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Wow. Cougar fans aren't going to like this......

And in that same time, Utah had a record of 40-26. So let's not pretend Utah is going to automatically dominate.
Utah is not changing coaches anytime soon. We know what to expect from the current coach. USC has a brand new coach, so we don't know what to expect from him. It could be as good as Pete Carroll, or it could be mediocre like the several coaches they had before Carrol. So we can safely assume Utah IS going to dominate, because they have been dominating and their program isn't changing. USC was mediocre before Carroll, and was already losing steam under Carroll before he left anyway. So it's just foolish to assume they will dominate, and it's not foolish expect Utah to continue their current level.

Fixed that part for ya.
Again, if neither program changes then Utah WILL dominate them. It's pretty foolish to expect Utah to go downhill, and expect USC to get better. Recent history has shown Utah is actually getting better as a program, while USC is getting worse. So saying we don't know what to expect from USC isn't the same thing as saying we don't know what to expect from Utah.

Utah is good, has been good, and all signs point to them being good in the future. They are not losing their head coach, are not losing a bunch of scholorships, and their recruiting should actually get better than it has ever been in the past (just won a head to head recruiting battle with Oregon and Miami). USC lost their coach, lost a bunch of scholorships, all their best players are looking for new teams right now, and their recruiting should probably be at the crappiest level it's even been at for the next few years. So it isn't as simple as replacing "USC" with "Utah" when you say we don't know what to expect from one of them.
SC is going to be pretty weak for a couple of years. Not sure why BYU fans think SC is going to be a title team with all the sanctions levied against them and seniors and juniors running to a team who actually has a chance to play in a bowl game. Either way, SC behind the scenes was breaking NCAA rules long before the Reggie Bush years. I had a cousin who played baseball there and his roommate(one of the countries most sought after ends at the time) was getting gifts for choosing SC.
now, I'm not saying these clubs don't exist at BYU, but it does seem rather strange to me that I can't even find a simple list of clubs & organizations at BYU without having to create or be assigned a "log-in"

Yes, they have other religious clubs. I walked in on a group of Muslims praying in a side room while I was there. However, the school is about 98.5% Mormon(out of ~30,000) and that 1.5% in the "other" category is likely other Christians so BYU isn't going to impress you diversity hawks out there.
Can someone go find a short Mexican living in his mother's basement in California and get him in here to preach about diversity?
Trout, I'd like some of that action on Utah taking at least 3rd in 2011.

I really don't count myself as a delusional Ute fan, but that seems like easy money. Going into the 2011 season, Utah will have a QB entering his 3rd year as a starter and it looks like a decent amount of skill position players returning. I think a 3rd place finish is certainly attainable by Utah in it's first year of PAC 12 play.

In looking at the 11 other schools they'll be going up against, I don't see any one stand out as a team that is DEFINITELY set up to be better than Utah in 2011. Don't get me wrong, depending on how the home/away schedule works out will have something to do with it, but overall Utah looks just as good as any of those other schools two years down the road.

It was asked earlier, who's in for a bigger reality check in 2011: Utah or Boise St? I think the answer could be: Neither. In fact, if there is a reality check in 2011, it might just be BYU who are the victims. IMO, there's a better than average chance that Utah is going to go into the Pac 12 and have a pretty decent season in 2011. I also thinks there's a chance that Boise St. could come into the MWC and win it in their 1st season. I realize BSU is bringing back 21 of 22 starters this year so that number is certain to drop off by 2011, but I believe their QB and a few other key pieces will be in line to return for 2011.

That's why if I was a Cougar fan, I'd be more worried about my own team getting the job done in 2011 because if Utah manages to go to the Pac 12 and finish in the top 3 or better during their first year and Boise St. wins the MWC in their first year, the team (and fans) that's going to look really stupid is BYU.

Hell, Boise St. and TCU could both finish ahead of BYU in 2011. Trout, maybe we should be making a bet in regards to whether or not BYU finishes in the top 2 of their conference......
Utah is not changing coaches anytime soon. We know what to expect from the current coach. USC has a brand new coach, so we don't know what to expect from him. It could be as good as Pete Carroll, or it could be mediocre like the several coaches they had before Carrol. So we can safely assume Utah IS going to dominate, because they have been dominating and their program isn't changing. USC was mediocre before Carroll, and was already losing steam under Carroll before he left anyway. So it's just foolish to assume they will dominate, and it's not foolish expect Utah to continue their current level.

Again, if neither program changes then Utah WILL dominate them. It's pretty foolish to expect Utah to go downhill, and expect USC to get better. Recent history has shown Utah is actually getting better as a program, while USC is getting worse. So saying we don't know what to expect from USC isn't the same thing as saying we don't know what to expect from Utah.

Utah is good, has been good, and all signs point to them being good in the future. They are not losing their head coach, are not losing a bunch of scholorships, and their recruiting should actually get better than it has ever been in the past (just won a head to head recruiting battle with Oregon and Miami). USC lost their coach, lost a bunch of scholorships, all their best players are looking for new teams right now, and their recruiting should probably be at the crappiest level it's even been at for the next few years. So it isn't as simple as replacing "USC" with "Utah" when you say we don't know what to expect from one of them.

I'm simply pointing out that nobody knows for sure what will happen next year, the year after, or the year after that. Looking at the past isn't the thing to do. If we always looked at the past to prove the future, where would Boise St. be? Or TCU? Or even Utah?
Again, I'll reiterate. I think Utah will be in the top 1/3 of the PAC almost every year, and compete for a title some years as well.
I'm simply pointing out that nobody knows for sure what will happen next year, the year after, or the year after that. Looking at the past isn't the thing to do. If we always looked at the past to prove the future, where would Boise St. be? Or TCU? Or even Utah?
Again, I'll reiterate. I think Utah will be in the top 1/3 of the PAC almost every year, and compete for a title some years as well.
Well I agree with you on that- nobody can say for sure what any college team will look like in a few years. I'm just saying that as long as the coaching staff remains the same (which can be a pretty big if), if the team has been good for several years under that coaching staff, you can probably expect them to be pretty good in a few years too.

We don't know for sure, like you said, but it's not a stretch to expect it.

So Boise State will probably be pretty dang good in the MWC, so will TCU, so will BYU, and Utah will be pretty good in teh PAC (like you said).

USC doesn't have any history with their coach though, and bunch of sanctions from the NCAA, so we have absolutely no idea what to expect from them in a few years.

So while we may not be 100% certain on what we can expect from Utah in a few years, we can be a heck of a lot more certain about Utah than USC in a few years (unless something changes with Utah).
Eh, I'll bank on the quarterbacks. Heaps is better than Barkley is better than Wynn. Doesn't mean any of the teams will be bad, just the way I would bet looking toward the future.
Eh, I'll bank on the quarterbacks. I think BYU's quarterback >>>>>USC's quarterback >>>>>>> Utah's quarterback and I'm guess that is how the future looks for those schools as well. Doesn't mean any of them will be bad, just the way I would bet looking toward the future.


So are you seriously saying that right now, at this moment, BYU's QB is better than USC's and Utah's?

LOL!!!! Man that is some funny stuff.
No worries, it won't be long before you are in agreement. Washington and Jake Locker, the supposed #1 NFL QB draft pick for '11, are coming to Provo for the first game of the season on Sept 4th. Heaps will outplay him. Let the hype begin.
No worries, it won't be long before you are in agreement. Washington and Jake Locker, the supposed #1 NFL QB draft pick for '11, are coming to Provo for the first game of the season on Sept 4th. Heaps will outplay him. Let the hype begin.

LOL! Too funny man. A guy you haven't seen play 1 single down yet and you are saying he will be good enough to be the #1 overall pick? LOL!

Now that is some serious delusional homerism right there.
By the way- Jordan Wynn is better anyway.
Not necessarily on that one. If the NFL takes Jake Locker #1 like he is projected, that's their problem. He's going to bust hard.

It's pretty rare that any QB taken #1 pans out. I guess it happens every once in a while, but QB's have a pretty high bust ratio when taken early for some reason.

I think Locker's okay. I probably wouldn't take him #1 overall, but I think he'll be at least decent and maybe even very good in the pros (if he gets put in the right situation).

Of course, I'm also expecting a very good year from Alex Smith this year (and the 49ers to win that division), so we'll see what I know in a few months.
No worries, it won't be long before you are in agreement. Washington and Jake Locker, the supposed #1 NFL QB draft pick for '11, are coming to Provo for the first game of the season on Sept 4th. Heaps will outplay him. Let the hype begin.

O yea, that also reminds me of a guy who was really highly touted, I believe he was rated #1 QB out of high school, that also signed with BYU .... not too long ago... Ben Olsen

Transferred to UCLA after his mission....

Where exactly is he now?

I've been to an SC game and watched Barkley plays. You're delusional if you think that any kid out of HS is going to be better than Barkley next year!
Haha, Utah fans are so lame. "they [BYU] should feel honored to get a game against a team in a real conference."

I just told Mrs. Trout that quote and I thought she was going to die laughing. I asked her, "Do you think they're just trying to get my goat, or are they serious...?" She was like, "Oh, they're serious." and went on to tell me about some fart box she knows who wrote up a full blog page on what a great day in history it was when the Utes got into a "Real Conference".

There aren't enough adjectives in the English language to describe how ludicrous the Utah fan base is.

This reminds me of the time my little brother threw a fit and quit playing T-ball because he couldn't move up to little league with me. Sure, I tried to humor him by throwing him a few pitches now and then, but all it did was make him realize he sucked, and his true place in the world would always be T-ball. He's now 36 and coaching his son's T-ball team. Whenever they have fielding practice, he takes several swings, only to hit the T and knock the ball off each time. After a few minutes, he calls in one of the 6 year olds to "finish up" for him. Then he goes home and cries into his pillow.

This is BYU's destiny.
This reminds me of the time my little brother threw a fit and quit playing T-ball because he couldn't move up to little league with me. Sure, I tried to humor him by throwing him a few pitches now and then, but all it did was make him realize he sucked, and his true place in the world would always be T-ball. He's now 36 and coaching his son's T-ball team. Whenever they have fielding practice, he takes several swings, only to hit the T and knock the ball off each time. After a few minutes, he calls in one of the 6 year olds to "finish up" for him. Then he goes home and cries into his pillow.

This is BYU's destiny.

Following the story here, what would Utah's destiny be, then? Writing unconvincing analogies?

Following the story here, what would Utah's destiny be, then? Writing unconvincing analogies?

To be honest, I was really hoping nobody would ask this. You got me.(which part was unconvincing?)(nevermind)

Utah's destiny would be making the disgusting man stain on the pillow in which BYU is crying into.(God knows they can't do it themselves)(that would be a sin)

Sorry for the misunderstanding.:cool:
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