning Roe v Wade was a goal.
Maybe remains to be seen how hard the Republican Party, overall, pushes it.

I remember when JFK ran, the biggest question was whether he could be trusted to uphold the constitution, or would his loyalty lay with the Pope. Further back in time, one reason Irish immigration was opposed in the 1840’s and 1850’s was their Catholic faith. Now we have 6 Catholics on the Supreme Court. Which suddenly strikes me as odd, since we’ve always seemed a predominantly Protestant nation. But perhaps not odd when overturning Roe v Wade was a goal.
Was overturning Roe the goal? Or was it the glue that held the coalition together? The moral majority formed as a backlash to the civil rights movement and Brown v Board. Of course, one couldn’t be that overt about it so they formed the “Moral Majority” to unify against abortion. What do you think?

Personally, I suspect that there are rich forces who envision using this Republican coalition to roll back the New Deal. Florida Senator Rick Scott alluded to such:

More indications that gay marriage will soon be on the chopping block.

New special for JF members only - I'll do underground vasectomies starting at $100 cash. I'll just need some steak knives, a bag of ice from Walmart and some duct tape (or JB Weld as part of my platinum package).

My practice has been cleared by the fine folks at Youtube DIY videos.
My method is a bit more crude. I just kick you in the balls over and over. There are a few members here that I'd happily perform this service for free.
New special for JF members only - I'll do underground vasectomies starting at $100 cash. I'll just need some steak knives, a bag of ice from Walmart and some duct tape (or JB Weld as part of my platinum package).

My practice has been cleared by the fine folks at Youtube DIY videos.
It's a hell of a lot cheaper and easier than that...

This is what it looks like when the dog finally catches the car and realizes what a mistake he’s made. I encourage you all to watch this.

View: https://twitter.com/mjs_dc/status/1562093978488639489?s=21&t=TGjuWKZJ2sazlshBJGTljA

There really was a lot of one-upmanship in these trigger laws passed when it didn't seem like Roe would ever be overturned. I hope that these laws can be adjusted for the sake of compassion, basic health, and reason without it turning into a political game.
There really was a lot of one-upmanship in these trigger laws passed when it didn't seem like Roe would ever be overturned. I hope that these laws can be adjusted for the sake of compassion, basic health, and reason without it turning into a political game.
It will take a turn in the leadership to something more akin to sanity, which is unlikely. Best bet is enough republicans see the true outcomes of these horrifying things and change their minds in the next elections. But we are likely to see this **** for years to come, as if there is one thing these new breed politicians pride themselves on is justifying even the most heinous acts and outcomes as long as it means they win. Winning is everything. At least "back in the day" things would occasionally get reversed with little fanfare, as no way was a politician going to admit they were wrong (except Romney, who was promptly punished for being, you know, an intelligent thinking non-sheep human being - "flip-flopper") but they could at least recognized failed policy and tended to do something about it. Now however they simply double-down on stupid and evil, lead of course by Tiny Hands, their Orange God-king.

Remember how blustery many of them were about COVID being a made-up thing, either a hoax or a plot by the chinese or simply not as dangerous as anyone said it was...that is until they all actually started getting sick? I am afraid it is going to take stuff on that level for them to get a clear head about this ****. As soon as one of them loses a daughter or wife or mistress to a health condition that would in the past have been dealt with through abortion, they will suddenly "see the light". And sadly, I am not saying that flippantly. This will continue until either that happens or their constituency has enough of it and votes for change.

Good hell how far we have fallen. This has to be a low point in American politics overall.
This is what it looks like when the dog finally catches the car and realizes what a mistake he’s made. I encourage you all to watch this.

View: https://twitter.com/mjs_dc/status/1562093978488639489?s=21&t=TGjuWKZJ2sazlshBJGTljA

Im just glad that the dude seems to show some remorse and seems to be greatly effected by what happened. I think most who voted for that bill would just shrug thier shoulders.
Wouldnt want to be labeled a flip flopper for seeing a new data and considering it.

Sent from my iPad using JazzFanz mobile app

Around 10 weeks into her pregnancy, Nancy Davis, a Black woman with a partner and three children, said doctors told her that her baby would be born with acrania, a rare abnormality that occurs when a fetus lacks a skull.

Davis said her condition meant that the fetus would likely be stillborn or die within the first week of life. Medical professionals recommended an abortion but said they couldn’t provide one because of the state’s abortion ban.

"Basically, they said I had to carry my baby to bury my baby," Davis said as she stood with her family.

According to the Louisiana Department of Health, the ban has exemptions for "medically futile" pregnancies, which include a number of fetal abnormalities.

"They seemed confused about the law and afraid of what would happen to them if they performed a criminal abortion," Davis said. "Now I am preparing to go out of state for this procedure next week. I want you to imagine what it's been like to continue this pregnancy for another six weeks after this diagnosis."

"Because the medical team feared repercussions if they provided Mrs. Davis with an abortion, she had to look out of the state for safe, trustworthy care," Crump said.

He added that doctors feared they could face fines of upwards of $200,000 as well as lose their medical licenses and even face jail or prison time.

I liked this comment in the comments section:
So, the State wants her to carry a dead baby, until 9 months when the doctors are going to have to cut it out of her. And, then it's going to die without a frickin skull. So, they want that baby to suffer as much as possible, rather than humanely remove it now - when it doesn't know what the hell is going on because it's not sentient yet.
