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Trump's Coup Attempt

One more reason they should have had guns- it was a "violent" insurrection after all with Hitler at the helm.
1) You don't need a gun to commit violence, and dozens of acts of violence were recorded.
2) There is social media evidence (posted by an insurrectionist) and witness testimony about guns being present.

We already know there were agents and informants in the crowd on Jan 6th. You are correct though that you can commit crimes without bringing a gun. In fact, an FBI "agent provocateur" with a blurred face could smash a window an throw you into the capitol building and you could get charged with a crime.
Is there even a speck of evidence this happened?
Is there even a speck of evidence this happened?
Like I mentioned we know there were agents there, we know what they have done in the past, we know what these agents do and how entrapment works. We know they are blurring faces on video, but I guess we will need to wait and see if any of those blurred faces are braking windows or pushing people into buildings.... My guess is those are exactly the folks who will have their faces blurred. Do you really think they are actually worried about protecting regular Americans or especially trump supporters? Get real...
Like I mentioned we know there were agents there, we know what they have done in the past, we know what these agents do and how entrapment works. We know they are blurring faces on video, but I guess we will need to wait and see if any of those blurred faces are braking windows or pushing people into buildings.... My guess is those are exactly the folks who will have their faces blurred. Do you really think they are actually worried about protecting regular Americans or especially trump supporters? Get real...
Who's "we"? You got a mouse in your pocket?
Like I mentioned we know there were agents there,
Gosh, you think the most conservative federal federal agency had employees at a conservative gathering? You think that requires a conspiratorial explanation?

we know what they have done in the past, we know what these agents do and how entrapment works.
We also know how propaganda and incitement works.

We know they are blurring faces on video, but I guess we will need to wait and see if any of those blurred faces are braking windows or pushing people into buildings.... My guess is those are exactly the folks who will have their faces blurred. Do you really think they are actually worried about protecting regular Americans or especially trump supporters? Get real...
Johnson absolutely is.
One of the things that separates these conspiracies from real events is that at the end of the day the conspiracy is general and non-specific, real events, prosecutions, etc., have real people and very fine detail to the case. Conspiracy theories are fan fiction for simpletons. Mongoose is a simpleton who is satisfied with the grainy out of focus narratives that conspiracy theories offer.

The U.S. has engaged in covert operations in the past, therefore I can just invent vague details about a new covert op and since it has happened before then my make believe version is also absolutely proven. Can't be denied unless you're a sheeple.

It is absolutely maddening. You actually need new specific proof EVERY TIME for EVERY allegation. That's how it works.
Saw this in a comment section:

"In 2015 Donny4x's promised to unveil a new health care plan. It never existed. And never will. Donny4x's promised to build a wall. He only did 458 miles out of 2,000. Most of it was repair or replacement, not new. He promised to make Mexico pay. They didn't. He pulled money from the Dept of Defense being spent on legitimate projects to fund his wall obsession. He promised to cut the deficit. He added $8T to it. He promised a middle-class tax cut. He cut taxes for the rich. The middle class is paying for it. He said he wouldn't play golf as President. He made 250 visits to his own golf clubs. It cost taxpayers $136 million. He said he'd increase economic growth by 4%. He didn't. President Biden did. He promised an infrastructure plan. He had none. President Biden signed a massive one. He promised to hire "the best people." He fired 3/4 of them, and then said they were the worst ever. He promised to bring down the price of prescription drugs. He didn't: President Biden did. Promised we'd win the trade war with China. We didn't, It cost about a quarter million jobs and hurt Americans. He promised his corporate tax cuts would help and benefit Workers and corporations would use that money to invest in American workers. They didn't, they bought back stocks. Frankly, I don't care if he gets convicted for January 6 insurrection. His body of work shows no skills to be a President and why I am a Never Trumper."
Saw this in a comment section:

"In 2015 Donny4x's promised to unveil a new health care plan. It never existed. And never will. Donny4x's promised to build a wall. He only did 458 miles out of 2,000. Most of it was repair or replacement, not new. He promised to make Mexico pay. They didn't. He pulled money from the Dept of Defense being spent on legitimate projects to fund his wall obsession. He promised to cut the deficit. He added $8T to it. He promised a middle-class tax cut. He cut taxes for the rich. The middle class is paying for it. He said he wouldn't play golf as President. He made 250 visits to his own golf clubs. It cost taxpayers $136 million. He said he'd increase economic growth by 4%. He didn't. President Biden did. He promised an infrastructure plan. He had none. President Biden signed a massive one. He promised to hire "the best people." He fired 3/4 of them, and then said they were the worst ever. He promised to bring down the price of prescription drugs. He didn't: President Biden did. Promised we'd win the trade war with China. We didn't, It cost about a quarter million jobs and hurt Americans. He promised his corporate tax cuts would help and benefit Workers and corporations would use that money to invest in American workers. They didn't, they bought back stocks. Frankly, I don't care if he gets convicted for January 6 insurrection. His body of work shows no skills to be a President and why I am a Never Trumper."
Ya he sucks. Who could have predicted that a known scumbag and known crook (before he ever ran for any office) with no experience would suck?

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Former President Donald Trump plans to build a Cabinet and select White House staff based on two criteria: pre-vetted loyalty to him and a commitment to pushing legal and governance boundaries, sources who talk often with the GOP nomination frontrunner told Axios.

The sources added that should he win in 2024, Trump would seek out loyalists who share his enthusiasm for punishing critics, disregarding opponents and making controversial legal and military moves.

In conversations with friends and advisors, he's been clear about the type of men — most of whom are mostly older, white men — he'd want to serve in his administration. Last month, the outlet also reported that allies of the former president launched a multimillion-dollar effort to pre-screen loyalists for up to 50,000 lower-level government jobs in a potential Trump administration. His prospective cabinet members would serve as those employees' bosses.

"It's unclear who would land where, but make no mistake: These are specific prototypes of Trump Republicans who would run his government. This is very different from the early days of his first term, when he was restrained by more conventional officials, from John Kelly to James Mattis to Gary Cohn," Axios reports. "This time, it'd be all loyalists, no restraints."

Trump openly talks with friends about several possibilities for his running mate, establishing a belief that the 2020 election was stolen and that former Vice President Mike Pence showed cowardice by allowing for the election's certification.

Those up for consideration are Vance, the "Hillbilly Elegy" author and a MAGA-base favorite; Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders; Kari Lake, a leading election denier and current candidate for the U.S. Senate in Arizona; and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem. Rep. Byron Donald, R-Fla, one of the few Black Republicans in Congress, has traveled with Trump and would love to be vice president, while Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who lost her committee assignments over pushing unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, is also mentioned.

Former first lady Melania Trump has also advocated for ex-Fox News star Tucker Carlson to assume the role, sources close to Trump told Axios. However, Carlson as a VP pick has been discounted by others close to the former president because they believe he won't pick someone who could outshine him and Trump's staff thinks Carlson can't be controlled.

Donald Trump Jr. has pitched Mike Davis, the former chief counsel for nominations to then-Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, to be Trump's interim attorney general. In his public appeals for the gig, Davis has promised a "three-week reign of terror" during which he would "put kids in cages" and jail prosecutors and journalists who have gone after Trump. He even told former MSNBC anchor Mehdi Hasan that he "has his spot picked out in the D.C. gulag."

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon could become the next White House chief of staff, an idea Carlson and a few others are pushing to Trump. Bannon — who is appealing a contempt of Congress conviction — boasts authoritarian beliefs and reads most things as an existential war between good (Trump) and evil (Democrats, establishment Republicans and the media).

Patel, who threatened to "come after" critics in the media during a recent appearance on Bannon's podcast, would be considered for a top national security job in Trump's possible next administration, potentially even as the head of the CIA or NSC.

"One thing we learned in the Trump administration the first go-round is we've got to put in all of our compatriots from top to bottom," Patel told Bannon this week on the "War Room" podcast. "And we've got them for law enforcement ... [Defense Department], CIA, everywhere. ... Yes, we're going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens."

The heads of Cabinet departments don't have complete powers unless they're confirmed by the Senate, and many of Trump's prospective secretaries would have difficulty winning confirmation.

"But Trump made unprecedented use of 'acting' Cabinet members, who have temporary power over agencies even without Senate approval," Axios notes. "And we're told he'd be prepared to push the envelope on ambiguities about how many stints an 'acting' could serve."

"This is insane," Brian Klaas, a professor in global politics at University College London who studies democracy and extremism, wrote on X/Twitter in response to the report.

"As I write in #Strongmen, insecure and grandiose authoritarian leaders require certain kinds of people around them: fanatic loyalists, bureaucrats who scale up repression (Arendt called them 'desk killers'), skilled liars," wrote Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a New York University history professor who researches fascism and authoritarianism. "This list has them all."
Davis has promised a "three-week reign of terror" during which he would "put kids in cages" and jail prosecutors and journalists who have gone after Trump. He even toldformer MSNBC anchor Mehdi Hasan that he "has his spot picked out in the D.C. gulag.
What a positive vision for the country. This will really help make the lives of those living in rust belt states a lot better.
Stephen Miller is not a lawyer nor has he gone to law school. Unfortunately, that doesn't disqualify from being appointed assuming that the Senate would confirm him. The fact that Trump's team is considering him as AG if Trump is elected tells you what a farce his potential Cabinet will be.
An attorney general who isn't even an attorney lol.
No wonder why fascism seems to attractive to so many people. They aren’t aware/don’t believe in some of fascism’s worst consequences.

My wife is a manager of a retail store and she tried to share some details from a recent space flight to the international space station with some of the younger associates and several of them said they don't believe in that. She was confused and asked what they didn't believe in and they said that they don't believe we've ever been to space. It was most of them.
Like I mentioned we know there were agents there, we know what they have done in the past, we know what these agents do and how entrapment works. We know they are blurring faces on video, but I guess we will need to wait and see if any of those blurred faces are braking windows or pushing people into buildings.... My guess is those are exactly the folks who will have their faces blurred. Do you really think they are actually worried about protecting regular Americans or especially trump supporters? Get real...
Here we see several federal undercover agents exhorting the crowd to storm the Capital. Several other federal agents are seen scaling the walls…..

No wonder why fascism seems to attractive to so many people. They aren’t aware/don’t believe in some of fascism’s worst consequences.

On my bingo card for today I did not have 'The Thriller posts his L's'. Young Americans not clearing even that low bar in history points to the failure of educators in the American system.
My wife is a manager of a retail store and she tried to share some details from a recent space flight to the international space station with some of the younger associates and several of them said they don't believe in that. She was confused and asked what they didn't believe in and they said that they don't believe we've ever been to space. It was most of them.
It is sad. The blame for it is squarely on the American education system. These anecdotes are what happens when an education system's highest good is diversity and inclusion. I'm not saying diversity and inclusion is necessarily bad, but if an education system is dropping AP classes for reasons of under/over representation, then what you get is a system that produces retail store associates.
It is sad. The blame for it is squarely on the American education system. These anecdotes are what happens when an education system's highest good is diversity and inclusion. I'm not saying diversity and inclusion is necessarily bad, but if an education system is dropping AP classes for reasons of under/over representation, then what you get is a system that produces retail store associates.
When did we have an education system that DIDN'T produce retail store associates?

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It is sad. The blame for it is squarely on the American education system. These anecdotes are what happens when an education system's highest good is diversity and inclusion. I'm not saying diversity and inclusion is necessarily bad, but if an education system is dropping AP classes for reasons of under/over representation, then what you get is a system that produces retail store associates.
There are a lot of reasons why people work in retail. One that my wife works with is in the National Guard and this is a second job. The ones I mentioned earlier are not the products of the schools you mention because they have not graduated from those schools yet, they are 16 year olds. A significant portion of the people who work in the store who are adults are immigrants, largely from eastern Europe for whatever reason, so they are not the products of our education system. Also, my wife started as an associate at that company before becoming a manager.

So basically, your comment was ignorant, incorrect and extremely condescending. Maybe there was something about your educational endeavors that was lacking?