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Utah Trade Deadline Discussion

The most recent reports out of Detroit are that SVG likes the roster now. We will see if its true.
The Lou Williams contract, and all the reporters thinking that this summer is a market correction for free agent deals, is making me think about just keeping Hood. Is he allowed to sign an extension now, or does he have to wait?

I don't mind moving him, but I do want the price to be right.

I think having a small-ball four who's really a wing playing is already a stretch (no pun intended) if they can shoot, but playing a small-ball four who can't shoot seems really backwards.
If Quin can teach Rubio then he can teach anyone.
We better do something. We have to do something.

Joe wants out
Favors probably leaves for nothing this summer
Hood has been shopped and needs a new deal this summer
Burks is worthless due to O'Neale
Thabo, although we love him, is injured for the rest of the year

So we have $28 million in tradeable expirings, a young asset who probably told the FO he wants to be the starter, and a guy in Burks who has been the subject of interest (according to reports).
Is Favors and Hood for Love anything?

Perfect stretch 4, injured and Cleveland needs help NOW. Younger, high energy players would be nice for Cleveland. And it doesn't seem like a great fit for Love in Cleveland. Don't really know what kind of price Cleveland would put on him, but that seems fair to me, I guess we can throw in Burks.
Is Favors and Hood for Love anything?

Perfect stretch 4, injured and Cleveland needs help NOW. Younger, high energy players would be nice for Cleveland. And it doesn't seem like a great fit for Love in Cleveland. Don't really know what kind of price Cleveland would put on him, but that seems fair to me, I guess we can throw in Burks.

Maybe... I like Love but wish he was younger. If we got him for the price outlined... Hood expirings I'd feel fine about that... if it involves picks I'm out.
Maybe... I like Love but wish he was younger. If we got him for the price outlined... Hood expirings I'd feel fine about that... if it involves picks I'm out.
He's 29, same age as Durrant. Him and Gobert could be awesome, maybe we even see flashes of Minnesota Love in Utah. I wouldn't want to give up picks either, which maybe makes this a non starter, I don't really have a good idea of Love's value tbh. But Cleveland doesn't seem to be in a great bargaining position here, especially with Love out for a few months. Hood and Favors could help them a lot right now.
Udoh out for "personal reasons". Man, that sounds like trade talks. Would be a good fit in Cleveland. If Utah wants to keep Favors for this year, selling on Udoh makes sense w/ Bradley in line for the backup minutes next year.
I’d be really sad to trade Ekpe, unless it means that the Jazz are confident they can keep Favors past this season. He’s genuinely one of the nicest guys in the NBA. What a huge find by DL. Hopefully, he’ll be here the rest of this year and next. He’s a great backup center for a great cost.
I do not want Kevin Love. We would be looking to move on from him as soon as he wanted that first deal. He'll get slower and worse at defending and worse of a fit next to Gobert. We can do so much better.
I do not want Kevin Love. We would be looking to move on from him as soon as he wanted that first deal. He'll get slower and worse at defending and worse of a fit next to Gobert. We can do so much better.
We can? Okay tell me the other all star who can potentially be be gotten for two expiring contracts.
starting to feel like we won't make a move... except buying out joe... i have mixed emotions on everything
Rudy is 25 and Donovan is 21. I think the third star we are looking for needs to fit into their timeframe. At least in an ideal situation. 29 year old Kevin Love would make me nervous. Especially given his injury history. Donovan probably needs 2 to 3 years to start reaching where he's going to be. By then Love is 31/32 with an extensive injury history.
We can? Okay tell me the other all star who can potentially be be gotten for two expiring contracts.

Love has had numerous bad injuries (shoulder, leg, fractures, etc.) in the last few years. He's a 29 year old big man whose athleticism is declining. He has never been a great defender. In terms of cost, he's a max or near max player. I would rather go get two good players than pay $25-30 million for a guy who might be a mismatch issue for us in the playoffs. I would rather keep Hood and find some $10 million big man than pay Love $25-30.
Like I said, I've already done this and don't feel like retreading it fully on my phone.

But tldr, Fournier's role is much simpler and geared towards looking better analytically and Fournier had the benefit of continuity in Orlando basically having the same roster as the previous year.

Your argument has some logic behind it I think. Hood is slightly better in PnR and off the dribble this year. Fournier is a better spot up shooter, and has a higher assist %. I think Fournier plays to his strengths more than Rodney does, and his strengths would fit really well in this system more than Rodney's do. You could argue that Rodney is being asked to take tougher shots by the coaches and would be more efficient than Fournier in his role. But then you look at the spot up numbers and question whether or not more would help since rodney has much worse efficiency when spotting up. (1.23 PPP to 1.02 for Hood.)

The question is do you want a player that is a slightly better iso and PnR scorer (not great at either) or a player that is a much better spot up shooter and better distributor? You would have to believe that Hood is going to make another jump assuming they end up with a similar salary. On a team with Rubio, Mitchell, Exum (all slashing, setup guys to one degree or another) I think fournier is just a better fit than Hood unless Hood makes a Hayward-like leap. But taking role into account I can also understand why you might think Rodney would have a higher ceiling.

Anyway. I don't think your argument is ridiculous, but I think you would be betting too much on a player with a troubling injury history morphing in to a more effective iso and PnR scoring threat. Like I've said repeatedly I think Fournier fits in this offense like George Hill did. Or maybe more appropriately like Ingles with less of a conscience.
Rudy is 25 and Donovan is 21. I think the third star we are looking for needs to fit into their timeframe. At least in an ideal situation. 29 year old Kevin Love would make me nervous. Especially given his injury history. Donovan probably needs 2 to 3 years to start reaching where he's going to be. By then Love is 31/32 with an extensive injury history.
We wouldn't exactly be mortgaging the future here. Favors and Hood may be gone anyway if we don't move them. Most people would happy with some picks in the 20's for them, but not an all star? Everyone being the same age is overrated. Love has played in three finals, and is a champion. Perfect vet to add, he's a shooter, his game will age fine. And 29 is not old! Get the all star and worry about the rest later.

It's a very unique opportunity for us, one we don't get very often (If that trade was even on the table).
Love is hurt this year until the playoffs. We could get love for one year only (next year). He would then leave. Good trade?
We wouldn't exactly be mortgaging the future here. Favors and Hood may be gone anyway if we don't move them. Most people would happy with some picks in the 20's for them, but not an all star? Everyone being the same age is overrated. Love has played in three finals, and is a champion. Perfect vet to add, he's a shooter, his game will age fine. And 29 is not old! Get the all star and worry about the rest later.

It's a very unique opportunity for us, one we don't get very often (If that trade was even on the table).

I'm not saying I wouldn't do it. If that theoretical offer was on the table we definitely should strongly consider it. I'm just saying it would make me a little nervous.
Expiring Kevin Love is a pretty good trade asset if it came to that next year. I'm not saying it's perfect or guaranteed to work, (and doesn't seem like a DL move anyway) but I don't see how giving hood $12-$15 million and 'some other big man' $10 million is a better option. What's a $10 million big man in today's NBA anyway? A bench player? I'll try to contain my excitement.