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White House Discord: Bob Woodward Book, NYT Op-Ed

Imo this is a red herring. The op ed is diverting attention from the Woodward book. It is a gift to the president and the Rs. The talk now is about the "deep state", the cowardice of anonymous, and conspiracy theories, rather than the credible criticism in the Fear book. The op ed piece will not benefit any cabal of sanity within the wh. If anything it will likely push the president to dig in against any voices calling for sanity. This is the kind of thing Bannon would have loved. The Times knows who it is so I don't think it is a plant, but it is a distraction from the real story.

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The babe(ie; tinfoil) part of me still thinks Bannon's involved, and donnie axing him was fabricated.
I’m aware it’s a long complicated process. Just thinking out loud for those that care to do so as well.
The process itself is not that complicated. The article Red linked to lays it all out in three short paragraphs:

”It begins with the vice president and a majority of the members of the Cabinet, notifying the Congress that the president is no longer capable of performing his duties. At that moment, the power of the presidency is transferred from the president to the vice president, who then becomes acting president."

"From there, the president can convey to Congress that he is capable of performing his duties. Unless the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet once again notify Congress that the incapacity remains, the president gets his powers back."

"If the vice president and Cabinet communicate subsequently to Congress that the incapacity remains, then Congress makes the decision. The House and the Senate convene and they must vote by a 2/3 vote of both parties to permanently strip the powers of the presidency away from the president and transfer them to the vice president.”

So a simple process but politically near impossible because of the required 2/3 vote by both the House and Senate.
This is great:


"May I just say, for the record, to hell with this person, whoever it is.

Over the past two days, I've become increasingly annoyed by the careerist bleatings of anonymous sources who would like you to know that, by enabling El Caudillo Del Mar-a-Lago and his long, slow slide into howling madness, they are really keeping him from doing some real damage to the country, and shouldn't we all be grateful for their noble, selfless work.

Jesus H. Christ on an auto-glass ad, everybody who watched him for 11 seconds on the campaign trail figured this out. You'd have to have had the brain of a marmoset not to be convinced of this back in 19-goddamn-79. More than 60 million people voted for him anyway. You took a job with him. When the scales fall from your eyes, make sure they don't hit you in the feet..."
So a simple process but politically near impossible because of the required 2/3 vote by both the House and Senate.

It requires bipartisanship, which at this point requires a cold day in Hell.
The 25th amendment is not the answer. It is intended for situations like FDR, JFK if he had been on life support, or possibly Regan if his Alzheimer's had been worse. If there is not a clear incapacitation, there would be too much infighting that would break the nation apart.

The only two ways this ends are impeachment, or election. Impeachment is only an option if the dems get control of the Senate, so we're back to change through the ballot box.

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babe goes through more aluminum(foil hats) in a day than the Coca Cola company. If there's not a conspiracy, he'll surely find it.

I've been told he has donnie's tax returns. I'm not sure that's true, but if he's got that, and the records from the Trump Organization, and a guilty plea from a staff member testifying about straw funding, they've got something on the money situation.

Also something to think about; it's been reported Mueller will accept written responses for now, even if he can't ask about collusion. Accepting this could mean that he's enough evidence to properly accuse collusion, but is looking for something else. Maybe conspiracy charges. Which can probably implicate Pence.

Hilarious ignorance, folks. Harambe is not a chemist, knows nothing about the Periodic Table or even what tin foil is. Well, just to say..... Coca Cola does not use "tin foil" in the pop cans.

The everyday reality of a TV newsroom planning for a "news" broadcast is something else.
Hilarious ignorance, folks. Harambe is not a chemist, knows nothing about the Periodic Table or even what tin foil is. Well, just to say..... Coca Cola does not use "tin foil" in the pop cans.

The everyday reality of a TV newsroom planning for a "news" broadcast is something else.
gg babe
The 25th amendment is not the answer. It is intended for situations like FDR, JFK if he had been on life support, or possibly Regan if his Alzheimer's had been worse. If there is not a clear incapacitation, there would be too much infighting amid would great the nation apart.

The only two ways this ends are impeachment, or election. Impeachment is only an option if the dems best control of the Senate, so we're are back to change through the ballot box.

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Or a resignation. Or in Trump's death.
Aluminium foil (or aluminum foil), often referred to with the misnomer tin foil, is aluminium prepared in thin metal leaves with a thickness less than 0.2 mm (7.9 mils); thinner gauges down to 6 micrometres (0.24 mils) are also commonly used.[1] In the United States, foils are commonly gauged in thousandths of an inch or mils. Standard household foil is typically 0.016 mm (0.63 mils) thick, and heavy duty household foil is typically 0.024 mm (0.94 mils). The foil is pliable, and can be readily bent or wrapped around objects. Thin foils are fragile and are sometimes laminated to other materials such as plastics or paper to make them more useful. Aluminium foil supplanted tin foil in the mid 20th century.

Resignation, very unlikely unless there is a credible threat of impeachment.

Death; hope not, but accepted. So three ways.

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I think it is possible that if article 25 was initiated and the majority of his cabinet not only approved of it but also came out with details regarding the way the administration has been dysfunctional, same stuff we've heard but with people putting their names to the stories, he might go ahead and resign. How could he recover from that? He'd have to fire his entire cabinet, vice President included, and start over. That would seriously degrade his support amongst Republican legislators and he'd have a very shallow pool of people willing to take positions in his administration and they'd all be bottom of the barrel types.
Hypothetical. If it is true wouldn’t it be? Isn’t aides stealing documents off the presidents desk a security risk, unethical, illegal...
Might be.
The 25th amendment is not the answer. It is intended for situations like FDR, JFK if he had been on life support, or possibly Regan if his Alzheimer's had been worse. If there is not a clear incapacitation, there would be too much infighting that would break the nation apart.

The only two ways this ends are impeachment, or election. Impeachment is only an option if the dems get control of the Senate, so we're back to change through the ballot box.

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And conviction in the Senate requires a 2/3 vote, so a slim Democratic majority in the Senate, which is likely the most Democrats could hope for at this point, won't likely be enough to remove Trump via impeachment. Dependent, maybe, on Mueller's findings.
Hypothetical. If it is true wouldn’t it be? Isn’t aides stealing documents off the presidents desk a security risk, unethical, illegal...

I don't know, but is the op-ed illegal? Did the op-ed reveal classified info? I don't think so, and in any event taking papers off Trump's desk is not what Trump told Sessions to investigate. He wants Sessions to find out who wrote the op-ed.
Trump is asking his dear friend and appointee Jeff Sessions to investigate who wrote the Op-Ed, stating that it's a matter of national security.


Now Sessions and the Justice Department just have to figure out what laws were broken in writing an op-ed. Perhaps, because it appeared in the New York Times, the individual could be charged with giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
I think it is possible that if article 25 was initiated and the majority of his cabinet not only approved of it but also came out with details regarding the way the administration has been dysfunctional, same stuff we've heard but with people putting their names to the stories, he might go ahead and resign. How could he recover from that? He'd have to fire his entire cabinet, vice President included, and start over. That would seriously degrade his support amongst Republican legislators and he'd have a very shallow pool of people willing to take positions in his administration and they'd all be bottom of the barrel types.
That's, in part, why I think this op ed it's such a gift to the Donald. He can use it to shift focus away from the dysfunction and onto the conspiracy of the deep state. That will make it harder for anyone to oppose him openly. In the mean time the more credible and more thoroughly sourced dysfunction in the Woodward book is rotting away unnoticed. And when the book is actually released, it will be "old news."

I love your optimism and would hope that the cabinet would all stand up and say "enough is enough." I wouldn't take that to Vegas though.

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Trump is asking his dear friend and appointee Jeff Sessions to investigate who wrote the Op-Ed, stating that it's a matter of national security.

And the true witch hunt begins. Everyone will be suspect, and the cult of personality still take firm hold of the cabinet.

Maybe in a true GoT twist, anonymous is really a Donald loyalist, and will use the op ed to purge the cabinet of the unworthy.

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That's, in part, why I think this op ed it's such a gift to the Donald. He can use it to shift focus away from the dysfunction and onto the conspiracy of the deep state. That will make it harder for anyone to oppose him openly. In the mean time the more credible and more thoroughly sourced dysfunction in the Woodward book is rotting away unnoticed. And when the book is actually released, it will be "old news."

I love your optimism and would hope that the cabinet would all stand up and say "enough is enough." I wouldn't take that to Vegas though.

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Coming on the heals of excerpts from Woodward's book, the op-ed does seem like a great point of emphasis to use by Trump in telling his base the Deep State is out to get him. And Republicans do come out more in midterms then Democrats. Now Obama has openly joined the battle for Congress. His open criticism of Trump yesterday was an extraordinary thing to see, a predecessor attacking the current occupant of the Oval Office. And some are not sure that Obama entering the ring will help or hurt at this point.

I've assumed that Trump was using the Deep State narrative as the "alternative reality" to feed his base and undermine Mueller. But, seemingly paranoid and absolutely given to conspiracy thought to begin with, now he sees his counter attack narrative welling up as a reality within his own staff. Documented by Woodward, in his face by Anonymous. Not a calming influence on an unhinged mind.

I expect Anonymous to be outed before the midterms. We'll see. Now that should make for an interesting chapter in this remarkable moment in our nation's history.

And speaking of Anonymous, too funny watching Trump trying to pronounce the word yesterday:
