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White House Discord: Bob Woodward Book, NYT Op-Ed

Ugh, with the way things are trending worse and worse how long into the next presidents term before someone accuses him of eating a baby, being a serial rapist or one of the 4 horsemen or some ****.
Coming on the heals of excerpts from Woodward's book, the op-ed does seem like a great point of emphasis to use by Trump in telling his base the Deep State is out to get him. And Republicans do come out more in midterms then Democrats. Now Obama has openly joined the battle for Congress. His open criticism of Trump yesterday was an extraordinary thing to see, a predecessor attacking the current occupant of the Oval Office. And some are not sure that Obama entering the ring will help or hurt at this point.

I've assumed that Trump was using the Deep State narrative as the "alternative reality" to feed his base and undermine Mueller. But, seemingly paranoid and absolutely given to conspiracy thought to begin with, now he sees his counter attack narrative welling up as a reality within his own staff. Documented by Woodward, in his face by Anonymous. Not a calming influence on an unhinged mind.

I expect Anonymous to be outed before the midterms. We'll see. Now that should make for an interesting chapter in this remarkable moment in our nation's history.

And speaking of Anonymous, too funny watching Trump trying to pronounce the word yesterday:

I was listening to conservative radio yesterday, prager, hannity, etc. They kept saying "unanimous" sources when referring to the NYT piece. Cracked me up.

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Ugh, with the way things are trending worse and worse how long into the next presidents term before someone accuses him of eating a baby, being a serial rapist or one of the 4 horsemen or some ****.

Yeah, I heard someone say last night, actually a retiring GOP congressman, forget his name, not one of the prominent ones, at least to me, say the next president can expect anonymous op-ed pieces. Reflecting on the precedents being set at this point. But a far more troublesome precedent is a president who thinks the Justice Department serves the president, and not the constitution. And Trump saying an op-ed piece is an act of treason, as if treason were an act of betrayal against him, instead of a betrayal of country in time of war. Disgusts me that Republicans are silent toward, and the base supportive of, such a fundamental undermining of our democratic institutions represented by Trump's attacks on an independent Justice Department. They should all take a class in civics, but our tribal politics seems to override concerns for democratic institutions.
Maybe it plays out differently, but right now anonymous looks to be Jon Huntsman. Sounds just like him. I voted for Huntsman as Utah governor but he does have this same preachy, pious attitude common amongst some self-proclaimed moderates. Moreover, every issue raised in the NY Times by anonymous is right in Huntsman's wheelhouse. All of it written in the same self-righteous, smarmy prose Huntsman is known for affecting.
Maybe it plays out differently, but right now anonymous looks to be Jon Huntsman. Sounds just like him. I voted for Huntsman as Utah governor but he does have this same preachy, pious attitude common amongst some self-proclaimed moderates. Moreover, every issue raised in the NY Times by anonymous is right in Huntsman's wheelhouse. All of it written in the same self-righteous, smarmy prose Huntsman is known for affecting.

So I decided to check that out, and it sounds like the WH must be looking at him closely:

Yeah, I heard someone say last night, actually a retiring GOP congressman, forget his name, not one of the prominent ones, at least to me, say the next president can expect anonymous op-ed pieces. Reflecting on the precedents being set at this point. But a far more troublesome precedent is a president who thinks the Justice Department serves the president, and not the constitution. And Trump saying an op-ed piece is an act of treason, as if treason were an act of betrayal against him, instead of a betrayal of country in time of war. Disgusts me that Republicans are silent toward, and the base supportive of, such a fundamental undermining of our democratic institutions represented by Trump's attacks on an independent Justice Department. They should all take a class in civics, but our tribal politics seems to override concerns for democratic institutions.
God forbid we ever lose our collective consciousness again and elect anyone like the Donald. Any precedents set during this administration I pray will be one off, never to be repeated.

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Yeah, I heard someone say last night, actually a retiring GOP congressman, forget his name, not one of the prominent ones, at least to me, say the next president can expect anonymous op-ed pieces. Reflecting on the precedents being set at this point. But a far more troublesome precedent is a president who thinks the Justice Department serves the president, and not the constitution. And Trump saying an op-ed piece is an act of treason, as if treason were an act of betrayal against him, instead of a betrayal of country in time of war. Disgusts me that Republicans are silent toward, and the base supportive of, such a fundamental undermining of our democratic institutions represented by Trump's attacks on an independent Justice Department. They should all take a class in civics, but our tribal politics seems to override concerns for democratic institutions.

Agreed on all counts. I just sit and shake my head as the Rs and Ds try to continuously one up the other. Started 2-3 presidents ago and is just a fiery, run away train at this point.
The process itself is not that complicated. The article Red linked to lays it all out in three short paragraphs:

”It begins with the vice president and a majority of the members of the Cabinet, notifying the Congress that the president is no longer capable of performing his duties. At that moment, the power of the presidency is transferred from the president to the vice president, who then becomes acting president."

"From there, the president can convey to Congress that he is capable of performing his duties. Unless the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet once again notify Congress that the incapacity remains, the president gets his powers back."

"If the vice president and Cabinet communicate subsequently to Congress that the incapacity remains, then Congress makes the decision. The House and the Senate convene and they must vote by a 2/3 vote of both parties to permanently strip the powers of the presidency away from the president and transfer them to the vice president.”

So a simple process but politically near impossible because of the required 2/3 vote by both the House and Senate.

Hard to find intelligence in this thread, but at least I should expect some from Jonah.

yes..... yes..... yes..... no chance the Senate will find Trump worth kicking outta office.

yes..... yes...… yes..... the idiotic 25th A could be used if enough folks in the little circle pull the trigger.... but it really goes nowhere.

yah got this guy who's pretty good at playing the Dumpsters for the fools they are, and he sees it as his ace politically in the climate of an American electorate which is largely annoyed and p.o.'d by Hillary and Obama let alone the hard socialist left chanting "No borders.... no wall.... no USA at all." It's a haymaker for Trump to have a little "resistance" of this sort riling up his base.

I know that a steady diet of CNN and other fringe lunatic conspiracy theorist "news" organizations whole hog for the New World Order can seriously derange true loyal believers, and I know sports fans are the heart of the whole American True Believer culture.... but you see.... there are people who go to work days, maybe drive trucks nights or do night watchman gigs to try to get their income to match their outgo. School teachers don't count as real workers.... like other government leeches they will keep trying to stroke the guvmint beast for their little paychecks..... totally lost souls that they are.

What does it really say when Trumps popularity seems to rise with every new little desperate wave of Dumpster Hysterics?

My guess it's just that most people are sick of government employees getting better pay and benefits for doing nothing useful, and living high enough on the hog of egoism that they can still think they can tell the peons what to do and think. It's just that most Americans still have some basic sanity, and they love the guy who's putting them first.

But Trump really needs to fire Elaine Chow, and the Rs in the senate really need to demote her hubby, McConnell. They've been cuddling up to the Chinese fascists more that we can really stand. Until Trump cleans house, he'll be tripping over losers every step down the hall. And good riddance if he ever gets that done.
“School teachers don’t count as real workers
Hard to find intelligence in this thread, but at least I should expect some from Jonah.

yes..... yes..... yes..... no chance the Senate will find Trump worth kicking outta office.

yes..... yes...… yes..... the idiotic 25th A could be used if enough folks in the little circle pull the trigger.... but it really goes nowhere.

yah got this guy who's pretty good at playing the Dumpsters for the fools they are, and he sees it as his ace politically in the climate of an American electorate which is largely annoyed and p.o.'d by Hillary and Obama let alone the hard socialist left chanting "No borders.... no wall.... no USA at all." It's a haymaker for Trump to have a little "resistance" of this sort riling up his base.

I know that a steady diet of CNN and other fringe lunatic conspiracy theorist "news" organizations whole hog for the New World Order can seriously derange true loyal believers, and I know sports fans are the heart of the whole American True Believer culture.... but you see.... there are people who go to work days, maybe drive trucks nights or do night watchman gigs to try to get their income to match their outgo. School teachers don't count as real workers.... like other government leeches they will keep trying to stroke the guvmint beast for their little paychecks..... totally lost souls that they are.

What does it really say when Trumps popularity seems to rise with every new little desperate wave of Dumpster Hysterics?

My guess it's just that most people are sick of government employees getting better pay and benefits for doing nothing useful, and living high enough on the hog of egoism that they can still think they can tell the peons what to do and think. It's just that most Americans still have some basic sanity, and they love the guy who's putting them first.

But Trump really needs to fire Elaine Chow, and the Rs in the senate really need to demote her hubby, McConnell. They've been cuddling up to the Chinese fascists more that we can really stand. Until Trump cleans house, he'll be tripping over losers every step down the hall. And good riddance if he ever gets that done.

Lmfao, your rant about teachers and government workers is uninformed, foolishly broad and stupid. At best.

Lmfao, thanks for the laugh at your expense.
Ugh, with the way things are trending worse and worse how long into the next presidents term before someone accuses him of eating a baby, being a serial rapist or one of the 4 horsemen or some ****.


The criticisms of Trump are warranted. They come from conservatives as well as liberals. The next president is going to look brilliant in comparison. He or she will feel like the savior of the Republic.

The criticisms of Trump are warranted. They come from conservatives as well as liberals. The next president is going to look brilliant in comparison. He or she will feel like the savior of the Republic.

No, I won’t “stahp”. There is absolutely valid criticisms of Trump. Guys an idiot.

But if you want to act like this doesnt also fit a larger trend, beyond presidents, you are intentionally fooling yourself.
Although this article speaks well of Obama, the ex-president having entered the battle for Congress yesterday, it's what these two paragraphs say about Trump that struck me as so spot on. The man does nothing but speak to our baser instincts, never our higher angels. Never. What kind of a leader cannot even attempt to inspire us, can never remind us of our commonalities, spends his days spitting out angry tweet after angry tweet? Demagogues speak to the fears, anger, anxieties of the disaffected in their societies. And Trump is that kind of man. A small man when you come right down to it. Not worthy in the least. Unfit. We don't deserve this:

"Whatever you thought of his policy choices, no one can say Obama didn’t regularly call Americans to be their best selves. We expect to hear that kind of unifying rhetoric from presidents of both parties. But one remarkable thing about Trump is that he never appeals to the better angels of our nature. He never asks Americans to be thoughtful, or generous, or kind, or empathetic, or considerate, or inclusive. Since Trump possesses none of those virtues, he can’t bring himself to demand them of others.

What he does instead is appeal to what is worst in people, like their fear and hatred and bigotry. This is the place where Trump truly has a touch of political genius: He can see into the dark depths of the American soul, find the ugliest things lying there, and wrench them up to the surface."


Yeah man, this is why he's like the emperor with no clothes. All one need do is listen to one of his rally speeches, for even 5 minutes, tough I know, but it's really proof positive that there is something wrong. Very wrong. The guy is bonkers. I suspect Woodward's book will likely be the baseline for History's judgement. Man, I hope we can turn the page soon.
No, I won’t “stahp”. There is absolutely valid criticisms of Trump. Guys an idiot.

But if you want to act like this doesnt also fit a larger trend, beyond presidents, you are intentionally fooling yourself.

People have always been hyper critical of the opposition but this is different. We don't criticize Trump enough. We can't keep up. It is constant everyday multiple times a day he does or says something that decent people should criticize. Yes the next president will be criticized but that person will almost assuredly not turn the presidency into a dumpster fire and keep throwing on more trash. That person will almost certainly have at least a few moments of appearing like a statesman.
I think the sheer volume of scandals, ****ups, and gaffes actually works in Trump's favor. It doesn't allow much to really stick in the public consciousness, because there's always something new to cover. His sham of a charitable foundation alone would be enough to dog any other presidency and when's the last time that led on the nightly news?