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Thoughts and Prayers

Sorry I snapped at you. Of course there's a case for controlled immigration. I just didn't appreciate the comment in the context of a politician saying it was the murdered people's fault for being where they don't belong.

Oh no you’re good, I should have been more specific. My comment was based on numbers more than anything. I think there’s a balance to be had between available resources and population, regardless of race. I’d like to add that building a wall is not the way to go though, that’s stupid, inviable and a waste of money.

I totally condemn that politicians statement. Taking lives loosely like that scumbag did is not justifiable in any way.
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Oh no you’re good, I should have been more specific. My comment was based on numbers more than anything. I think there’s a balance to be had between available resources and population, regardless of race.
I’d like to add that building a wall is not the way to go though, that’s stupid, inviable and a waste of money.

I totally condemn that politicians statement. Taking lives loosely like that scumbag did is not justifiable in any way.

Worked in China dude, no Mexicans there.

I'm pretty sure in his maiden speech to the Australian Parliament Anning called for a 'final solution' to immigration, the man is repulsive, an embarrassment, a racist and a symbol of everything that is wrong with our politics and country.

This is essentially thriller.

Disrespect the people who lost their lives while simultaneously acting like you care.

These people lost their lives while doing exactly what this thread mocks.

What a stupid thread to post the story.


I didn’t enter your link nor will I deny the fact that as of right now I haven’t thought much about the victims. I’m too pissed off at the ignorant radical right wingers, their exploitative media that is sewing hate and disinformation in our democracy, and the trashy leader of our country who cheers them on.

You’re right, I havent thought as much about the victims as I normally do. It might have something to do with the direction our country’s going in. The leadership or lack thereof. So you got me you dog you!
She has a point...

“Since 2001, governments around the world have approached online Islamist radicalism with grim seriousness, blocking its financial sources, searching out potential terrorists, working with Internet platforms to stop its spread. By contrast, we have yet to treat white supremacism with anything like the same kind of vigor. Many hours after the New Zealand shooting, it was still ridiculously easy to find the video online. There are few special government programs to fight the milder forms of this violent ideology, and relatively little time has been devoted to thinking about it. The U.S. president has not taken a stand against it; an Australian politician, in the wake of the attack, even seemed to endorse it.

Both radicalisms kill. But while we dither, the death toll — in Norway, South Carolina, Britain — continues to rise. And the alternate world continues to tell jokes, make memes — and draw people in.”


Kid should’ve reached around and egged the front of his face. The humiliation would’ve been so much greater.

Anning should be charged with assault, the right hand slap is ok (marginal but a decent mouthpiece could justify it), the punch is an assault under Victorian law, as is the overzealous way the kid is restrained. Doing something like that for example would cost me my private security licence.