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Roe v. Wade is going down

If you are talking about abstract things like ideas and plans, or tangible things like humans, the word 'conception' mean to bring into existence. Your question is asking the difference between destroying a thing doesn't exist versus destroying a thing that does exist. One is ending a human life while the other is only averting potential. I certainly don't equate the ending of an existing, "concieved" human life and the destruction of what is nothing other than what could possibly be, but I also don't see the latter as entirely inconsequential, a thing to be dismissed as "okay". I think that is what has driven the societal norms of insisting that women and children go on the lifeboats first, and Hamas making claims over how many Palestinian women and children were killed to garner sympathy for their cause. The potential of future generations is not without value.
Sperm and egg do not exist?
There is no evidence to back up any of your claims. Your source article completely debunks it.
The scientific paper detailing why women make fake rape allegations was posted a page or two back in the thread. Yes, there is evidence. The part that is lacking evidence is almost everything in the article I linked, and that includes the sub-1% felony conviction rate. That number is taken by dividing the number of actual convictions by the totally made-up number of rapes, then using possible explanations to craft a flimsy narrative that many want to believe is true. I know my opinion is unpopular but it also happens to be correct. There are more women who have sex they regret, and more women who will in general paint themselves as more of a victim than an honest outside look at the events would warrant, then there are men who will commit the abhorrent crime of forcing himself on an unwilling woman. The sad reality in 2023 is that a majority of men won't approach a woman at all.

55% of single 18-30 men say they haven't approached a woman in the last year. In the 18-25 age group, 45% had never approached a woman in person. 77% of 18-30 women say they wished they were approached more.
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Yes there are real sexual assaults and yes there are real instances of racism, but the overwhelming majority of the time the claim is made for some gain and the actual event wasn't actually as portrayed.
Evidence and statistics proving this ridiculous claim please. This is just your ill-informed and incredibly insulting assertion. Please cite multiple studies with full evidence proving this claim or it's just another sexist *** victim-blaming to protect his male ego.

You claim some study showing why someone might make up a claim proves that is all that happens. That's ridiculous on it's face. If you can't provide a reliable scientific study that proves that X% of claims from women, from Y# of claims studied over N# of years were shown unequivocally to be falsified then you're just talking out of your ***. I feel very sorry for any female in your life that might have something happen to them. You are predisposed to disbelief. That's pitiful.
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The scientific paper detailing why women make fake rape allegations was posted a page or two back in the thread. Yes, there is evidence. The part that is lacking evidence is almost everything in the article I linked, and that includes the sub-1% felony conviction rate. That number is taken by dividing the number of actual convictions by the totally made-up number of rapes, then using possible explanations to craft a flimsy narrative that many want to believe is true. I know my opinion is unpopular but it also happens to be correct. There are more women who have sex they regret, and more women who will in general paint themselves as more of a victim than an honest outside look at the events would warrant, then there are men who will commit the abhorrent crime of forcing himself on an unwilling woman. The sad reality in 2023 is that a majority of men won't approach a woman at all.

55% of single 18-30 men say they haven't approached a woman in the last year. In the 18-25 age group, 45% had never approached a woman in person. 77% of 18-30 women say they wished they were approached more.
you have no evidence about this huge number of women are faking rape. That is just your imagination, or whatever reason you chose to fabricate to support your silly false narrative
you have no evidence about this huge number of women are faking rape.
Of course I do. The evidence is in the absolutely incontestable number of convictions. Talk and deny all you want but the number of convictions is public record. That is what is real. I'm arguing the concrete. It is everyone else arguing evidence-free wishfully thinking. Convictions. Convictions. Convictions. Our justice system doesn't always get it right, but to claim it gets it wrong more than 99% of the time, and gets it right less than 1% of the time is pure fantasy.
Of course I do. The evidence is in the absolutely incontestable number of convictions. Talk and deny all you want but the number of convictions is public record. That is what is real. I'm arguing the concrete. It is everyone else arguing evidence-free wishfully thinking. Convictions. Convictions. Convictions. Our justice system doesn't always get it right, but to claim it gets it wrong more than 99% of the time, and gets it right less than 1% of the time is pure fantasy.

So the number of convictions is correlated to the number of false accusations.

You need a logic course.
Of course I do. The evidence is in the absolutely incontestable number of convictions. Talk and deny all you want but the number of convictions is public record. That is what is real. I'm arguing the concrete. It is everyone else arguing evidence-free wishfully thinking. Convictions. Convictions. Convictions. Our justice system doesn't always get it right, but to claim it gets it wrong more than 99% of the time, and gets it right less than 1% of the time is pure fantasy.
22 out if 1,000 robberies result in conviction.

All those people are obviously just lying about being robbed.

Of course I do. The evidence is in the absolutely incontestable number of convictions. Talk and deny all you want but the number of convictions is public record. That is what is real. I'm arguing the concrete. It is everyone else arguing evidence-free wishfully thinking. Convictions. Convictions. Convictions. Our justice system doesn't always get it right, but to claim it gets it wrong more than 99% of the time, and gets it right less than 1% of the time is pure fantasy.
So in other, you know more sane, words, you agree that 99% of rape allegations are true and real. Happy you could admit it.
Nope. I can see you want to believe that, but the single most logical and reasonable reason for there being no conviction is because the accused didn't commit the crime.
Not really. I mean, I've had my stereo stolen out of my car before, but didn't bother reporting it to the police as I knew it would be so far down the priority list that it wasn't worth the time and energy for a $200 stereo. Doesn't mean my stereo didn't get stolen or I was any less pissed about it, but hey, life isn't always perfect.

In the US, our justice system is based off the idea that someone who is guilty must be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. With sexual assault cases, often that's fairly impossible because there isn't much physical evidence an assault happened, and often the only evidence that can be presented at trial is the victim's testimony, which typically isn't enough to pass the reasonable doubt standard. While that sucks for the victim and society as a whole, it is an unfortunate price to pay for a system that would make you prove your innocence beyond a reasonable doubt, which , IMO, is on the whole a much more horrifying justice system.
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Not really. I mean, I've had my stereo stolen out of my car before, but didn't bother reporting it to the police as I knew it would be so far down the priority list that it wasn't worth the time and energy for a $200 stereo. Doesn't mean my stereo didn't get stolen or I was any less pissed about it, but hey, life isn't always perfect.
Rape isn't petty theft, and the accuser nearly always knows exactly who the perpetrator was. The situation with your stolen stereo really isn't analogous but it is a bummer that your stereo got stolen.
Rape isn't petty theft, and the accuser nearly always knows exactly who the perpetrator was. The situation with your stolen stereo really isn't analogous but it is a bummer that your stereo got stolen.
Women do not report sex crimes because it is their stepdad/ uncle/ older step brother/ boyfriend/ husband/ boss/ prospective boss who raped them and there are major personal/ family/ work blowback to making this public.

They also do not report it because of the public humiliation and victim blaming (she was drunk, she was coming on to him earlier, she was dressed sluttily, etc, etc).

None of this applies to theft, which is a matter of filling out a form at the station. The only thing that stops this is the realization that cops are not going to dedicate time to the case and it is not worth the bother.
Rape isn't petty theft, and the accuser nearly always knows exactly who the perpetrator was. The situation with your stolen stereo really isn't analogous but it is a bummer that your stereo got stolen.
It's absolutely analogous in the fact that not reporting something != the crime never happened.
I know my opinion is unpopular but it also happens to be correct.
Wrong on both counts. Your opinion is wildly popular because it is so appealing to sexual oppressors and the people who identify with them. It's only very recently that women were offered the grace of being believed.

When I tell people I was mugged once, everyone believes it and no one accuses me of playing the mugging card. When someone else claims they had their house broken into, I don't see any doubters talking about the burglary card. Let a woman say she was raped/coerced, and more than half the country assumes she is lying and talks about a rape card.

I leave to your comfortable lies. Your supposed rationality is a masquerade, the new clothes of the emperor. You will believe as you want, regardless of what I say or what evidence I provide, because you want to believe the lies.
Rape isn't petty theft, and the accuser nearly always knows exactly who the perpetrator was. The situation with your stolen stereo really isn't analogous but it is a bummer that your stereo got stolen.
Sexual assault usually happens in private, where the only two people present are the assaulter and the victim. The criminal doesn't leave with anything that doesn't belong to them and the victim may look, even to a medical examiner, exactly the same as a person who consented to a sexual encounter. Video will likely just show the victim and the perpetrator enter a place and then either the victim or the perpetrator leaving. 1001 ways to explain that by the defense.

So yeah, you make a great point, the two things are not the same. Proving sexual assault is much much harder.
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Wrong on both counts. Your opinion is wildly popular because it is so appealing to sexual oppressors and the people who identify with them. It's only very recently that women were offered the grace of being believed.

When I tell people I was mugged once, everyone believes it and no one accuses me of playing the mugging card. When someone else claims they had their house broken into, I don't see any doubters talking about the burglary card. Let a woman say she was raped/coerced, and more than half the country assumes she is lying and talks about a rape card.

I leave to your comfortable lies. Your supposed rationality is a masquerade, the new clothes of the emperor. You will believe as you want, regardless of what I say or what evidence I provide, because you want to believe the lies.
All signs of trollery really, at the end there.
22 out if 1,000 robberies result in conviction.

All those people are obviously just lying about being robbed.


My bike got stolen a few years back. But since the theif never got caught it was actually never stolen. This is great news for me. That means my bike is still here i just lost it. Im sure i will find it sonn.

Sent from my iPad using JazzFanz mobile app
Well, I was posting to point out the flaw in a certain posters logic here, which is someone I know better than to engage with. But then they just came out and let everyone know they are sexist and have some pretty scummy views. So that's the end of this thread for me.
Wrong on both counts. Your opinion is wildly popular because it is so appealing to sexual oppressors and the people who identify with them.
Count the responses to my posts. How many are in support versus how many against? There is a massive disconnect between the general public, who believe all women to a ridiculous degree, and the law enforcement units investigating these crimes.

When you tell someone you were mugged, that is the end. They can believe you or not. When you tell law enforcement, they investigate. The reason most claims of rape aren’t reported is because the supposed victim doesn’t want the claim investigated. Offer up whatever outlandish reason for a victim not wanting a crime against them professionally investigated but the simplest and most obvious is the professional investigator will find out the truth. Real victims of real crimes aren’t afraid to have their stories professionally validated.

It isn’t only Occam’s razor on the unreported fake rapes, but sometimes women will get peer pressured into reporting the fake rape to law enforcement. Remember that these units of law enforcement are made up almost entirely of women, and it is these units of professional investigators who deal with these claims day after day after day who start to have opinions that fall more closely in line with mine.

There is a disconnect in support of ‘believe all women’. Professional investigators in law enforcement believe what I believe and know-nothings on the internet believe what you believe.