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Utah @ USC, Sat. 10/26 2:00pm MT, PAC-12 Networks

Wilson should punch his WR's in the mouth every time they do that, also that fumble to me looked like it was recovered by the U not sure how USC got it. Ute offense -4 for the game, U defense looks like they'll have to pick up the slack and force some TO's.
OMG these refs that is 2x U jump on the ball and they don't call anything and allow the scrum when it shouldn't ever get to that.

Although maybe that is the rule in college, I just know the in NFL they try to avoid those scrums and as soon as a player jumps on it they call it and don't let that pile up happen.
Nobody from Utah controlled that 2nd one.
Yeah they went to commercial hadn't seen a replay

USC has the best dline the U has faced, however the U fat people "oline" can't even get in the way, I've never seen so many fat people not get in the way, I've given up on them blocking and would settle for getting in the way, heck a pick or a screen (like in bball) would be to much to ask at this point.
1-Why can't the receivers catch Wilson's balls?

2-Why are these commentators so blatantly rooting for USC?

3-Why can't the receivers catch Wilson's balls?
Then the old D comes back and gives up another long play like they did the first few games and as they did last week. Never seen a team in one season have the offense pinned back and give it up more often then stop them.
As bad utah has played, they are still in this one.
Just got to out together a good half without turnovers and they can get this win
Oh dang, that was a new QB too. I thought that was Wilson again. Kind of an odd place to bring in a new QB, no? That probably tells us all we need to know about Wilson's injury status.
As bad utah has played, they are still in this one.
Just got to out together a good half without turnovers and they can get this win

And then another interception and 3 pts gifted to usc.
Damn, that was an unfortunate sequence
Ya!... Why stop sucking now, if you're going to suck you should be the best suck your suck can suck for the full sucktitude!
So sick of all these turnovers. Good hell!! Can't these idiots do anything right. This is probably a heat of the moment thing but I think We need a new coach, and someone who knows offense.
I think the U should just play D the whole game (wouldn't really be much of a change with the "O" anyway) because they would be the best chance to not turn it over
Even with no TE's (both starting TE's hurt) and your #1 WR hurt I doubt it would matter since the FATline sucks so bad and still wondering if Poole is dinged up since he's out more than in.
Getting sick of seeing Willson not find a wr, and getting sacked, and when he finally does throw its into double coverage. Seems like he locks on to the primary wr and that's it. He hardly ever checks down to a rb or TE. Hell when was the last Time a TE caught a pas from this idiot. Got so excited when the backup came in, and what does he do, but throw a int on his first damn pass. This is a ****ing laughingstalk! The offense is screwing over the defense right now!