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Will a Jazz player take a knee during the National Anthem this year?

Will a Jazz player take a knee during the Nat'l Anthem this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • No

    Votes: 34 70.8%
  • Cheese

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
I hope someone does. If anyone does, it'll be Ekpe Udoh. But for him it's just tougher because he's finally returned to the NBA for his bid.

A lot easier for a star to do it-- but none of our best players seem super super into social justice. Maybe Rudy...? But Rudy would choose not to do it if Quin said the lack of distraction would make them a better team.

My guess is that the Jazz want absolutely no part of the player protests.

I think Ekpe is definitely the most likely, and then Donovan Mitchell. But this is just based on twitter posts so who knows.

I don't think Rudy would be likely to protest tbh. Have there been any foreign players that have made any sort of protest in the past?
If they take a knee I will never spend another dime on the NBA.

Can you explain why? I have a hard time understanding why this seems to upset people. From what I have gathered athletes are taking a knee to bring awareness to an issue, not to disrespect the flag/military/country.
Can you explain why? I have a hard time understanding why this seems to upset people. From what I have gathered athletes are taking a knee to bring awareness to an issue, not to disrespect the flag/military/country.

why be divisive, and bring politics into entertainment. thye are free to do so. but some people prefer their entertainment to not have politics in it.
they prefer to turn of the problems of the world jsut for 2 hours, but lately conservative and right wing people get lectured on how their politics are wrong and how they are immoral every other show.
why be divisive, and bring politics into entertainment. thye are free to do so. but some people prefer their entertainment to not have politics in it.
they prefer to turn of the problems of the world jsut for 2 hours, but lately conservative and right wing people get lectured on how their politics are wrong and how they are immoral every other show.
Sounds like those "conservative" "friends" of yours should stop being so sensitive. #Dutchsnowflakes
Favors did post those crossed out "45" shirts. He might want to take a knee. However on media day when asked about his post he said didn't really want to say anything. So my guess is that he won't after all.
Can you explain why? I have a hard time understanding why this seems to upset people. From what I have gathered athletes are taking a knee to bring awareness to an issue, not to disrespect the flag/military/country.

For what it's worth, this is essentially the same argument people use against the confederate flag/confederate monuments. "Can you explain why you have a problem with me flying the confederate flag? I'm doing it to bring awareness to the military heroes of the South and the states rights they were fighting for, not to disrespect the African Americans who were living under slavery."

I'm not saying that I support either point of view, but in both cases you have people doing something that others find offensive for reasons that don't seem offensive to THEM.

Maybe the solution is (a) for those doing the offensive behavior to consider how it's going to be received by those who find it offensive and to tone it down a bit, combined with (b) those who are being offended to not be offended so easily when those on the other side are doing it for a reason that in and of itself isn't offensive.

But that would require people on both sides to be reasonable...
For what it's worth, this is essentially the same argument people use against the confederate flag/confederate monuments. "Can you explain why you have a problem with me flying the confederate flag? I'm doing it to bring awareness to the military heroes of the South and the states rights they were fighting for, not to disrespect the African Americans who were living under slavery."

I'm not saying that I support either point of view, but in both cases you have people doing something that others find offensive for reasons that don't seem offensive to THEM.

Maybe the solution is (a) for those doing the offensive behavior to consider how it's going to be received by those who find it offensive and to tone it down a bit, combined with (b) those who are being offended to not be offended so easily when those on the other side are doing it for a reason that in and of itself isn't offensive.

But that would require people on both sides to be reasonable...
Do both sides' positions celebrate or normalize slavery/bigotry?

Treating every issue as though each side deserves equal balance is moral cowardice and facilitates the worst in societal rot. Let's not be so open-minded that our brains fall out. The alt-Reich is betting that liberal values will grant them the rhetorical and literal space to recruit and grow, and they are right.

These are not difficult issues. If your argument facilitates or honors systems of oppression, you're on the wrong side.
I started this thread a week or so ago and read the first page or two and haven't looked since but one thing I did not see mentioned in all this for NBA players, which is one of the biggest factors in them kneeling or not imo, is the fact they are so close to the fans. The closest NFL fans to players are about 20-25 yards away I would estimate. And once the anthem is over, players put their helmets on and go about their business. NBA fans are close as hell to the players and don't have the luxury of "hiding" from fans with their helmets.
what I find the most entertaining is that the Flag stands for a lot of things and you cant choose what part of what it stands for and disrespect it and not disrespect it for everything it stands for.

The flag stands for freedom of speech but you claim that is what your right is and then disrespect that right.

IF I went to my job and made political statements I wouldn't have a job for very long. Honestly is that the best time for them to be political. IF you want to take a stand do it on your own time.

This whole argument is so flawed. Now with that said do things need to change of course.

BTW Donald trump IS NOT the American flag.
I started this thread a week or so ago and read the first page or two and haven't looked since but one thing I did not see mentioned in all this for NBA players, which is one of the biggest factors in them kneeling or not imo, is the fact they are so close to the fans. The closest NFL fans to players are about 20-25 yards away I would estimate. And once the anthem is over, players put their helmets on and go about their business. NBA fans are close as hell to the players and don't have the luxury of "hiding" from fans with their helmets.
I think fan demographics are also a factor. My guess is that NFL has more conservative and a whiter fan base than the NBA. That's just a guess though. I guess I could look it up... My I'll pull a fish and hope someone else Google's it for me.
Kneeling isn't disrespect. Insisting that it is the same as flipping the bird at the flag, or slapping soldiers in the face is just pretend.

Kneeling is what you do when you are ready to beg or propose. Maybe every wife and potential bride should be offended.

Also, most jobs don't require all employees and patrons to participate in nationalist rallies before doing business. So comparing the NBA to an office job or warehouse job doesn't work.
For what it's worth, this is essentially the same argument people use against the confederate flag/confederate monuments. "Can you explain why you have a problem with me flying the confederate flag? I'm doing it to bring awareness to the military heroes of the South and the states rights they were fighting for, not to disrespect the African Americans who were living under slavery."

I'm not saying that I support either point of view, but in both cases you have people doing something that others find offensive for reasons that don't seem offensive to THEM.

Maybe the solution is (a) for those doing the offensive behavior to consider how it's going to be received by those who find it offensive and to tone it down a bit, combined with (b) those who are being offended to not be offended so easily when those on the other side are doing it for a reason that in and of itself isn't offensive.

But that would require people on both sides to be reasonable...

if you take a knee you drive away customers. if you fly a confederate flag you drive away customers.

you have every freedom to do both!

but nfl ticket sales are down. so you migth ask one self. what is more important the money customers give or taking a knee or flying the glorious confederate flag!

ofcourse the players have contracts and wont be affected by 10-15-30% of revenue loss. but future contracts/players might be affected as people will stay away from the product!

when it comes to business live, i leave my politics aside, so i can maximize my income! but you are free to do something else, the consequences will be carried by you, or not
Just stop listening then.

that is what i am saying!

i turn it off.

i never watched nfl never did.

but i stopped listening/watching certain tv shows, because of it!
i am not making the argument for taking a knee or not.

i am making the argument is this a smart business decision! some tv shows do it subtle, others like agents of shield literally let the villains(hydra) use donald trump qoutes and right wing quotes.

Why even have the national anthem at sporting events? It's entertainment. Do we stand for the anthem before a movie? I can see it for the Olympics or World Cups, when athletes are supposed to be representing their countries. But half our team is international. Respect the game, respect each other. But just do away with anthems.
maybe, but maybe we are just tired of crybaby liberals. after all their is only so much crying one can hear!
From the one crying loudest and most often.

It's hard to respect someone crying and yelling that everyone else is a "cry baby"
I think fan demographics are also a factor. My guess is that NFL has more conservative and a whiter fan base than the NBA. That's just a guess though. I guess I could look it up... My I'll pull a fish and hope someone else Google's it for me.

Very true. On both accounts.

And I don't blame fish. I've become the same way. Ain't got no time for effort like that.
if you take a knee you drive away customers. if you fly a confederate flag you drive away customers.

you have every freedom to do both!

but nfl ticket sales are down. so you migth ask one self. what is more important the money customers give or taking a knee or flying the glorious confederate flag!

ofcourse the players have contracts and wont be affected by 10-15-30% of revenue loss. but future contracts/players might be affected as people will stay away from the product!

when it comes to business live, i leave my politics aside, so i can maximize my income! but you are free to do something else, the consequences will be carried by you, or not
So money is more important to you than your morals, cool. Makes sense.
Why even have the national anthem at sporting events? It's entertainment. Do we stand for the anthem before a movie? I can see it for the Olympics or World Cups, when athletes are supposed to be representing their countries. But half our team is international. Respect the game, respect each other. But just do away with anthems.

because as i understand it, the on of the same reason p[professional get tax dollars to build stadiums!